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Flames got robbed!


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Who calls a penalty with 1 minute left in Game 7 of the stanley cup finals...Calgary was bringing it ..and that penalty killed any chance they had...This is the reason they wouldn't let Kerry Fraser ref game 5 and 6! How on earth did he get game 7?

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Originally posted by warren

Who calls a penalty with 1 minute left in Game 7 of the stanley cup finals...Calgary was bringing it ..and that penalty killed any chance they had...This is the reason they wouldn't let Kerry Fraser ref game 5 and 6! How on earth did he get game 7?

They had to call it because it was obvious.

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Guest SkinsHokie Fan

I'll be watching. I'll be watching Overchkin tear things up when he emerges for Washington

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Originally posted by jbooma

They had to call it because it was obvious.

I totally disagree....It's GAME 7! One minute left...if you're gonna call a penalty at this point ... the guy better be carried off in a coffin...St Louis was back on the ice for the last minute... Horrible!

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Originally posted by semiskin

This is all a bad dream. This never happened. I'm going to wake up tomorrow and the Flames will have won the Cup.

Believe it, SemiSkin.... it just wasn't meant to be...it's a shame...and I wish it were a dream too... Kerry Fraser = worst referee ever!

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Well yeah the stick hit him in the face and he bled............but that **** ref kerry frasier called it charging. It was a clean hit and anyone who knows hockey, (I have played it for 12 years) knows it was a BS call and one that should never be made in game seven of the Stanley Cup finals. Kerry Frasier better never step foot in Alberta again if he values his life because there are alot of upset people!

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As much as Fraser is to blame, Bettman is to be blamed even more. How do you decide to bench a ref for games 5 and 6 and then let him work game seven? If this was Bettman's final attempt to save the season next year, he'll realize in October (if there still is a season next year) when Tampa's 4-10 and things go back to the way they used to be, when they only draw 5,000 people to games.

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Originally posted by warren

Believe it, SemiSkin.... it just wasn't meant to be...it's a shame...and I wish it were a dream too... Kerry Fraser = worst referee ever!

It doesn't help that the Dolts are a dirty team. And that was a bad call. St. Louis wasn't intentionally hit in the face with the stick. He's a small guy & was already low as it was. It just happened that his head was at the same level as the stick. Horrible officiating. There should be some serious rethinking about allowing Fraser to continue as a ref in the NHL. They should bump his azz down to the minors for a few years before they ever let him back into an NHL game.

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None of us should be surprised with the poor officiating of Kerry Fraser. He has a history of this. Just ask Toronto Maple Leaf fans. Bring up game 6 of the 1992 Western Conference Final vs. the LA Kings and Leaf fans will be cursing about Fraser within a matter of seconds.

The bottom line is that the NHL thinks that it's good for the league to have teams from non-traditional hockey markets succeed. Clearly, they did all within their power to ensure that this goal was met. Need examples? Look no further than game 6. Gelinas' goal clearly crossed the goal-line. The league can say all they want about how they reviewed the play and found inconclusive evidence. I don't buy it. The fact of the matter is that the video replay judges weren't doing their job properly and didn't have the presence of mind to say "hey, let's take a closer look at this." It's inexcusable. Especially considering the fact that these players have played over 115 games during the year to get to this point.

As far as the St. Louis incident goes. I'm not even going to comment. What a joke.

In my opinion, the game 6 incident surrounding the Gelinas goal and the St. Louis incident prove that this series was not left up to the players to decide. And that's why I find this to be a bitter pill to swallow.

I'm taking nothing away from Tampa, they are a great team. Were they better than Calgary? I don't think so. This was as dead even a series as you will ever find, regardless of sport. Unfortunately, they had a few bad calls go their way that ultimately was the difference in the series.

I hope the league is happy now that they kept the Stanley Cup out of Canada. Canadians coast to coast were intrigued by the Flames, even if they were a non-Calgary fan. Their run captivated all Canadians and you would be hard pressed to go somewhere in public and not hear people chatting about the Flames, regardless of what province you were in. The country was truly behind them.

It's truly a disappointment to see the Cup go to a city where nobody gives a rat's a$$.

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Originally posted by semiskin

Horribly officiated series from the beginning. To many blown calls. What happened in games 4 and 6 were unexcusable. This is a sad time for TRUE hockey fans, not these bandwagonin' fools here in Florida.

That's the main reason I really don't watch Hockey that much anymore. The officiating is just so poor & inconsistent. I remember in the 80's the just purid officiating by Fraser, Hogarth et al. It was just too pathetic for my tastes. I'm surprised that Fraser is still in the game.

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Canadian Hog,

I totally agree. Where they really got screwed was that no-call in Game 6. It never should have gone to OT.

Really, it's inexcusable there's any human element in the process at all. In tennis they have machines to monitor when the ball crosses the line. There's no reason they can't design a similar system in the NHL. Stick a microchip in the center of the puck and put a scanner on either pipe. Voila~

I think the Flames, and Canada, got royally screwed by the NHL. My heart goes out to 'em.

