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CIA insider says U.S. fighting wrong war

Fred Jones

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CIA insider says U.S. fighting wrong war

Anonymous career officer makes bold claims in book about U.S. war on terror


By Andrea Mitchell


NBC News

Updated: 7:30 p.m. ET June 23, 2004

A career CIA officer claims in a new book that America is losing the war on terror, in part because of the invasion of Iraq, which, he says, distracted the United States from the war against terrorism and further fueled al-Qaida’s struggle against the United States. The author, who writes as “Anonymous,” is a 22-year veteran of the CIA and still works for the intelligence agency, which allowed him to publish the book after reviewing it for classified information.

In an interview with NBC’s Chief Foreign Affairs Correspondent Andrea Mitchell, he calls the U.S. war in Iraq a dream come true for Osama bin Laden, saying, “Bin Laden saw the invasion of Iraq as a Christmas gift he never thought he’d get.” By invading a country that’s regarded as the second holiest place in Islam, he asserts, the Bush administration inadvertently validated bin Laden’s assertions that the United States intends a holy war against Muslims.

In his book, titled "Imperial Hubris," he calls the Iraq invasion "an avaricious, premeditated, unprovoked war against a foe who posed no immediate threat,” arguing against the concept of pre-emptive war put forward by President Bush as justification for the Iraq war.

The book also argues that the U.S. focus on bin Laden as a terrorist is the wrong way to fight him and the wrong way to think of the foe. The real enemy, he asserts, is the radical form of Islam that bin Laden and his followers espouse. And he calls for escalating the level of violence in the war against al-Qaida.

To read the complete transcript of the interview go to the site.

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hmm, interesting read, and opinionated, though its his book so his ideas can go in. I dont think the War on Terror is faltering really, but yes, much of our resources have been diverted to Iraq, and more and more keep going in. Should Bin Laden be alive(which I believe he is), he definitely is pretty happy for now.

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Originally posted by visionary

This is the guy who people on CNN were worrying about, because he admitted on the air to being something of an Osama fan.

Yeah, that's the guy I want giving us policy advice :rolleyes:

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Originally posted by Fred Jones

“Bin Laden saw the invasion of Iraq as a Christmas gift he never thought he’d get.” By invading a country that’s regarded as the second holiest place in Islam, he asserts, the Bush administration inadvertently validated bin Laden’s assertions that the United States intends a holy war against Muslims.

This was one of the main reasons that I thought the Iraq war was a bad idea. Potential terrorists who were on the fence or mildly skeptical of Bin Laden's claims could view American actions in Iraq as "proof" that what he was saying had validity.

I also thought that we could have gained more international support if more patience was shown. It is easier to counter claims of American imperialism if half the world is providing support. It would also be nice to have more assistance in building a democracy in Iraq.

The Iraq war also limited the US in how it can handle other hot spots. The way it is now, it is hard to consider action against Iran if they continue to try build a nuclear weapons program. All those potential terrorists, who are still on the fence are really going to question US intentions if we strike another Islamic country. I think the fact that the US is withdrawing troops from South Korea while North Korea is talking about testing nuclear weapons is a bad idea as well.

In the long run a democratic Iraq could be a very good thing in the war against terror. I hope Bush is right and I hope he pulls it off.

If it was my call, I would have waited until I thought the US was in more proximal danger. If there was any truth the allegations that Russian intel indicated that Iraq planed attacks against the US (i.e. we believed that they were going to attack us), then I am 100% behind Bush's decision to go to war when he did. I'm still waiting to get more info on that. From where I sit now, I think it was a bad call.

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