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AP: Cowboys Channel


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If you haven't yet dumped Comcast for DirecTV, here is your call: Boycott Comcast now!!!

Channel will reach more than 1.3 subscribers


Associated Press

IRVING, Texas -- The Dallas Cowboys Channel, a 24-hour cable network devoted to America's Team, will launch Sept. 8 and be available to more than 1.3 Comcast subscribers in Texas and adjoining states.

The network will offer original programming, including broadcasts of coach Bill Parcells' news conferences, a nightly news show from practice and behind-the-scenes interviews. There will also be call-in shows and "Owners Desk," a weekly report from team owner Jerry Jones.

"We know that Comcast will be a great partner for the Dallas Cowboys and will allow our fans an opportunity to get an inside look into our organization that most viewers don't typically get to see," Jones said.

About 500,000 subscribers in the Dallas-Fort Worth area will have access to the channel.

Ann Montgomery of Comcast said the company also plans to launch the network on some of its systems in Little Rock, Ark.; Albuquerque, NM; and Los Angeles, where there isn't an NFL team and only about 60 miles from the team's training camp site in Oxnard, Calif.

The network will go on the air four days before the Cowboys open the regular season at Minnesota. The first show will be the live showing of Parcells' daily news conference from the team's Valley Ranch facility.

The Cowboys aren't the first NFL team with their own channel. The Atlanta Falcons last year began Falconvision, which repeats a four-hour loop original programing.

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Originally posted by Blondie

I can get Comcast now........with the Redskin items.

If I lose that.........to this channel.........I am going to be one angry blonde.

Makes me wanna slap someone.


Maybe you can slap the wrinkles back on to Jerry's face:laugh: A cowboy's channel:doh: Makes me want to :puke:

:dallasuck :dallasuck :dallasuck :dallasuck :dallasuck :dallasuck

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You guys should hope this channell succeeds. If it does, then Snyder will certainly try to copy what Jerry does. If it doesn't, evey team will back off since the most popular team in the NFL couldgn't get it to work.

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Originally posted by RW31

You guys should hope this channell succeeds. If it does, then Snyder will certainly try to copy what Jerry does. If it doesn't, evey team will back off since the most popular team in the NFL couldgn't get it to work.


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Originally posted by RW31

You guys should hope this channell succeeds. If it does, then Snyder will certainly try to copy what Jerry does. If it doesn't, evey team will back off since the most popular team in the NFL couldgn't get it to work.

Get lost :jerkoff: :dallasuck

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Originally posted by RW31

If it doesn't, evey team will back off since the most popular team in the NFL couldgn't get it to work.

The Redskins can't get it to work if they don't try it. Thanks for calling us the most popular! Will you be changing your username to ST36 since Taylor will be leaving Williams buried in his dust?

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Originally posted by gridironmike

The Redskins can't get it to work if they don't try it. Thanks for calling us the most popular! Will you be changing your username to ST36 since Taylor will be leaving Williams buried in his dust?

I don't what to laugh at more, the taylor comment or you not understanding the post...
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Originally posted by RW31

If it doesn't, evey team will back off since the most popular team in the NFL couldgn't get it to work.

Most popular team?? I guess Jerry has brain-washed the Dallas fans to still believe that junk! The "Americas Team" label died in the 80's. When will their fans realize that!! :doh:

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If you actually try to look at it without any bias, Dallas is still a fairly popular team, especially down in Texas where this station would be available. The problem is there just wouldn't be enough programing to make it work while. How much info can you stuff down someones throat about 1 team before you just get tired of watching. Sure it may work for a month or 2 but after that, especially during the offseason, no one's going to be watching.

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Originally posted by RW31

You guys should hope this channell succeeds. If it does, then Snyder will certainly try to copy what Jerry does. If it doesn't, evey team will back off since the most popular team in the NFL couldgn't get it to work.

:bfd: :bfd: :bfd: :bfd: :bfd: :bfd: :bfd:

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Originally posted by RW31

I don't what to laugh at more, the taylor comment or you not understanding the post...

I had a pretty spicy comeback, but I decided to give it a rest. The fact that you're a Cowboys fan posting on a Redskins forum tells everyone what they need to know.

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I agree with Aluadan, how much information can put out about one team on a regular basis. The channel will probably work for this season, but what do you talk about in the off-season.

What Tunas’ restaurant preferences are, what drug treatment facilities the players visit and tours of players homes would just get a little old after a while.

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I wouldn't worry about the all Cowboy channel. Did you guys actually read the article? It says it will only be available to 1.3 Comcast subscribers! That is not really that many people.

Just Parcells and a third of Jerry Jones!

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Originally posted by RW31

You guys should hope this channell succeeds. If it does, then Snyder will certainly try to copy what Jerry does. If it doesn't, evey team will back off since the most popular team in the NFL couldgn't get it to work.

I actually agree with him.

I hate the Cowboys with every bit of hate I have boiling in my blood, but he's got a point.

I've always wanted to see the Skins have their own network. I'd never change the channel. Get tired of seeing the Skins? Yeah, right.....

And if it fails, then hey, it's the Cowboys that failed. Eff 'em.

But anyone who wouldn't want to see an all-Skins network, especially in the offseason, is crazy.

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Actually I think the skins would have a better chance of making it work then the cowboys and it’s not because of the fan base either, but the media bias. Those of you inside the DC area may not really notice it, but getting info (Good unbiased info) on the skins, outside of DC is almost impossible. While Norv’s tenure was definitely not good, the media outside Washington made it sound worse the spurrier’s fun and gun system. You wanna hear about redskin’s draft picks, trade reports, and team info. You better pay close attention cause the sports casters are going to rip through it as fast as possible! Unless of course it’s something really bad for the skins and even more so if they feel they can poke a little fun at the burgundy and gold.

After 13 years and 5 different states, it amazes me at how hated the redskins are outside of redskin’s country and the media reflects it. Pay close attention to the NFL network. Anybody ever notice how many skins games get replayed? Anybody seen a replay where the redskin’s actually won the game? Now I don’t watch Total Access that often, but I have never seen “Reskin’s Cam” going. Lots of Denver, Dallas, Philly, Ravens and Giants, but no Redskins. We won’t even talk about ESPN, those guys relish turning even the good news into something disparaging about the skins.

But to be honest, content would be a major factor. Most everything surrounding the games themselves is going to property of the NFL, so forget seeing game replays or even highlights much. And with Gibb’s paranoia, you might as well cross off any glances inside team meetings, practices, etc. So what are you left with then?

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