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Westbrook -- Let's finalize our bets.


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Originally posted by Westbrook36

If Art agrees, and the money will go to the site, I agree to these terms for the Eagles sweeping the Skins.

What say you, Art? :cool:

How many times have you been told in this thread that you're not getting an avatar? As Henry said, the bet is with me, not with the board. So, while I am amused you SUDDENLY can find a willingness to bet cash as long as if you win you get the cash but if I win I don't, the fact is, we can probably come to an agreement here.

If a Tampa rusher hits 100 yards, I change my avatar to become WB's Beyatch for 14 days, and I send you $100 through Paypal. If no Tampa rusher hits 100 yards, you alter your avatar the same, and send me $100. Since you've embraced cash, I think we have ourselves a deal.

For the second bet, if the Eagles sweep the Skins, I alter my avatar again from that point until the end of the year, and send you another $100 and I'll put in my signature that though the beat changes, the dance has stayed the same, or something else demeaning. Once the Skins beat the Eagles, your avatar is altered, you send me $100 and your sig changes to something suitable like, "I had no idea coaching mattered in this league."

Remember, I'm taking both wagers.

Now that you have cash on the table, I think we're good.

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Originally posted by Westbrook36

So do me and this "GSF" have a bet or not? Is there two bets? One for the 100 yard rusher and one for the sweep? We need to finalize this.

Something tells me if we don't, Art will just start changing my settings using his "logic" of what the bet actually was.

End of Page 4 and start of Page 5. It's not my logic that will say what the bet actually was. It was the words spoken and that you agreed to. You bet your bottom dollar I'll be changing your settings once you lose.

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Guest Westbrook36
Originally posted by Art

How many times have you been told in this thread that you're not getting an avatar? As Henry said, the bet is with me, not with the board. So, while I am amused you SUDDENLY can find a willingness to bet cash as long as if you win you get the cash but if I win I don't, the fact is, we can probably come to an agreement here.

I was under the impression that extremeskins would be getting the money no matter who won.

If I can't get an avatar, I'll just pass. I am willing to take the chance of donating 100 bucks to the board for the chance of getting a Reid avatar. I'm not interested in a one on one cash bet. I'm sure you'll flip out and post four paragraphs on why that is nuts but it doesn't matter to me.

Change my settings, don't change my settings, I don't care.

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Originally posted by Art

You wanted to bet that Tampa would have a 100-yard rusher in the opener.

And you also wanted to bet the Eagles would sweep the Skins.

I'd like to make sure we finalize both bets now with $100 on each. Confirm so we can have it written in stone.

Since Tampa had 30 yards rushing as a team can you clown Westbrook at least until the first Skins/Beagles game?

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