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WP: Ramsey to Start as Quarterback Rotation Continues


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Ramsey to Start as Quarterback Rotation Continues

By Jason La Canfora

Washington Post Staff Writer


Redskins Coach Joe Gibbs said yesterday that he will stick with his plan to start quarterback Patrick Ramsey on Friday night in St. Louis, completing his rotation of Ramsey and Mark Brunell. Brunell, who started Saturday's 17-0 win in Miami and performed well, is viewed by many as the most likely starter in the regular season opener, but Gibbs said no decision has been made.

After reviewing the game tape, Gibbs said he was pleased that both quarterbacks played smart and avoided turnovers Saturday, often finding their second and third options for safe receptions. When asked if Brunell had taken the lead for the starting job, Gibbs said, "We're just continuing our plan and we'll put Patrick out there [this] week and go through the four games and continue to evaluate everything and make a decision."

Gibbs said he has no time frame on when he will settle on a starter. "It's whenever I feel most comfortable," he said.

Overall, Gibbs said he plans to use much of the first team in both remaining preseason games, whereas most teams traditionally rest their veterans in the finale.

"We're going to go hard the next two weeks and we'll just see what happens," Gibbs said, adding he will continue to rotate players based on feel and with no predetermined playing time.

Pierce Steps Up

Last season, linebacker Antonio Pierce was used as little more than a special teams player, making only nine tackles on defense. Now, while putting together a splendid preseason, he is in line for much more playing time. Gregg Williams, the Washington Redskins' assistant head coach-defense, said Pierce has earned the number four linebacker spot and has been one of the revelations of training camp.

"He's the model right now of what we as coaches love," Williams said, "in that he just does what you tell him to do and he does it down in and down out and he plays all three linebacker positions, he plays all over the special teams. He plays with a passion when he's out there. He's improved since we first got here in the spring, and he'll tell you that, too. . . . I have a lot of confidence in him right now."

Pierce, signed as an undrafted free agent from the University of Arizona in 2001, has started the last two games because of injuries to linebackers Mike Barrow and LaVar Arrington and has been used at the middle, weak-side and strong-side positions. Williams said Arrington and Barrow, who are battling knee injuries, could practice by tomorrow and could play Friday in St. Louis. Barrow has missed most of camp because of tendinitis, and it may take awhile for him to get into playing form. Williams said Pierce has played well enough to merit consideration for one of the top three linebacker spots and is the ideal number four.

"In the early '90s when I was a linebacker coach, we tried to always train who we thought was the fourth-best athlete so he's ready to go at the middle or any outside [linebacker] position," Williams said. "And [Pierce] fits that perfectly."

Taylor to Start Again

Rookie safety Sean Taylor, who made another big play by causing and recovering a fumble against the Dolphins, will start again Friday, Williams said. While it seems all but certain Taylor will start the regular season opener, Williams said that is not a given. "He's got a lot of work to do on some of the small things behind the scenes," Williams said.

"He's got a lot of improvement he has yet to do for me to have confidence trotting him out there for opening day. He's just so gifted that he bails himself out of a mistake that a cagey quarterback, a vet quarterback, is going to make him pay. But he's fun to coach."

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They need to let Brunell be the starter now so he can get more reps so we are ready for the season.

Ramsey has not been able to shown that he is worth of starting, heck Tim might be doing better then him right now.

I know Ramsey is our future but he just looks lost back there for some reason.

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j -

the offensive line showed tremendous improvement between the last two games. Ramsey deserves a shot with some decent protection throwing to our number one guys. Brunell has enjoyed two games behind our starting offensive line, with a some of his third game behind them as well. Ramsey has had to deal with backups for all but one game.

Not to mention, ramsey could make a leap that puts him way ahead of brunell given the opportunity. At this point I don't agree that brunell's loss of timing is worth the risk of going into the season with the lesser QB.

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"He's the model right now of what we as coaches love," Williams said, "in that he just does what you tell him to do and he does it down in and down out and he plays all three linebacker positions, he plays all over the special teams. He plays with a passion when he's out there. He's improved since we first got here in the spring, and he'll tell you that, too. . . . I have a lot of confidence in him right now."

I love what was said about Pierce. It's nice to know that Williams is confident that he can step up at any time. I don't know if we're the best LB corp in the league, but it seems that we have great versatility and depth at the position.

