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Greetings Skins Fans


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I come in peace. I'm willing to let bygones be bygones and forget about what happened last off-season. I'm very excited about my team, as I'm sure all of you are. The Skins look like they have a good thing going. Anyone that says the Skins will just be the "Same Ol Redskins" this year is sadly mistaken. They always had mass amounts of talent, but they never had anyone to bring those guys together, and that's why they've failed under Daniel Snyder. Now that they have Gibbs, this team is a force to be reckoned with. I look forward to talking football with you over the coming months.


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Our run defense looked great last week against the Bengals. The real test will be this weekend against the Chargers and Tomlinson. IMO, he is the best back in the league. If we keep him from killing us, that's is a HUGE step in the right direction. If we'd played the Chargers last year with Mo and Marvin, Jamal Lewis' record might have been short-lived!

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Welcome to Extremeskins!

Ill be the first to admit that I underrated the Jets this year... i thought for sure that the new-and-improved Bengals would get the win. Had Pennington played the Skins in that opener last year, it might have been different a different outcome.

Whats the Jets-fan (objective) perspective on what Testaverde has left in the tank? We are looking forward to seeing what our defense can do to him with its blitz-happy schemes.

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Originally posted by Blade

Whats the Jets-fan (objective) perspective on what Testaverde has left in the tank? We are looking forward to seeing what our defense can do to him with its blitz-happy schemes.

I have no doubt in my mind that Vinny can still play this game, but I don't like him as an every week starter. At this point in his career, he has no business being the number one guy, especially on a team that has playoff aspirations. Vinny played pretty well for us last year, but he was never a fit for Paul Hackett's offense. Vinny stills has some gas left in the tank, but I really can't see the Cowboys doing any better than .500 this season. When Vinny was at his very best as a Jet, he had Curtis Martin in his prime. Now, he has a washed-up Eddie George. There is no way that Vinny can throw the ball 50 times a game every week. If this keeps up, his arm will fall off by the time the Skins game rolls around and you guys will get a good look at Tony Romo sits to pee.

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What I caught of the Cowpukes game, Vinny still has a cannon for an arm. It hurts me to see him in Blue. Just friggin' painful. I actually like the Jets and became a semi-fan of theirs and Testaverde in particular in '98 - Being a Skins fan who had to move to Jersey, I couldn't very well root for the Gaints....

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I was very impressed with Curtis Martin. Chad Pennington is one heck of a QB as well. Im curious to see how Vilma grows as a pro.

One question? Why have they not signed Abraham or Ellis to a contract extension. I read reports that talks are at a standstill. You cannot afford to let one of them go.

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Originally posted by Blade

Welcome to Extremeskins!

Ill be the first to admit that I underrated the Jets this year... i thought for sure that the new-and-improved Bengals would get the win. Had Pennington played the Skins in that opener last year, it might have been different a different outcome.

Whats the Jets-fan (objective) perspective on what Testaverde has left in the tank? We are looking forward to seeing what our defense can do to him with its blitz-happy schemes.

Check your PM...

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I think a few people on this board went over to look at the giants boards last night, I did the same but I didn't last long; Like I've said before, I hear enough of these loud mouths in real life, they think making a point is screaming and pounding their chests louder. I for one enjoy watching the jets, the giants bore the hell out of me, and don't mind talking football with a jet fan. Hope they get the west side stadium so new jersey can have the giants all to themselves.

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To answer a few questions:

The Jets were in talks with Shaun Ellis last week, but the talks have broken down. I don't want to see either one of them signed before the end of this season. We have two very good players who are both going to want very fat contracts. In my opinion, John Abraham is the superior player. Without Abe last year, Ellis didn't do a whole lot. When Abe was in the lineup, Ellis was a beast. When he wasn't, Ellis was an average player. I think we have a Taylor/Ogunleye situation here with these two defensive ends. I don't want to see us sign Ellis now, and then have to let Abe go after he gets a 15-sack season. Likewise, I want to see if Abe can stay healthy and alcohol-free this season.

No, you guys can keep Chad Morton. :puke:

Lamont Jordan is supposed to be more involved with the offense this year, but we didn't need him to be Sunday. Personally, I think he's a pretty good player, but I just don't like his attitude. He thinks he should start over Curtis Martin and that is just ridiculous. He'll be gone after the season, and I can't say I'll miss him.

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