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Ravens murk falcons 24-0

Coach Williams

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Short field paved the way:




TD Daniel Wilcox, 12 Yd pass from Kyle Boller (Matt Stover kick is good), 4:40. Drive: 13 plays, 95 yards in 6:58.

TD Fred Weary, 49 Yd interception return (Matt Stover kick is good), 1:45.


TD Daniel Wilcox, 10 Yd pass from Kordell Stewart (Matt Stover kick is good), 10:00. Drive: 10 plays, 74 yards in 5:00.

FG Matt Stover 38 Yd, 4:44. Drive: 4 plays, -2 yards in 0:53.

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I'm telling you guys, Boller isn't gonna be a good QB. I'm rarely wrong with my predictions. He wasn't that great in college, and won't be very good in the pros. I don't care how far he can throw the ball while sitting on his knees, he just isn't a winner. He's what I call the prototype tease--- he looks the part, but can't play the part.

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boller looked better than he did last year in this game (not sure where that puts him) and kordell looked solid as well. All the ravens have to do to go deep into the playoffs and maybe into the SB is have an average passing game, and not the leagues worst passing game like last year.

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Originally posted by chiefhogskin48

I'm telling you guys, Boller isn't gonna be a good QB. I'm rarely wrong with my predictions. He wasn't that great in college, and won't be very good in the pros. I don't care how far he can throw the ball while sitting on his knees, he just isn't a winner. He's what I call the prototype tease--- he looks the part, but can't play the part.

I suppose QB's never ever grow in the NFL....

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Originally posted by webpeznet

I suppose QB's never ever grow in the NFL....

Whatever dude. Wish you could have seen this guy in college. Did you know, as a three year starter, that he didn't have over 50% completion percentage until his senior season? Sorry, but that's pitiful. And his "breakout" senior season? 53%.

So why was he drafted? People popped woodies when they saw him throw a ball 50 yds while sitting on his knees, and he ran a 4.58 forty yd dash. He's smart too, which is nice. But he wasn't drafted based on his college career. Otherwise he might have been undrafted. They're gambling that they can transform him into a good QB where none has previously existed. The Saints were able to do it with Aaron Brooks, the Rams did it with Warner, but those are exceptions rather than the rule.

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I gotta say that the game was pretty interesting while I watched it. I saw the first half, and I saw some great plays from both teams on both sides. The Ravens defense should still be feared, and Im glad they are my defense on both my fantasy teams right now. The Falcons defense didnt look that bad either, gave Boller a run for his money a lot.

I do agree though, Boller does not seem that great a qb, an average one at best, may really have a good 2-3 years, but will flop soon after, if not sooner. I was pretty impressed with Matt Shaub, his first game he didnt look too bad, he threw some int's, but face it, first time rookie against the Ravens d, not the best way to 'ease' yourself in. He seems like an upgrade over Doug Johnson and whatever loser the Falcons had in reserve last year to start for Vick.

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It's threads like this one that have my head aching. Why do I care about the Ravens/Falcons pre-season game? The only thing that mattered to me was that Vick was in for a total of 3 plays, was sacked & watched th rest of the game without an injury. Everything else was as important to me as John Elways toe cheese. And most-likely, as exciting as well. The Ravens suck, the Falcons REALLY suck. Let's move on...:D

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I went to the game (My friend got free tickets from is work, on the 45 yard line, 14 rows from the field). The game was a snoozer becuase (like the rub of most preseason play) the starters were out of the game so early. Boller got a lot of plays, while Vick was in for 3. 2 handoffs and and was sacked on 3rd down.

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Originally posted by fuji869

That game was a real snoozer :snore:

I fell asleep during the 2nd quarter. :)

"Snozzer" I guess you must have slipped into a state of unconsciousness watching the Redskins preseason game.. The Ravens 1st & 2nd string defense looks as if they are in mid season form and the offense had more to cheer about than any other NFL game played this year. I may add this game was played in very poor weather conditions, makes one wonder how well they would have played without adverse weather conditions.

By the way, SHUT OUT baby, let me know when you accomplish that , so to call this game a snozzer is way off base. Had this game been played by the Skins with the Skins posting the performance the Ravens did last night most of you would have been screaming Super Bowl here we come...... Please wake up your nightmare is coming to your house this year and we intend to walk into the lions den and kick his teeth in, my question is will we even find a lion when we get there?

Had to respond to someone’s poor assessment of a game that was played well with a lot of positive points and yes some negative points that will need to be addressed, but then again its only a preseason game. I saw a lot that I could have cracked on when the Skins played but I did not post a word, knowing its only preseason, so lets keep that in mind guys while watching the next 3 weeks of football.

Good luck to Gibbs and to the Skins this year!



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Originally posted by Ravens777

"Snozzer" I guess you must have slipped into a state of unconsciousness watching the Redskins preseason game.. The Ravens 1st & 2nd string defense looks as if they are in mid season form and the offense had more to cheer about than any other NFL game played this year. I may add this game was played in very poor weather conditions, makes one wonder how well they would have played without adverse weather conditions.

By the way, SHUT OUT baby, let me know when you accomplish that , so to call this game a snozzer is way off base. Had this game been played by the Skins with the Skins posting the performance the Ravens did last night most of you would have been screaming Super Bowl here we come...... Please wake up your nightmare is coming to your house this year and we intend to walk into the lions den and kick his teeth in, my question is will we even find a lion when we get there?

Had to respond to someone’s poor assessment of a game that was played well with a lot of positive points and yes some negative points that will need to be addressed, but then again its only a preseason game. I saw a lot that I could have cracked on when the Skins played but I did not post a word, knowing its only preseason, so lets keep that in mind guys while watching the next 3 weeks of football.

