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How long will Kerry stay a senator??


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Curious if in the past if a senator was running for president if he decided to give up the post to put more effort in running for press??

Kerry has been pretty busy in DC lately. He doesn't show in signs on giving up his senate seat.

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Dole quit the Senate, but he was due to retire anyways. I think Goldwater stayed on. Liebermann ran for both Vice President and Senator at the same time.

Kerry has missed 87% of the Senate votes this year. His running is good for the GOP in that sense. :evil:

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Originally posted by riggo-toni

Kerry has missed 87% of the Senate votes this year. His running is good for the GOP in that sense. :evil:

:laugh:, he is doing that so he won't change his mind when asked why he voted a certain way :whoknows:

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The whole dilema could be sh*tcanned once and for all if we just developed some sensible term limits.

Politics should NEVER become a career -- way too tempting for a "public servant" to spend the current term catering to the folks needed to get reelected. Incumbency is a very attractive proposition and it skews a lot of otherwise self-evident decisions.

The voters need to stop paying for these shmucks to simultaneously (supposedly) do the job they are paid to do AND campaign for their re-election/next job. It's ridiculous.

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Originally posted by jpillian

The whole dilema could be sh*tcanned once and for all if we just developed some sensible term limits.

Politics should NEVER become a career -- way too tempting for a "public servant" to spend the current term catering to the folks needed to get reelected. Incumbency is a very attractive proposition and it skews a lot of otherwise self-evident decisions.

The voters need to stop paying for these shmucks to simultaneously (supposedly) do the job they are paid to do AND campaign for their re-election/next job. It's ridiculous.

I couldn't agree more Term Limits would greatly improve our political system. Sadly the Supreme Court ruled several years ago that term limits ae unconstitutional. Unless a future Court reverses this ruling the only way to get term limits will be a constitutional amendment. :puke:

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Originally posted by Kilmer17

We have term limits available to us. They are called elections. If people continue to vote for the same politicians, they get what they deserve.

I agree with you Kilmer. I think we should dump the two term max for President too.

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Romney (Mass Gov.) called for Kerry's resignation the other day. It was just a political ploy to get him a cushy ambassador job if Bush wins, ala Weld and Cellucci.

I don't think there is a problem with it. If there is a close vote, he will be there.

FYI, don't bother with the bill was turned down by one vote crap, I'll bring up the roll call if you want me to and show the republicans that voted for the bill to make Kerry look bad.

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That's exactly the kind of stuff I'm talking about, Chom. If these guys were a little bit more focused on the issues on their plate, rather on their re-election --- or the other guy's re-election -- I think some of these destructive partisan politics would go away.

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Originally posted by Kilmer17

Define vacation.

If you mean working from somewhere other than the White House, you're probably right.

If you say that he can "work" when he's on vacation, than how come the VP Dick had to order the planes to be shot down on 911? Because Bush was in the middle of reading his favorite book, "My Pet Goat"

me idiot

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Originally posted by JackC

If you say that he can "work" when he's on vacation, than how come the VP Dick had to order the planes to be shot down on 911? Because Bush was in the middle of reading his favorite book, "My Pet Goat"

me idiot

you fool bush was with a bunch of elementary kids and didn't want them to get scared

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We have term limits available to us. They are called elections. If people continue to vote for the same politicians, they get what they deserve.

And these career politicians get all the help they need from their party and fellow career politicians that a challenger has little chance of winning the election.

These "scratch my back now, I'll scratch yours when you're up for re-election" backroom grab-a$$ deals are hurting American taxpayers. Spending bills miraculously come up and include a particular career politician's district at the same time he's up for re-election.

The sweaty huddled unwashed aren't smart enough to realize the manipulation for their vote.

I support a consitutional term limits. Our forefathers never intended for representatives/senators to spend their life bilking the American people out of billions of dollars. They're vision of political life was that of a burden endured for the good of the country, not a career in which they vote in the best interest of their wallet and secret slush fund or vote in an effort to remain in power or cease power from the opposition party.

Career polticians is a large reason this country is where it's at today.

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To me, that answer just doesn't cut it Kilmer. Most people don't pay attention to politics; therefore the tendency is to re-elect the incumbent.

Of course, the likelihood of a constitutional amendment on this thing is absolutely slim to none. Come on -- would these crooks every vote themselves out of any perk? yet alone vote themselves out of a job?

I'm not normally a great proponent of populist democracy, but there should be a mechanism that allows for more of a grassroots demand on term limit.

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Originally posted by jbooma

you fool bush was with a bunch of elementary kids and didn't want them to get scared

:1stplace: :ha:

That might of been the funniest thing I've read around here in a long long time. I really hope that if asked WHY he sat for whatever amount of time after the 2nd plane crashed into the WTC....he says "you fool!, I was with a bunch of elementary kids and didn't want them to get scared "

Classic man....keep it up! :peaceout:

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Originally posted by Bufford

:1stplace: :ha:

That might of been the funniest thing I've read around here in a long long time. I really hope that if asked WHY he sat for whatever amount of time after the 2nd plane crashed into the WTC....he says "you fool!, I was with a bunch of elementary kids and didn't want them to get scared "

Classic man....keep it up! :peaceout:

or maybe it had to do with they still didn't know if it was a terror attack at the time :doh:

you laugh about shooting down a US plane with civillians on :(

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I laugh at that reason.

A plane flew into the WTC, even if they didn't know what happened. The 1st thing you'd expect to happen, is the Prez to stand up and walk out of the room. Maybe he'd say "excuse me". I don't see how standing up and walking out....even RUNNING out would scare these kids so badly. All kids do is make sudden movements around each other.


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Did it ever occur to those making an issue of this, that after the first plane hit, it was reported that it was a small plane. So I wouldnt expect the Pres to leave.

After the 2nd plane hit, it was obvious we were under attack. And as such, the Secret Service dictates when and where the President can go. So it's likely they were clearing the area to get him as fast as possible to AF1 and up in the air .

The funny thing isnt that he waited. The funny thing is that the left is trying to spin this into a negative.

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Originally posted by Bufford

I laugh at that reason.

A plane flew into the WTC, even if they didn't know what happened. The 1st thing you'd expect to happen, is the Prez to stand up and walk out of the room. Maybe he'd say "excuse me". I don't see how standing up and walking out....even RUNNING out would scare these kids so badly. All kids do is make sudden movements around each other.


Buff it doesn't matter what our president does, you just won't like it :doh:

The entire US was never trained on what to do if a terrorist took a plan in a building, sorry that is the truth.

They thought it was an accident, no one knew, why would they get the president for something they didn't know? By the time they found it wasn't they first goal was to get the president to safety. How do you know he didn't tell the VP to give the order?

Buff by the way there was a lot more then children there, tv cameras, adults, etc.. :doh:

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I actually agree with Kilmer partly on this one. When the first plane hit, Everyone in my office thought it was an accident. Unless Bush was told otherwise, I would expect the same reaction. However, I'm sure there can be some debate if he knew otherwise or not, but until that comes out, I don't think any of it is an issue. I mean, what was he going to do, put on his cape and rescue people?

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