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Is this true, Virginia?


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I don't know how this could be true (the surplus that is) because Va has been in financial trouble for a couple of years now. If it's true, where did the money come from? We've had smaller pay raises in the school system the past 2 years because of the budget problems.

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I've started to think that VA has 5 differnt political parties.

The far right nutjobs

the far left nutjobs

the moderate GOP

the moderate Dems

and the true middle of the road moderates

and all of them hate each of the other with the same passion.

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Code they just found that money :rolleyes: , but I am for keeping the car tax at the level it currently is. Navy exactly what tax are you talking about??

This surplus will then help us finish these massive road projects and go towards the colleges. I also believe it is important we keep some of the surplus so we don't have the problems we have had the last 5 years.

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Originally posted by NavyDave

I say kill the car property tax and bring back the toll roads

The problem is the idiot who used it as a campaign promise didn't have a backup plan in place. The car tax is a huge money maker for the state, and nothing comes close.

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I remember thanking God for having a military exemption from Va Car property tax the 90's and then I said to he11 with it and registered my car in florida.

They make you pay 350 dollars for owning a Camry and if you had a second car a hoopty you have to pay a luxury tax. then you have to pay to get a city or county sticker.

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I can't say that I am against the car tax. The tax is meant to put the burden of funding projects related to transportation (and other items as well) and puts the burden on those persons who use the roads. I have to admit that it is trying to be fair to everyone in making sure that the people using the state's resources are paying for use of them.

Notice I said *MEANT TO*, not that it is what it does.

As a car owner and as a homeowner and as a resident of Virginia working in Virginia, I think I would much rather pay the car tax than see my property taxes go up (even more than they are) to make up for the car tax being killed.

This is somewhat analagous to paying property taxes which fund your local schools when you do not have kids, only to see your neighbor who rents and has 5 kids going to the public schools but not paying a dollar towards their 'tuition'.

The car tax plus my car insurance premiums still do not equal what I was paying to insure my car when I lived in New York, so my view on cost may be skewed, I admit.

edited to say:

I am not trying to say that I think parents who rent and do not pay property taxes are freeloaders. I am trying to say that sometimes taxation is not even across the population base, and for parents who are poor and cannot afford to pay for their child's schooling, this is a blessing. But it is something to note, nonetheless, that there are times where taxes burden people that end up getting no benefit out of their payment of said taxes.

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Guest SkinsHokie Fan

I thnk the car tax is the worst tax ever. When I was 17 I had a car that I bought for 1,000 dollars and I ended up paying 175.00 in car tax on that car. Needless to say being 17 and paying a 175.00 tax was complete bs.

Toll roads, and HOT lanes would put the real burden on people who use the roads. I barely drove at age 17 but now I drive a hell of a lot more, and would have no problem with HOT lanes on 495 and down in SWVA by the 64, 81 interchange.

And yeah what a surprise we do have a surplus, and Warner scared the whole damn state into raising taxes

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Originally posted by SkinsHokie Fan

I thnk the car tax is the worst tax ever. When I was 17 I had a car that I bought for 1,000 dollars and I ended up paying 175.00 in car tax on that car. Needless to say being 17 and paying a 175.00 tax was complete bs.

I thought that when I was younger but now see it is important. Just not at the lever it was before. I think now at 20% it is just fine.

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Staunch conservative Repubs were adamant about not raising taxes, instead choosing to wait out the recession and have the economy come back to them. They argued spending cuts and no new spending. Unfortunately, their opponents immediately ran to the nearest microphone and declared... "they're cutting your services, like senior's oxygen bottle supplies, electricity and water in schools, and nursing home air conditioning and heating. <----Sarcasm

Dems, as usual, led by Gov. Warner gave the "doomsday" scenario of govt. shut downs and loss of services... including public education money that got everyone's attention... to pass a tax hike. Warner's cronies wanted more, but Warner compromised to get the things done.

Now... imagine that... the economy comes back... Virginians start to spend again.... and a magical surplus appears. What's the first thing Warner does when he sees the numbers indicate a surplus, earmark it for a "rainy day" fund instead of giving it back to the people in the form of tax breaks and lower property/car tax. Just like a dem... once they've got it... you'll have to pry it from their cold dead hands to get it back.

And this rainy day fund? It will be looted by greedy politicians wanting to bring something home for their constituents in an effort to get re-elected. A prison the state doesn't want, a rest area no one will stop at, or a road widened no one travels on.

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How about Virginians stop whining about car taxes and lower the property taxes on homes in northern VA. I really wouldn't mind it so much if our great congress would actually hook northen VA up with more money for our schools but they instead screw us every year and give tons to VTech and UVA.

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Originally posted by Destino

How about Virginians stop whining about car taxes and lower the property taxes on homes in northern VA. I really wouldn't mind it so much if our great congress would actually hook northen VA up with more money for our schools but they instead screw us every year and give tons to VTech and UVA.

The problem there is everyone is selling their home for so much over assesment. That is what is driving up the house tax, the people buying and selling these millon dollar homes when they are only worth $500k.

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Unless there was a sudden donation from funds that were never used in other obligations cancelled or no longer there, the only other place it could have come from is funds donated from private sources to reduce deficits and thus created a surplus?

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Jbooma, you have a point, somewhat.... the cities, especially here in Virginia Beach have been raising the assessments every year and collecting higher property taxes. Then you have the very zealous people who sell their homes for more than the are really worth. I've got a neighbor in my townhouse neighborhood trying to sell a 875± sq. ft. two bedroom townhouse that is worth no more than $63,000 for $85,000! The car tax is fine, it will evenutally get to the point as originally designed in time. The economy in Virginia just grew faster than anticipated, plus cuts in VDOT's budgets helped show more money in the coffers for the state. Still, can't complain about Virginia politics, I love the fact that our legislative body only has 60 days to do business.


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i really dont see how there can be a surplus, I just hear too much about deficits, either this money was withheld or donated or something. Just from the payment of a student, my tuition has gone up more than 2000$ in the last 2 years, and thats been a lower increase than other schools. I also see certain programs and activities being shut down due to financial concerns, education related. Just think that the simple 300$ car tax was not soo bad, small price to pay for other benefits.

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