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Originally posted by Ignatius J.

j -

the offensive line showed tremendous improvement between the last two games. Ramsey deserves a shot with some decent protection throwing to our number one guys. Brunell has enjoyed two games behind our starting offensive line, with a some of his third game behind them as well. Ramsey has had to deal with backups for all but one game.

Not to mention, ramsey could make a leap that puts him way ahead of brunell given the opportunity. At this point I don't agree that brunell's loss of timing is worth the risk of going into the season with the lesser QB.

How could ramsey go ahead of him, he is stunk it up and every game so far. Don't you think sometimes isn't the lines fault that ramsey looks pressured all the time, that it just might be the QB. Brunell looks like a QB when he is out there, everyone listens to him and he can even draw the other team offsides.

I don't understand what all of you see in Ramsey but he has dissapointed this year.

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It's not important what we see in Ramsey, (or equally if not more so that it's what you don't see Booma), it's what Coach Gibbs sees.

Redskins Coach Joe Gibbs said yesterday that he will stick with his plan to start quarterback Patrick Ramsey on Friday night in St. Louis, completing his rotation of Ramsey and Mark Brunell. Brunell, who started Saturday's 17-0 win in Miami and performed well, is viewed by many as the most likely starter in the regular season opener, but Gibbs said no decision has been made.

After reviewing the game tape, Gibbs said he was pleased that both quarterbacks played smart and avoided turnovers Saturday, often finding their second and third options for safe receptions. When asked if Brunell had taken the lead for the starting job, Gibbs said, "We're just continuing our plan and we'll put Patrick out there [this] week and go through the four games and continue to evaluate everything and make a decision."

Gibbs said he has no time frame on when he will settle on a starter. "It's whenever I feel most comfortable," he said

Said he was plesed with both QB's. Even better. Has game tapes to watch them with. Even better than that. The abiltiy to watch and evaluate through the eyes of some vast and very successful eyes.

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I've thought Brunell would emerge as the starter since we signed him not because of the pay but because he's further along as a player than Ramsey is. But, Gibbs is doing the right and smart thing to give Ramsey time in a very important preseason game against the Rams to compete.

By continuing the competition he's got both QBs working harder than they might otherwise if feeling comfortable with their position as starter. Ramsey looked better this week, but, is still prone to holding the ball longer than you'd like. This week is essentially his shot at things. It will show Gibbs how he responds under the most pressure he can give him in the preseason and it will let us know whether the competition will continue or essentially be over.

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I watched the game today and I was very pleased with Ramseys play in the 2nd half.He looked more comfortable behind a OL that can block.He had great poise out there standing in the pocket,he deserves a start and I hope he continues to play well on Friday and just maybe he will beat Brunell.:jump:

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Gibbs is sticking to his word to let them continue to battle it out until the last pre-season game, even if knows who it'll probably end up being. - and I agree it motivates them both to work harder for the rest of camp.

I like what Wiliiams is saying about Pierce - maybe he's one of these guys he was talking about that craved coaching.

I can situations of 3-4 and 4-4 with Pierce as the 4th man

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don't get the impression that I think that ramsey has a snowballs chance in hell of starting. I don't. You can go back and look at my threads and I've said that ramsey will not start this season from the moment brunell was signed.

However, ramsey has played some amazing football for us in the past. I just feel like it makes sense to give him one last shot. You've been on this brunell needs to strart thing for a while, and I'm just not sure why. Brunell is a vet. He is not going to gain that much by playing another half with coles and gardner. Heck, based on what we saw last night you're saying that he needs to start so he can get ONE more throw in with his wide recievers.

Pish Posh. Brunell is fine and will start opening day. The possible benefits of starting ramsey outweigh any percieved benefit, and for whatever reason gibbs agrees with me.


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Ramsey makes me nervous. To me he just isnt the complete QB package. Yea, he has a great arm. Yea, he's tough. But he is no Brunell. While I do love the pure pocket passer, in today's NFL being mobile is just as important. Ramsey lacks mobility.

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Originally posted by illone

Ramsey makes me nervous. To me he just isnt the complete QB package. Yea, he has a great arm. Yea, he's tough. But he is no Brunell. While I do love the pure pocket passer, in today's NFL being mobile is just as important. Ramsey lacks mobility.

he had a nice run last night, and last season he had that big run against the jets. He is no Michael Vick, but he is not a statue either.

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Ramsey will be just fine he might not start the season for us but I say he will be in there before the season ends.Like Bubba said he played some good football the other night and looked real comfortable.I think Ramsey is trying to tell us and Gibbs that he will be ready when called up on to go in the game.

