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FYI DC drivers no more cell phones unless hands-free !!


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Please be advised of the new DC law, EFFECTIVE July 1, 2004:

On January 6, 2004, the DC Council passed a new legislation to fine ANYONE using a cellular phone WITHOUT a hands-free device while driving in the District of Columbia. The fine of $100.00 and 1 point becomes effective July 1, 2004.

This law applies to ALL drivers in the city, regardless of whether or not you live in DC.

Please remember to pass this along to ALL drivers in your household (spouse, children, etc.).

See the attached bill from the Council's web site.


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Good law. We need one out here in Utah. Earlier this week a 21 year old woman was yapping away on her cell phone. She was distracted so much with her conversation that she drove off the road and straight into an apartment complex. She hit where the gas main was so eventually a big explosion occurred. Luckily no one was killed. The car and apartments were destroyed.


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Originally posted by UtahSkinsFanatic

Good law. We need one out here in Utah. Earlier this week a 21 year old woman was yapping away on her cell phone. She was distracted so much with her conversation that she drove off the road and straight into an apartment complex. She hit where the gas main was so eventually a big explosion occurred. Luckily no one was killed. The car and apartments were destroyed.


dam :( sounds like something from a movie

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Originally posted by endzone_dave

Is there a speed limit tied to this? I often call my wife when I'm in a nasty traffic jam on the beltway to let her know I'm going to be late. I'm usually going 10 mph at most.

i don't think so, just if you are driving in DC and are using the cell watch out

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Doesn't mean a damn thing. First, it won't be enforced. Running red lights/stop signs is illegal - ever see a city cop do anything about it?

Second, drivers are just as dangerous with hands free.

I have seen many hands free talkers oblivious to the near mayhem they have almost caused - just kept driving and chatting with their blinders on.

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From first hand experience, this should be a country wide law. When I first got a cell phone, I was talking on the phone (not hands free) and ended up rear ending a truck. The hands free thing let's me have both hands free and a better reaction time.

The thing is, I'm not so sure if I had my hands free that it would have mattered. It was being distracted talking on the phone that took away my attention to what I should have been paying attention too. Talking on the phone while driving is possibly what should be banned.

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I dunno about this. You never hear anybody complaining about people eating while driving. Or changing CDs in the stereo system while driving. Or rummaging through a briefcase or purse while driving. But everybody complains and complains about people talking on the phone and driving. What's the difference? And if it's really just the conversation that's so distracting, how is hands-free going to help? Eh, just my little musing on the subject.

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yea, i'm with indy. May as well ban eating in the car or playing music. I've been in more near accidents becuase of women putting on makeup, old people who can't see, people rummaging for stuff, and soccer moms tending to their children than people on cell phones. It's just too darn easy to blame it on them.

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Originally posted by indygo

I dunno about this. You never hear anybody complaining about people eating while driving. Or changing CDs in the stereo system while driving. Or rummaging through a briefcase or purse while driving. But everybody complains and complains about people talking on the phone and driving. What's the difference? And if it's really just the conversation that's so distracting, how is hands-free going to help? Eh, just my little musing on the subject.

I read that car radios are the #1 cause of accidents related to driver distraction. I'm not sure who did the study, AAA, NTSB, or some other agency. I doubt they will be voting to get rid of radios anytime soon. I don't have a cell phone and I don't want one, but I really don't care if people use them while they are driving. I used to eat at least one meal a day in my car and I take my eyes off the road a lot while looking for a good radio station to listen to. A person with a cell phone is no bigger danger than I am. I have not had a ticket or accident in the past 15 years.

Now the recent trend of TVs and computers could be a problem. Navigation systems are fine, but people shouldn’t be allowed to read email and watch TV while driving. Anything that takes your eyes off the road for that much time is too dangerous.

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Originally posted by endzone_dave

Is there a speed limit tied to this? I often call my wife when I'm in a nasty traffic jam on the beltway to let her know I'm going to be late. I'm usually going 10 mph at most.

all the beltway is outside of DC, so theyre governed by VA or MD law. I dont think either have a hands free law yet.

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Originally posted by Storm

all the beltway is outside of DC, so theyre governed by VA or MD law. I dont think either have a hands free law yet.

Man, you're right. I don't know what the heck I was thinking. I'm glad they still let idiots (like myself) drive. :D

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