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Kerry's Discarded decorations- a confirmed liar now?


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The bottom line is the only one's to try and steal the election in florida, was the dem's, why do you think they called the election early, even after the media was for warned about not calling the election to early, because of the time difference in the pan handle area, which is a big Bush area, and they did it any way, trying to deter Bush voter's from voting, by telling them it was over, and Gore won.

The ballot's were desigened, and approved, by dem's, they were published and explained in the paper, as well as sample ballot's were handed out before the election, so if you want to blame anyone, blame yourselves, maybe now you can see why a dem. can't run this country, they can't even design a ballot so their own party can vote for them, idiot's!

But that's for the people who actually believe people voted for the wrong candidate, when the dem's saw how close this race was, they concocted this plan, and started asking people as they exited the poles, if they would go along with their little scheme? When they felt they had enough people on board, they started screaming foul, and everyone else jumped on board, this was just another case of the left accusing the right of exactly what they were doing, stealing an election, so they can take the focus of themselves, then if the right accuses them, it just sound's like bickering, and nobody will believe it because it sound's like partisan poitic's, which would buy them time to figure out a way to steal the election, with dishonest vote counter's, and trying to disallow the military vote.

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Larry, the only pertinent part of you post was you admitting that no-one was denied the right to vote.

There were ASSUMPTIONS made by the likes of Jesse Jackson and Kwesi MFume that blacks with similar names MIGHT be denied on that list. But there was never a SINGLE REAL PERSON that had that happen to him or her.

I know it sucks when people follow the law and the left doesnt get to win, but the laws were made by the dems (both in this case and the butterfly ballot, and the closing of recounts by Harris). Those laws seemed perfectly acceptable to the Dems when they were in power. Only when they were used to prevent them from stealing an election (The very reason they were innitiated in the first place) did the Dems cry about it.

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Originally posted by offiss

. . . when the dem's saw how close this race was, they concocted this plan, and started asking people as they exited the poles, if they would go along with their little scheme? When they felt they had enough people on board, they started screaming foul, . . .

If you can post one piece of evidence to support that lie, I'll buy a set of ExtremeSkins shirts for you.

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offiss, your logic would stump Albert Einstein.

Democrats as a whole are unfit to govern because an election official whose party affiliation was Democratic did a bad job designing the ballots. So not just that official, not just those who reviewd the ballot, who tested the ballot, who approved the ballot, but all Florida Democrats, nay, ALL Democrats, are unfit to run this country.

Meanwhile, tens of thousands of individual Republican voters on their way to the polls turned their cars around and went home when, although they knew the polls were still open, they heard that Al Gore had somehow already won in Florida. This act of stupidity on the part of THOUSANDS of Republicans, somehow only reflects poorly on those bad Democrats who apparently took advantage of their "challenged" neighbors.

And I will join Larry in buying you an ExtremeSkins gift if you can provide credible evidence for the charge he quoted.

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Dear Larry, and DaMan, please read this article in it's entirety.

then explain to me why the Gore team would have a telemarketing co. start calling voter's? Unless they were doing exactly as I have stated.

The Democrats had hired a telemarketing company to call voters in Palm Beach County (the home of the butterfly ballot). The "polling company", named Telequest, quickly called as many citizens as it could before the election ended at 7:00. They used a push poll that contained a very suggestive statement and motivated listeners to take action. The language of the message confirmed the chatter that had already begun to spin around the county, that there was a problem with the ballot. The message served to confirm the growing concern among citizens that there was an election breakdown that placed votes in jeopardy.


By the way my size is XX, athletic fit please.:D

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Originally posted by JimboDaMan

Well, if you believe that site credibly supports your accusations, then I guess you really DO believe the silly things you post.

This was reported at the time of the election, but quickly put on the back burner by the unbiased media, [now I am being silly] are you able to disprove the article? If not, then answer the question, why would the Gore team have a telemarketing co. call voter's?