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Well, I won't try and predict Gibbs' moves anymore (see another thread where I predicted Gibbs wouldn't start Ramsey next game - uggh!).

But, I'll say that Ramsey played ok against the Phins. On the one play where he threw the ball as he was getting nailed and it got tipped - PR held on to the ball too long on that. You could even see Buges on the sidelines in disgust about that play.

He's getting better, but I still don't think he'll be our starter anytime soon.

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Ramsey is behind right now, but he is as smart as they come, and once he start's to figure out this system, he will be fine, Ramsey deserves to start against the ram's, Gibb's is staying true to his word, Ramsey need's the experience in this offense, remember, Brunnell is one hit away from Ramsey starting, our backup, who ever that may be, has to be prepared, I think he could make Gibb's decision much more difficult, but at this point I believe it will be Brunnell, regardless of what happen's friday, but it would be nice to know Patrick is ready to step in at a moment's notice!

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Originally posted by offiss

Ramsey is behind right now, but he is as smart as they come, and once he start's to figure out this system, he will be fine, Ramsey deserves to start against the ram's, Gibb's is staying true to his word, Ramsey need's the experience in this offense, remember, Brunnell is one hit away from Ramsey starting, our backup, who ever that may be, has to be prepared, I think he could make Gibb's decision much more difficult, but at this point I believe it will be Brunnell, regardless of what happen's friday, but it would be nice to know Patrick is ready to step in at a moment's notice!

Very good post

I believe Ramsey was 3 for 9 or something close to that, and the one where he pumped fake a couple of times just didnt look good at all.

But now we see why Gibbs like veteran QB's. Burnell might not have that arm, but he has experince, a proven winner, so hopefully he can bring that here.

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Originally posted by Ignatius J.

You've been on this brunell needs to strart thing for a while, and I'm just not sure why. Brunell is a vet. He is not going to gain that much by playing another half with coles and gardner. Heck, based on what we saw last night you're saying that he needs to start so he can get ONE more throw in with his wide recievers.

He should in pratice, heck ramsey can play the entire preseason game, i mean in practice Mark should have more time with the #1 team.

Honestly I think Tim should get a start and see what he can do. I think he has looked better then Ramsey so far.

I don't know what is wrong with Ramsey I just hope last season didn't ruin him. He doesn't look at all comfortable back there, and his throws are way off when off.

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Did you not see Hasselback against the Panthers? The only way you can feign that he's looked better than Ramsey so far is to have not seen that game. Do you think it's a coincidence that having thrown several terrible balls that included two horrible interceptions that Hasselback didn't get off the bench last game, or do you think that's a message to him from Gibbs?

He's rightfully the third string QB and plays just like a third stringer.

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Originally posted by Art


Did you not see Hasselback against the Panthers? The only way you can feign that he's looked better than Ramsey so far is to have not seen that game. Do you think it's a coincidence that having thrown several terrible balls that included two horrible interceptions that Hasselback didn't get off the bench last game, or do you think that's a message to him from Gibbs?

He's rightfully the third string QB and plays just like a third stringer.

Art at least he looked good in one game, Ramsey has failed to do that.

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People keep sayin that last season might have ruined Ramsey or this or that....

David Carr endured a far worse season when he took 70 plus sacks, but I don't hear the media or Houston fans crying about him being ruined etc... It's just a cop out to say that because he got sacked and hit last year that THAT is the reason he's struggling. Ramsey prides himself on being a tough guy, I don't think that is an issue. If it is, I guess he's not as tough as we thought.

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Here are the stats of our QB's so far:

Player Att Comp Yds Comp % Yds/Att TD INT Rating

Mark Brunell 32 17 216 53.1 6.8 1 1 71.9

Tim Hasselbeck 25 13 183 52.0 7.3 1 2 55.9

Patrick Ramsey 27 10 115 37.0 4.3 0 1 35.3

Ramsey has been HORRIBLE

even the guy who sat behind him has shined

Losman has a 92 rating going against the backups as well.

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Originally posted by codeorama

It's just a cop out to say that because he got sacked and hit last year that THAT is the reason he's struggling. Ramsey prides himself on being a tough guy, I don't think that is an issue. If it is, I guess he's not as tough as we thought.

Your right, or maybe he isn't as good as we think and that is why Gibbs went after a QB :(

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