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Kerry Says He Would Add 40,000 to Army


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Kerry Says He Would Add 40,000 to Army

Missile Defense Cut Could Defray Cost

By Dan Balz

Washington Post Staff Writer

Friday, June 4, 2004; Page A01

INDEPENDENCE, Mo., June 3 -- In his most extensive remarks on the future of the American military, Sen. John F. Kerry said here Thursday that he would expand the active-duty Army by 40,000 soldiers, including a doubling of U.S. Special Forces; speed development of new technologies and equipment to meet threats posed by terrorist networks; and better integrate the National Guard into the nation's homeland security strategy.

The Democratic presidential candidate said that, to cover part of the cost of his proposals, he would cut back current funding for a national missile defense system, which he characterized as "the wrong priority" at a time when the nature of the threats has changed.

Kerry repeated his charge that the Bush administration has instituted a "backdoor draft" to deal with a military stretched thin by deployments in Iraq and Afghanistan, and pledged as president to expand and transform the armed services to handle more effectively the unconventional threats of the 21st century.

Kerry seized on Wednesday's Pentagon announcement that it will extend tours of duty for thousands of troops whose units may be heading to Iraq and Afghanistan, part of the administration's effort to deal with a much higher level of violence than it had anticipated.

"From Day One, this administration has been obsessed with threats from other states, instead of opening their eyes to the perils of the new century: terrorist organizations with or without ties to rogue nations and failed states, entities that can become their sanctuaries," Kerry said in a speech at the Harry S. Truman Presidential Museum and Library. "These are the enemies our military is facing, and this is where we must train, arm and equip our military to win."

It was the Massachusetts senator's third major address on foreign policy in a week. He combined strong rhetoric designed to reassure voters that he would be a capable commander in chief with criticism of President Bush's policies aimed at casting himself as a more forward-looking military leader.

As part of Thursday's program, Kerry advisers announced a military advisory panel for the campaign that includes two former chairmen of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, retired Army Gen. John M. Shalikashvili and retired Navy Adm. William J. Crowe Jr.; a former director of central intelligence, retired Navy Adm. Stansfield Turner; and retired Army Gen. Wesley K. Clark, who challenged Kerry in the primaries.

Bush campaign spokesmen challenged Kerry's diagnosis and his commitment to a strong military, with Sen. Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) describing Kerry's reference to a "backdoor draft" as "absurd." The Bush officials pointed to Kerry's past positions in opposition to some major weapons programs and upbraided him for campaigning in Florida on Wednesday rather than returning to the Senate to vote for a $25 billion appropriation for troops in Iraq and Afghanistan, which passed 95 to 0.

Asserting that U.S. forces "are stretched too thin," Kerry said in his speech that the administration has mismanaged the war in Iraq and that those U.S. forces and their families are paying the price.

"The administration's answer has been to put a Band-Aid on the problem," he said. "They have effectively used a 'stop-loss' policy as a backdoor draft. They have extended tours of duty, delayed retirements and prevented enlisted personnel from leaving the service."

Kerry said the Pentagon announcement marks just one more mistake by an administration that he said has failed to adapt to new threats posed since the attacks of Sept. 11, 2001.

"We went into Iraq with too few troops to prevent looting and crime, to maintain security, fundamental order, to secure nearly a million tons of conventional weapons now being used against our troops," he said. "We failed to build alliances and squandered the opportunity to generate wider support inside Iraq, in the Arab world and among major powers so critical to every effort we have made through the last century. These mistakes have complicated our mission: a stable Iraq with a representative government secure in its borders."

Kerry likened the challenges facing the next president to those that confronted Truman at the end of World War II when the world was challenged by a nuclear threat from the Soviet Union and the task of rebuilding a shattered Europe. "Today, in the post-9/11 world, we stand at another historic crossroad," he said. "We must change if we are to meet and defeat the danger." He added that the threats of the 21st century cannot be defeated "with a military from the last one."

Kerry earlier had proposed expanding the active-duty Army by 40,000 troops, but went further Thursday in detailing that and other recommendations. He said the 40,000 additional troops eventually could help relieve the burden on current active-duty, reserve and National Guard forces.