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Originally posted by docdru

There are a lot more liberals in this country than their are conservatives. They just don't all vote. And it doesn't help when florida disenfrancises about 2000 African Americans illegally and then writes it off as an honest mistake.

You mean just like everyone serving in the Military overseas who all had their votes thrown in the trash by the Clinton administration in 2000? And believe me, its not just the liberal nutcases who dont vote. Regular working people dont vote much either since they are much more busy.

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What I thought was really funny about the medal thing was that Kerry even took someone home to look at his medals so he could prove that he didnt throw his away.

ROFL! :laugh:

As if they dont sell them on every single military base in the US. If I really wanted to go and buy a purple heart with 2 stars on it, I could.

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Originally posted by lolhahaha

You mean just like everyone serving in the Military overseas who all had their votes thrown in the trash by the Clinton administration in 2000? And believe me, its not just the liberal nutcases who dont vote. Regular working people dont vote much either since they are much more busy.

Did someone tell you the Clinton administration threw away all military votes?

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Originally posted by JimboDaMan

Look, you're free to arrive at any conclusions you wish. But honestly, do you really think speculation - mine, yours, or the guy who runs that site - constitutes any form of proof?

Just because something is in writing doesn't mean it's true, agreed, but my point being, is there anything out there to disprove that article? That's all, I will have to assume that you cannot, which does lead to it's creditability, you were very braisen with your comment's, as well as your challenge, but as most lefties your very ill informed, you should spend your time a little more wisely looking for truth, rather than taking pop shot's at people, look before you leap, and think before you speak.:read:

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Originally posted by offiss

Just because something is in writing doesn't mean it's true, agreed, but my point being, is there anything out there to disprove that article? That's all, I will have to assume that you cannot, which does lead to it's creditability,

Try: its credibility

you were very braisen with your comment's,

Try: you were very brazen with your comments

[QB]as well as your challenge, but as most lefties your very ill informed,[/b]

Try: as well with your challenge, but, as with most lefties, you're very poorly informed.

[QB]you should spend your time a little more wisely looking for truth, rather than taking pop shot's at people, look before you leap, and think before you speak. [/b]

You should spend your time learning to think and write, because you obviously cannot do either clearly.

You should also think deeply about the origin of your opinions. Do they belong to you or to some right-wing loudmouth who strokes your ego? If it's the latter your ego is in for a reality check over the next year or so.


The Liberal Left

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Guest Matt Kyriacou

To the Pompous and Liberal Left,

Perhaps he has higher priorities on his list than hugging trees, writing poetry, eating vegetarian lunches, and proofreading other people's post.


The Righteous Right

PS Were he from the left, then I would wholeheartedly agree with you........:D

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Originally posted by offiss

This was reported at the time of the election, but quickly put on the back burner by the unbiased media, [now I am being silly] are you able to disprove the article? If not, then answer the question, why would the Gore team have a telemarketing co. call voter's?

Hmmm, let's see. Why would a political candidate be calling people on election day while the polls are still open, in a state where exit polling indicates a very close vote? Hmmm.

Obviously must be a conspiracy. Obviously, they called a thousand people and told them to lie, and obviously they were 100% successfull in picking who to call (since not one of those people has come forward and blown the whistle).

How could I have missed it?

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Originally posted by Larry

Hmmm, let's see. Why would a political candidate be calling people on election day while the polls are still open, in a state where exit polling indicates a very close vote? Hmmm.

Obviously must be a conspiracy. Obviously, they called a thousand people and told them to lie, and obviously they were 100% successfull in picking who to call (since not one of those people has come forward and blown the whistle).

How could I have missed it?

Unless i read otherwise this reply makes WAAAY to much sense for me to go against...

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Originally posted by Larry


Obviously must be a conspiracy. Obviously, they called a thousand people and told them to lie, and obviously they were 100% successfull in picking who to call (since not one of those people has come forward and blown the whistle).

How could I have missed it?

Have you ever heard of registered voter's? Those names can greatly increase your odd's of contacting dem's.