Good luck to Gibbs and to the Skins this year!



First off, it's "snoozer". Second, take your back handed compliments and stick 'em. Come back after the big bad Ravens can actually muster up a win against us.

It was the first preseason game. WOW. It was a shutout? You're actually bragging about that? :laugh:

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Originally posted by ArmchairRedskin

First off, it's "snoozer". Second, take your back handed compliments and stick 'em. Come back after the big bad Ravens can actually muster up a win against us.

It was the first preseason game. WOW. It was a shutout? You're actually bragging about that? :laugh:

No!! I'm not bragging but I am making a point as you will when the Skins shut a team down............. By the way, take your own meds on the bragging statement. I seem to recall a lot of "bragging" going on after the Skins beat Denver. Give it a rest!

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Originally posted by chiefhogskin48

Whatever dude. Wish you could have seen this guy in college. Did you know, as a three year starter, that he didn't have over 50% completion percentage until his senior season? Sorry, but that's pitiful. And his "breakout" senior season? 53%.

Chief he was on a bad team with no other talent, the kid is going to be a good QB. Did you lose a bet or something to him :D

However I did like the QB from UVA, I think he is going to be a steal.

When Vick got sacked I could feel the entire state of Georgia freak out for one second :laugh:

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Seems to me the Redskins pounded a certain team in preseason last year 24-3. And that was one where the starters actually saw a fair amount of playing time.

Didn't mean much then, just as this doesn't mean much. As we've seen, the Falcons w/o Vick are pretty helpless - unless you're the Cowboys :).

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Originally posted by jbooma

How does Bmore get all the good DL??? That guy they have now was everywhere!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Because they have money to get anyone they want, due to the fact that they do not spend any money on their offense

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Originally posted by webpeznet

Because they have money to get anyone they want, due to the fact that they do not spend any money on their offense

this wasn't a free agent, i think it was like a 5th or 6th round pick

edit - he was a free agent in 2001 but also was a 6th round pick :)

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Originally posted by SonnyJ

Seems to me the Redskins pounded a certain team in preseason last year 24-3. And that was one where the starters actually saw a fair amount of playing time.

Didn't mean much then, just as this doesn't mean much. As we've seen, the Falcons w/o Vick are pretty helpless - unless you're the Cowboys :).

I have to disagree with you on the starters playing a lot that game. Lewis played one set of downs maybe two. But then again it was a preseason game. We all could see what a preseason win means by the ending record of both teams last year. You won the preseason match but then again we advanced to the playoffs. My point, I would not bring up a win in a game that means nothing to both teams.........

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Originally posted by Ravens777

"Snozzer" I guess you must have slipped into a state of unconsciousness watching the Redskins preseason game.. The Ravens 1st & 2nd string defense looks as if they are in mid season form and the offense had more to cheer about than any other NFL game played this year. I may add this game was played in very poor weather conditions, makes one wonder how well they would have played without adverse weather conditions.

:ravensuck Well, we're Redskins fans, not Ray-vens fans, so watching a game with the Falcons & Ray-vens-it WAS a snoozer...for us. :ravensuck

By the way, SHUT OUT baby, let me know when you accomplish that , so to call this game a snozzer is way off base. Had this game been played by the Skins with the Skins posting the performance the Ravens did last night most of you would have been screaming Super Bowl here we come...... Please wake up your nightmare is coming to your house this year and we intend to walk into the lions den and kick his teeth in, my question is will we even find a lion when we get there?

:ravensuck Good Lord, who let this idiot in? News Flash: IT WAS A PRE-SEASON GAME! NO ONE FLIPPIN' CARES!!! As for walking into the "Lion's Den & kicking his teeth in"...I believe that was the same attitiude with you Ray-vens fans in the 2000 season & you didn't beat us then. You have no offense & your defense consists of 1 guy. Ray-Ray can't cover Coles, Thrash, Portis, McCants...and sack Ramsey/Brunell all at the same time. You need to wake up & smell what you're shovelin' "Homer". Bill-a-chic isn't going to be able to outcoach Gibbs & after the game is over, it'll be just like 4 years ago. All the Crows fans talkin' all this sh!t all season before the game, then crawling back across the Beltway not to be heard from until now with their azzes in their hands. I know it was just a 10-3 victory, but a victory is a victory...something ya'll don't have against us! :ravensuck

Had to respond to someone’s poor assessment of a game that was played well with a lot of positive points and yes some negative points that will need to be addressed, but then again its only a preseason game. I saw a lot that I could have cracked on when the Skins played but I did not post a word, knowing its only preseason, so lets keep that in mind guys while watching the next 3 weeks of football.

:ravensuck Your "poor assessment" was simply an opinion by a Redskins fan on a Redskins site who finds a Ray-vens pre-season game rather boring. I can't imagine why. :rolleyes: I'm sure that if you actually sifted thru some of the threads here, you would find that same individual talking about how they think all pre-season games are boring, but is excited about the Redskins pre-season because of Gibbs. Get over yourself. You haven't proven anything here other than you are on the wrong board spouting the wrong crap. Now, run along Timmy, before we really have to lay the smack down! :ravensuck

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Originally posted by Ravens777

I have to disagree with you on the starters playing a lot that game. Lewis played one set of downs maybe two. But then again it was a preseason game. We all could see what a preseason win means by the ending record of both teams last year. You won the preseason match but then again we advanced to the playoffs. My point, I would not bring up a win in a game that means nothing to both teams.........

Why not, you did. Read my above post. You made it quite clear that you were holding a SHUTOUT in pre-seaosn over our heads by saying "Let me know when ya'll do that!" In pre-season? Now, you wanna play like you don't care? Take a walk, Timmy. Your time is up...troll!

:troll: :nutkick:

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