Kerry also said he would reshape U.S. forces by expanding the kinds of units required in post-conflict environments such as that in Iraq, saying he would add civil affairs, military police, combat support and psychological operations units.

Kerry said current forces -- and their families -- are so exhausted and burdened that "we are in danger of creating another hollow Army," a reference to the reduction in capability and morale that followed the Vietnam War.

He criticized the administration for not providing the forces in Iraq with all the equipment they need. "As president, I will see to it that we don't have to have bake sales and bargain-basement sell-offs, yard sales by parents and buy on the Internet to supply the troops of the United States of America."

The Democratic candidate offered few details to explain how he intends to speed the development and use of advanced technology, from communications gear to precision weapons.

A Kerry adviser estimated that the expanded force levels would cost $5 billion to $8 billion a year, but said Kerry intends to make his transformation budget neutral. The candidate singled out missile defense, a priority of the Bush administration, as a major target for cuts. "We must build missile defense," he said, "but not at the cost of other pressing priorities."

Focusing on the National Guard, Kerry said Bush's decision to send Guard forces to Iraq has undermined homeland security. "Sending thousands of National Guard members to Iraq has actually weakened our ability to defend our own country," he said.

© 2004 The Washington Post Company


Where are these troops coming from? Do we really have 40,000 in reserve or are we talking draft?

Also, I don't see how missle defense is the wrong priority when North Korea is posing a serious threat and has said they possess long range missles that could reach California.

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there sort is one now.

"My time is up....my wife and kids are waiting"

"Sorry son, you can't go home".

Maybe a new version of the GI bill to get people to sign up. College costs too much already. Help them pay for even MORE if they join for a few years.

Then we'd have to raise taxes to pay for that. Then again....who's against 40K smarter American's?

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I love how the Post refuses to discuss this notion in such an article. If Bush said this, you would see draft pasted everywhere on articles, television, magazines. To me, John Kerry's campaign sounds a lot like LBJ's prerogative when he entered office. He preached a "Great Society" with revolutionizing and increased social programs, but Vietnam was always in the background from his predecessor, JFK. We saw how that turned out. Eerie.

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Im all for the draft, so Id love to hear that become a topic of conversation.

It's little stuff like this by Kerry that hurts him. It leaves too much room for Bush and Co to attack. Not that I mind, just an observation.

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Guest SkinsHokie Fan

You gotta come up with a new GI type bill. The GI Bill from WW2 is probably the single best peice of legislation ever.

Paid for itself with increased productivity, and smarter people

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The Democratic presidential candidate said that, to cover part of the cost of his proposals, he would cut back current funding for a national missile defense system, which he characterized as "the wrong priority" at a time when the nature of the threats has changed.

I suppose he thinks a better defense against incoming missiles from other nuclear nations and the rogue nations with hidden nukes is via appeasement and diplomatic negotiation. As if he didn't learn from Klinton's mistake.... appeasing N. Korea with more food and medicine in an effort to coerce them not to acquire atomic weapons while "Captain Korea Crazy" secretly continued building a nuclear arsenal.

Oh yeah.... he's the guy we need at the controls. :doh:

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What a Freaking LOSER: He's trying to steal his OWN parties idea....

Either that or he has no clue what is going on....



Rep. Ellen Tauscher, D-Calif., introduced legislation Monday that would increase

Army troop levels from 482,400 to 522,400,

Air Force from 359,300 to 388,000, and

Marines from 175,000 to 190,000.

The bill is co-sponsored by 25 House Democrats, including House Armed Services ranking member Ike Skelton, D-Mo., and Defense Appropriations Subcommittee ranking member John Murtha, D-Pa.

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So, he'd cut money from missile defense--that still wouldn't cover the costs of what he's proposing.

I'm not totally against what he's saying, but then, I always believed defense was the main province of national government. Welfare, social security, et al are not.

Kerry suffers from what many do--the inability to see that military procurement and long-term strategies are not supposed to shift with the wind. There will indeed come a time when a missile defense system of SOME kind will provide a real deterrent and provide a net. Maybe not against a storm of Russian nukes, but against a handful of some other state's, or to protect South Korea or Japan from North Korea.