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It's a shame that the officiating was so damn awlful, because it takes away from the focus of what should've been a great series.

As a Flames fan I can't say I'm happy about that bullsh*t call at the end of the game. There was no way that was a penalty...and if it happened to anybody but that protected piece of sh*t St Louis....there would've been no call.

But having said that, and acknowleding that that little piece of crap got away with more illegal stick work in a 7 game series than I've ever seen, I still don't know if they would've scored to tie. They just came out flat...b/c they exhausted everything in game 6.

Where oh by the way, we had a near goal that wasn't even reviewed.

Calgary should hold its head high. For one thing they made it so damn far with so little. They slayed all the giants from the West and came within one game of taking it all. They also have the distinction of beating Tampa in 5 on 5 hockey.

Every single big goal of the series for Tampa, save the overtime goal from 6 (which they would've have been in, if not for 2 previous pp goals), came on the power play. Some of those power plays were legit...some of them questionable...like the 5 on 3 to start game 4. 5 on 3? Now that was sh*t.

If they'd had at least evened out the calls...or just cut them back so we got regular 5 on 5 hockey...you can bet the Flames would've won this series.

But you have to play what you are dealt too many bad breaks for a team that had a lot of good ones to get that far. If the NHL comes back the Flames have a bright future.

This one stings.....but just like the fans at the end of game 6. I'm forcing myself through the pain to give my boys some applause. They deserve it. It was a great season.

We will be back.

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I just smile thinking about how many Philly fans are crying this morning.

Now Tampa has a Stanley Cup AND the Lombardi during a time that Philly is supposed to be dominant. Add to that the Smarty Jones loss and I bet suicide watch is in full affect in Philly.

FWIW, the Flames were robbed in game 6.

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Originally posted by jbooma

You Calgary fans sound like Philly fans :laugh:

Canada does not deserve the cup :D

First, don't ever confuse Calgary fans with Philly. If you do that than you have zero credibilty when it comes to hockey. Calgary fans are real hockey fans, from a real hockey culture...people that actually know something about the sport. When we complain, you can bet it has more than a little merit.

Second, the whole BS about Canada not deserving the cup is an obivously inflamatory for the sake of imflamatory statement. Either that, or you watched absolutely none of the Finals. Play that game a 100 times and I bet you get at least a 50/50 split for the Flames.

And of course then there's the fact that the NHL is over 60% supported by Canadian fans. If hockey goes away for a long time...it'll be the Canadians who keep it alive...America will forget about it....and little market teams like Tampa will be the first to close down.

Canada has nothing to be ashamed about and nobody to envy with hockey. The people who really like hockey and want what's best for the game know that.

And the Flames in particular should be proud. How did they do what they did...when they couldn't afford the big "american" star rosters, when they went through the playoffs having to face the #1,#2, and #3 seeds on their own side before running into the opposite conference's #1, when they lost two of their top defensemen before the playoffs began, and a starting winger for the finals, and throughout all the controversary of this series......

I only know they worked damned hard to get there.....they made a remarkable story. They deserved better, but that's the way it goes...not all stories end like fairytales.

Calgary deserves respect and so does Canada and if you can't see that....than you're exactly the type of "fan" that's destroying the NHL.

Now if you're a Caps fan, then maybe I can see a little logic for your comments......;)

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Originally posted by fwo40

Now if you're a Caps fan, then maybe I can see a little logic for your comments......;)

Bingo :cheers:

I wasn't being serious about the canada comment anyway. Just having fun, thats all.

I was happy to see that guy finally win a cup, that was very nice.

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Originally posted by jbooma

Bingo :cheers:

I wasn't being serious about the canada comment anyway. Just having fun, thats all.

I was happy to see that guy finally win a cup, that was very nice.

I kinda hoped/thought that was the case.

And if there is one "bright" spot to the Lightning winning it is Anderchuk's winning of the cup after 22 seasons. I have zlich respect for overrated St Louis, pretty boy LeClavier, or "I can only score with a man advantage" Richards...but Anderchuck doing what he did at age 40 was pretty remarkable.

Just don't force me to be too nice and humble about a very bitter loss....:doh:

On the plus side, if video game hockey does come out next year...I might be able to play with my favorite team and have them not completely suck for a change. :laugh:

Plus, oh yeah....the NBA finals. I'm a Detroit fan....maybe I can go through two heartbreaking losses in a row. Wouldn't that be fun?:rolleyes:

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Originally posted by fwo40

Just don't force me to be too nice and humble about a very bitter loss....:doh:

Plus, oh yeah....the NBA finals. I'm a Detroit fan....maybe I can go through two heartbreaking losses in a row. Wouldn't that be fun?:rolleyes:

I understand. I was shocked that calgary didn't fight that no-goal in the 6th game, everyone knew it was a goal so there shouldn't have even been a 7th game.

The other thing is Tampa dominated last night and it didn't seem Calgary wanted to win as much.

Go Pistons :cheers:

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