I am curious, how does a person who was 2 dumb to figure out how to vote, after he or she receives a phone call, all of a sudden is enlightened to the fact that they know they voted for the wrong candidate? They couldn't figure out the ballot to begin with, but after they leave the voting site, believing they voted for the right candidate, it dawn's on them that they voted for the wrong guy, how would they really know? Maybe they actually did vote for the right candidate, how did all these people figure this out, or was there a plan in place to persuade people they did something that they actually did not.

As far as people coming forward, how do you think this thing was started? People walked out of the voting center and where told of their error, there were report's of people screaming in the parking lot's because they were told they voted for the wrong guy.

Hmmm, let's see. Why would a political candidate be calling people on election day while the polls are still open, in a state where exit polling indicates a very close vote? Hmmm.

The Democrats had hired a telemarketing company to call voters in Palm Beach County (the home of the butterfly ballot). The "polling company", named Telequest, quickly called as many citizens as it could before the election ended at 7:00. They used a push poll that contained a very suggestive statement and motivated listeners to take action. The language of the message confirmed the chatter that had already begun to spin around the county, that there was a problem with the ballot. The message served to confirm the growing concern among citizens that there was an election breakdown that placed votes in jeopardy.


As you can see no candidate called anyone, it was a telemarketing co., which is designed to poll not promote, and they weren't telling people to get out and vote, they were trying to get in touch with as many people as possible, who had already voted, to place the seed of doubt that they voted for the wrong candidate, then invite them to jump on board, the old end's justify the mean's, leftist band wagon.

You can believe what ever you want, but I refuse to underestimate the lack of honesty, and disregard for the law's of our country, by the left.

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Problems with your theory

  • You're Al Gore (or you're Snidely McFraud, the DNC's designated moustache-twirling head of dirty tricks). It's Noon on election day, and your exit polling says Florida is too close to call. Thinking quickly, you grab the BatPhone, and call a telemarketing company. You have at your disposal, a list of all the registered D's in Florida, broken down all sorts of ways. (You may have a list of all the recistered voters. I don't know if the parties get the full list, or only the ones who've registered with your party.)
    However, you don't have a list of the ones who've voted or haven't. (The only record of who's voted is actually at the polling place, ant it can't be removed (they have to have the list so people can vote)). Of all the people on your list, roughly 75% have not yet voted. (About half of the registered Ds won't vote at all today, because that's typical voter turnout. And many of the ones who will vote, haven't done so yet.)
    Let's say you're going to phone 10,000 people. (Well, maybe you're going to phone 1,000,000 people, but only 10,000 will be idiots who will listen to a telemarketer for more than one sentance.) All you need to do is decide what you're going to say.
    Of these 10,000 you reach, roughly 3,000 will have voted, and 7,000 will not have voted yet. (Say, 2,000 of those will be folks who were already going to vote D, anyway, and 5,000 will be couch potatoes who weren't going to vote.)
    (BTW, there's also a chunk of voters on that list who, even though they're registered D, are going to vote for Bush for one reason or another. But, let's assume that group is small).
    Do you:
    1. Try to convince the people you reach to get out there and vote D, and hope that you can convince enough of them to do so that you win the election.
    2. Say "The heck with winning the election, I'm going to try to convince 10,000 people to all lie on command, without a single one of them blowing the whistle, and hope that all these liars will allow me to win an appeal in court.
      Now, which of those two options do you think has the best chance of working? Even if you assume that the people making the decisions have no moral standards whatsoever (which is usually a safe assumption with politicians), do you really think they would look at those two options and think option B has better odds of working?
    3. If they had, as you claimed, tried to get the people to lie for them, the chances of nobody blowing the whistle are absolutely zero.
      Despite your claim that all liberals are liars, (or at least, all registered Ds), let's do some math.
      If you assume that, somehow, Snidely McFraud is able to create a list of 1,000 people, and that each person on that list is 99% likely to go along with The Big Lie, the odds of zero whistleblowers among the 1,000 is one out of 14,000. (I can explain the math, if you'd like).
      If you assume that the villians have a list of liars that's 99.9% effective, then the odds of zero whistleblowers in 1,000 are still only 37%.
      And both of those calculations assume that the telemarketers are all 100% trustworthy.

