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Thanks Hollywood........


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It is funny how "Americans" had to go to their local movies before they opened their eyes. First with "The Passion of the Christ" now they beleive in God now with "Fahrenheit 9/11" they don't beleive in Bush. What a country. Thanks Hollywood.

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Originally posted by codeorama

Right, they should be more like you and blindly support what ever the GOP says...

Wrong, i don't always support what the GOP says, heck I liked Clinton. I don't let a completely slanted movie "open" my eyes I look for all the facts.

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Booma, watching a movie doesn't have to brainwash you into believing the same things the creator believes. May it just makes you aware of some things that you were not previously aware of before and it motivates you to research those things on your own to determine what the truth is.

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Originally posted by codeorama

Booma, watching a movie doesn't have to brainwash you into believing the same things the creator believes. May it just makes you aware of some things that you were not previously aware of before and it motivates you to research those things on your own to determine what the truth is.

Code and you and both know only a few will take that path, the majority will just let that sway their decision.

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Originally posted by jbooma

Code and you and both know only a few will take that path, the majority will just let that sway their decision.

I don't think for a second that someone on the right is going to be swayed by this movie without researching it for themselves.

I believe that 40% of the people will vote dem regardless of who the candidate is and 40% will vote GOP regardless of who the candidate is. Of the remaining 20% of voters, 10% are probably going to vote based only on one issue IE, the war or taxes, so 10% of the people are left (IMO). I consider myelf one of those 10%, because each election, I could vote differently. I will not vote for Bush, period, but I'm not certain that I will vote for Kerry, I won't decide until the debates. I'm leaning right now towards either voting for Nader or noone.

Most of the people seeing F911 are either already "not voting for Bush" already or don't know who they are going to vote for. IMO, there probably are a small number of people that will be swayed by the movie, but compared to the number of people that vote Dem or GOP automatically, it's insignificant. That's the sad part to me, all the automatic voters that don't care what the truth on anything is, they just vote the party line.

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Originally posted by Brown 43

But code, that's the problem! Millions of people believe Moore's words as gospil!

Just as millions believe Rush...

But give people credit, some are able to sift through the BS and find some truth.

Many of the reviews for f911 find something minor that isn't even a lie, but can be interpreted differently, yet they ignore the main points that really matter.

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Originally posted by Riggotoni

Code - How could you vote for Nader??? The guy's a devout socialist. If you want a good protest vote - vote Badnarik, the Libertarian candidate.

Good point, I guess my thinking is more along the lines of a "protest vote" that really won't count. Nader has as much chance to win as I do.

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Originally posted by codeorama

I don't think for a second that someone on the right is going to be swayed by this movie without researching it for themselves.

I believe that 40% of the people will vote dem regardless of who the candidate is and 40% will vote GOP regardless of who the candidate is. Of the remaining 20% of voters, 10% are probably going to vote based only on one issue IE, the war or taxes, so 10% of the people are left (IMO). I consider myelf one of those 10%, because each election, I could vote differently. I will not vote for Bush, period, but I'm not certain that I will vote for Kerry, I won't decide until the debates. I'm leaning right now towards either voting for Nader or noone.

Most of the people seeing F911 are either already "not voting for Bush" already or don't know who they are going to vote for. IMO, there probably are a small number of people that will be swayed by the movie, but compared to the number of people that vote Dem or GOP automatically, it's insignificant. That's the sad part to me, all the automatic voters that don't care what the truth on anything is, they just vote the party line.

I agree that the effect will be minimal in terms of getting someone to switch positions on the war and Bush. I think the most damage will be recruiting "casual" Democrats who don't like Bush but weren't likely to vote. I think Moore is trying to rally the non-voters who didn't want Bush to win but didn't go out to vote, so there won't be repeat of the 2000 election.

I also agree that too many people just go by the party line without even considering alternative view points on most of the issues. I think if most people actually researched the facts on the major issues, and formulated their own opinions on them without listening to what the party wants you to hear, there would probably be 3, 4, or even 5 "major" parties, instead of just the big two.

