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Ghost of

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Originally posted by Fred Jones

Ghost, have you had some bad experiences with the law?

I don't know whether it's necessary to have bad experiences with the law in order to be aware that power can be abused.

If a police officer is not going to arrest me, then he or she should not be able to demand information from me. ANY information.

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Hmm, good question. I can't recall a travesty of justice, at least not with cops, but I can give you moments of obvious ridiculousness(which many can)

For instance, my mother received a written apology from the President of the University of Michigan and his assurance that the Ann Arbor PD would be notified when flippin' bike cops told me and my obviously darker-tinted friends to "move along" on a public sidewalk and when there were whites and Asians up and down the sidewalk.

We were waiting for my friend to withdraw some money so we could have fun on his BIRTHDAY. The fact that a dominoes pizza man rolled past and offered to sell a pizza cheap and one of us responded briefly was apparently provocation.

Funny thing is, as we walked past, one white broad said to another, "Is this where the riots start?" Yeah, B__ they gon' start with you!

ANyways, I can't recall anything too bad other than a questionable traffic stop where the copette asked for my ID, even though I was a passenger. Plainly a fishing expedition to check if I had warrants even though I wasn't the one driving fast and that there was no telltale sign of ANYTHING going on other than a poorly posted road that soon turned into a highway.

No beatings or Diallou incidents, though, no.

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All of you need to just take a chill pill. If you think the cops are overstating their grounds then report them to a higher authority and they will be dealt with.

As for the comment about the bomb maker, if we have someones name we might be able to find them faster. Soon cops will have a PDA type device that works like the computer in their cars. This to give them information they need fast on a certain person.

Like I said before in the DC area if this was in place a year ago, the sniper accident wouldn't have been as bad as it was. Try and find me ONE person in our area that would have been against this then.

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Originally posted by jbooma

All of you need to just take a chill pill. If you think the cops are overstating their grounds then report them to a higher authority and they will be dealt with.

As for the comment about the bomb maker, if we have someones name we might be able to find them faster. Soon cops will have a PDA type device that works like the computer in their cars. This to give them information they need fast on a certain person.

Like I said before in the DC area if this was in place a year ago, the sniper accident wouldn't have been as bad as it was. Try and find me ONE person in our area that would have been against this then.

How would the sniper incident have been better? I don't understand your example- they did get him at a traffic stop during the sniper incidents, what would they have known about him with this PDA device or how would this law have helped them?

(traffic stop info - excerpt: A source said the U.S. Marshals Service was able to connect Muhammad with the car and license plate through information filed by officers from an October 8 traffic stop in Baltimore, Maryland. Muhammad was sleeping in his car at the time. The officers were concerned that his driver's license was from Washington state and the vehicle tag was from New Jersey. - source: http://www.cnn.com/2002/US/South/10/24/sniper.shootings/)

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Originally posted by SkinsNumberOne

How would the sniper incident have been better? I don't understand your example- they did get him at a traffic stop during the sniper incidents, what would they have known about him with this PDA device or how would this law have helped them?


They would have looked up the name of the kid and found out he was missing and wouldn't have let them go until they figured it all out.

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Originally posted by codeorama

Funny how that works... I've had to go into the "Hood" in my city looking for a lost child (the parent couldn't find them after they got home from school, happens all the time) and as the only white guy in a predominantly black area, the police always ask me if I'm ok....LOL.

And that's exactly the problem. You KNOW the police are looking out for you (and your interests) if you, as a white, are in a black area.

I have exactly the opposite problem. As an upper class black male, one that has been a homeowner in white neighborhoods since leaving the service, I have been repeatedly stopped, questioned, cuffed and seated in police cars while they check my info or lack of.

I've been cuffed for not having ID in my own neighborhood. Why? Because I was out jogging and someone reported a black man running in the streets.

Filing complaints lead to nothing. I've filed against LAPD, LA County, and California Highway patrol. In every frigging case, the complaint was dismissed because I fit the description on someone the police were "currently" looking for (or in the jogging case, an actual complaint).

I teach my kids to behave, and to be polite to law enforcement. Not so much because they are the authorities, but because they have guns, and you never know what kind of mood they're in.

Don't hand me that "if you're innocent, you have nothing to fear" crap. It hasn't been my personal experience, nor has it been the experience of most of the Blacks I know.

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I'll point out, in a no-doubt-futile attempt to put this topic back on track, that cops, in the course of their jobs, will often find themselves in situations where they are required to use judgement as to how thay should respond.

And, when they're determining how to respond, one of the primary determinants is the person's history. (What used to be his reputation, back when people had reputations to protect.)

And, frankly, that's why I want the cops to be able to demand someone's name or ID, because it then allows the use of some judgement. (And, I keep hoping, it would mean people would, at least a little, have reputations again.)

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Originally posted by jbooma

Ghost as long as you didn't do anything what is the problem???

That same rationalization can be used to promote all sorts of rights erosion. Hell why not have tags implanted in your head that record everything you do all the time, if you dont' break the law what's the problem?

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Originally posted by Destino

That same rationalization can be used to promote all sorts of rights erosion. Hell why not have tags implanted in your head that record everything you do all the time, if you dont' break the law what's the problem?

if you don't like go to mexico or canada

wake up, we live in a different time now, we need to take some of these actions to protect people like you, but of course you turn a blind eye to what is happening in this world and think it will all get back to normal :doh:

ps you should be carrying an ID all the time anyway, that is common sense

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Originally posted by Destino

I'm getting real fed up with people who are against that which this country was founded on telling those that aren't to leave.

that was over 200 years ago destino, we leave in a different world now where people want you dead because you live here, to get what we had you have to give something up

the founders of this country never thought of bombs that can destroy nations and terrorists either

those same people at least fought for their freedom instead of complain about every little thing that messed up their perfect life

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