    So, the only way your conspiracy theory works is if I assume that Al Gore, at noon (Eastern time, mind you) on election day, decided to throw the election and dedicate his efforts towards winning a court appeal.

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Larry, my hat's off to you and your perserverance, but I'm not betting on the light switching on everywhere. I was informed that the wacky site must be considered credible because there was no competing site "disproving" the accusations. I thought about alleging that Mars was populated by six-inch purple men and women living entirely in underground tunnels, and insisting it was true because no website said it wasn't. But in the end I lost interest. Regardless, you're a better man with more patience than I have.

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BTW, this reasoning is also the reason why I think the so-called "October Surprise" conspiracy theories that the lefties toss out every so often are completely unbelievable.

Remember, the theory is that somebody on the Reagan campaign (they like to say it's Bush, 'cause it lets them attack him, too) went to Iran, a year before the election, and convinced the Ayatollah to keep those US hostages (which the Ayatollah would've released, if not for this interferance). By convincing the Iranians to keep the hostages, they made Carter look weak, and got Reagan elected.

The problem with this theory is that you Reagan (& co.) had absolutely nothing to offer the Ayatollah but a promise of some kind of favor, later. You also have to assume that the Ayatollah knew that the only way he could get the favor was if Reagan won (if Carter wins, then Komani has just made a deal with a guy who's bankrupt, as far as his ability to pay up on his favor).

You also have to assume that the Ayatollah knew that such an agreement could never be made public. (If it were revealed that the Ayatollah and Reagan had shaken hands on an agreement, it would've gost the Ayatollah as much of his support as it would've cost Reagan).

So the only way this "October Surprise" conspiracy theory works is if either

[*]The Ayatollah decided that, even though he was publicly playing Carter like a fiddle, (and receiving huge benefits to his stature because of it), he liked Reagan (who was running on a campaign of getting tough with the Ayatollah) even more, so he chose to help Reagan


[*]Somebody (Bush or whoever) was such a good salesman that he was able to get the Ayatollah help elect a President that the Ayatollah didn't want, in exchange for nothing more than a verbal promise (that could only be delivered on by Reagan and a Democratic Congress), and which the Ayatollah knew he couldn't hold Reagan to.


So, no, it isn't just conservative loony conspiracy theories that I have trouble believing.

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You're Al Gore (or you're Snidely McFraud, the DNC's designated moustache-twirling head of dirty tricks). It's Noon on election day, and your exit polling says Florida is too close to call. Thinking quickly, you grab the BatPhone, and call a telemarketing company. You have at your disposal, a list of all the registered D's in Florida, broken down all sorts of ways. (You may have a list of all the recistered voters. I don't know if the parties get the full list, or only the ones who've registered with your party.)

Why would you say the election was to close to call? How could that be, it was called early for Gore wasen't it? And the data used to come to that conclusion, was the exit poles, Gore should have been sitting comfortably, unless he new the pole data was false, and he knew he really didn't win florida, and the announcment was as I said, pre planned to deter rep. voter's from voting.

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Florida was "called" for Gore, by the media, after the polls close.

The conspiracy theory you've posted claims that the conspiracy started while the polls were still open. I've used a time of "Noon" as an estimate: You haven't mentioned a specific time. But I can say, from personal experience, that media reports of "voting problems" in Palm Beach began before 2 PM, because that's when I heared them. So if you want to claim the news was manufactured by a conspiracy, then the conspiracy had to have started before 2, since it was producing results at 2.

And, my point has been, these evil conspirators would have to be idiots to focus their efforts on winning Florida by a court appeal, when the polls were still open for 8 more hours.

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