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Originally posted by Fatty P For The Pulitzer

I think if most people actually researched the facts on the major issues, and formulated their own opinions on them without listening to what the party wants you to hear, there would probably be 3, 4, or even 5 "major" parties, instead of just the big two.

Great point.

What I can't stand the most are the people that form all of their opinions based on their party.

For example... Someone is a dem because they are pro abortion, so they also "decide" that all of the other dem policies are their own as well. Same goes for the GOPers...

I wish we had a couple of other parties that were legit alternatives.

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Originally posted by codeorama

Great point.

What I can't stand the most are the people that form all of their opinions based on their party.

For example... Someone is a dem because they are pro abortion, so they also "decide" that all of the other dem policies are their own as well. Same goes for the GOPers...

I wish we had a couple of other parties that were legit alternatives.

Exactly, I agree with you on that one. I like things about both Dems and Republicans, but I don't like everything about either. I don't have much interest in voting for a 3rd party candidate because not enough people will vote 3rd party to make any kind of statement and I'm not really proactive like that about politics, so I'm going to have to vote for the lesser of two evils. Like you, I just wish there were more than 2 guys who had real shots at winning.

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Originally posted by codeorama

Great point.

What I can't stand the most are the people that form all of their opinions based on their party.

For example... Someone is a dem because they are pro abortion, so they also "decide" that all of the other dem policies are their own as well. Same goes for the GOPers...

I wish we had a couple of other parties that were legit alternatives.

So true, it is usually the GOP'ers with the hardliners. They are so strongly opposed to an issue ie. abortion, they will never vote for a democrat. Most Dems, that I know, vote for a Republican when they have the right balance. That's why Massachusetts has had a Republican Governer for the past 16 years, but we're as liberal of a state as you can get (when you lisen to the rest of the country).

I am fiscally conservative and socially democratic, unlike this administration which is fiscally liberal and socailly republican. Probably why I disagree with them an almost every one of their viewpoints.

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Originally posted by chomerics

I am fiscally conservative and socially democratic, unlike this administration which is fiscally liberal and socailly republican. Probably why I disagree with them an almost every one of their viewpoints.

I agree with you 100% on that. That sums up how I am as well.

I'm very liberal on Guns too.. I think I should have a very liberal amount of them...:laugh:

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I think you made an excellent post. I have seen neither movie, would never let either movies by-products sway me into belief or disbelief on either issue though.

What it shows more than anything, is the general intellect of this country and their abilities to make up their minds on their own. The majority have to have someone make it for them.


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Originally posted by codeorama

I agree with you 100% on that. That sums up how I am as well.

I'm very liberal on Guns too.. I think I should have a very liberal amount of them...:laugh:

I'm a NRA member myself. I've hunted for tha majority of my life and I am for gun ownership. I do draw the line on automatic machine guns such as M-16s AK-47s and Uzis. THey were designed for nothing other than killing humans on a large scale. When was the last time you saw a guy dragging a 10 pointer out of the woods with an M-16 around his shoulder :)

I've since turned to bow hunting my last few years, because Mass doesn't allow rifle (only shotgun & muzzle loaders) and I rarely get to my grandparents houlse in Pennaylvania to use my rifle.

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Originally posted by chomerics

I'm a NRA member myself. I've hunted for tha majority of my life and I am for gun ownership. I do draw the line on automatic machine guns such as M-16s AK-47s and Uzis. THey were designed for nothing other than killing humans on a large scale. When was the last time you saw a guy dragging a 10 pointer out of the woods with an M-16 around his shoulder :)

I've since turned to bow hunting my last few years, because Mass doesn't allow rifle (only shotgun & muzzle loaders) and I rarely get to my grandparents houlse in Pennaylvania to use my rifle.

An M-16 would be great for Duck Hunting...LOL.

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