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Originally posted by Thiebear

What a Freaking LOSER: He's trying to steal his OWN parties idea....

yea, what a looser :doh:

Who in their right mind would wnat more troops :doh:

Who would want to be from a party that wanted to increase military numbers :doh1:

Who would want to put more troops in a country to make it safer for EVERYONE :doh1:

AND What kind of looser would agree with a bill being passed now from a party he affiliated with:hammer:

Absolute :pooh:

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Originally posted by Ghost of Nibbs McPimpin

So, he'd cut money from missile defense--that still wouldn't cover the costs of what he's proposing.

I'm not totally against what he's saying, but then, I always believed defense was the main province of national government. Welfare, social security, et al are not.

Kerry suffers from what many do--the inability to see that military procurement and long-term strategies are not supposed to shift with the wind. There will indeed come a time when a missile defense system of SOME kind will provide a real deterrent and provide a net. Maybe not against a storm of Russian nukes, but against a handful of some other state's, or to protect South Korea or Japan from North Korea.

Ghost, star wars is an absolute joke. Our threat isn't from nation that's going to launch a nuke, but one that will smuggle one in. It's a welfare game for Military giants Boeing and Lockheed Martin. The good old Military Industrial Complex rearing it's ugly head again.

I look at it this way. It would cost us on the order of 100 Billion to develop and we could thwart the system with about $100 Million. It's around 1000/1 cost to defeat ratio for this project, a complete waste of money. The only hope is to have a breakthrough in another area by chance. I'd rather put my science money to more focused projects.

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Originally posted by chomerics

yea, what a looser :doh:

Who in their right mind would wnat more troops :doh:

Who would want to be from a party that wanted to increase military numbers :doh1:

Who would want to put more troops in a country to make it safer for EVERYONE :doh1:

AND What kind of looser would agree with a bill being passed now from a party he affiliated with:hammer:

Absolute :pooh:

**Exactly, the military is stretched really thin in the AOR. This would bring much needed relief. Some Army troops are actually going AWOL upon getting home. It doesnt take a brain surgen to realize retention is going to suck about now. I would be intriqued; however, to see his plans for raising the levels. Good discussion.

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Hiatis is over. I'm back, and just like that I'm dissapointed. Some things change, and some things just don't.

Bush didn't do this. Bush didn't do that.

I want to hear a plan on how to make it better, not a list of what Bush has screwed up. We see that on the news everyday.

Increase the Army by 40,000? I want to know how? Increased pay? Beating into high schoolers' heads that they won't amount to anything if they don't go to college, and what do you know, there's a little stand set up by a bunch of marines trying to enlist every teenager they see during lunch and "recommended" by the counsulers. From jocks to kids who couldn't so much as survive a game of dodgeball.

Enough beating around the bush with this crap. Just go ahead and tell us your bringing the draft back. I don't trust Kerry anymore then I trust Bush right now. I have no reason to. I'm looking for a few answers. I'm looking for a lil bit of leadership.

Enough of the shoulda, woulda, coulda. I want to know what we're going to do. What's the plan, people? Just tell me what the plan is, please?

*God, I hate politics...

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Originally posted by chomerics

yea, what a looser :doh:

Who in their right mind would wnat more troops :doh:

Who would want to be from a party that wanted to increase military numbers :doh1:

Who would want to put more troops in a country to make it safer for EVERYONE :doh1:

AND What kind of looser would agree with a bill being passed now from a party he affiliated with:hammer:

Absolute :pooh:

1. Do you just see my name, go red and spout anything with pretty little icons?

2. Did you actually READ what I said after the loser part?

3. Did you realize you have 26+ DEMOCRATS ALREADY doing this?

which means he is at a minimum being uninformed in his speach and at most *Stealing* it from them.

4. Did you go to the link that says: thiebear wants more than the 40k?

I don't agree with you except for the Sudan and *THIS*..

STOP fighting me on something we agree :cheers:

"OHHHH" your a "democrat", your spinning this to say he "SUPPORTS".... your not a liberal/moderate that says yeah, he should pay more attention :doh:

Show me anywhere that he gives the credit to the people that ACTUALLY desever it? Show me anywhere where he points to them and *RIGHTLY* says good job, i back you 100%?


n 1: a piece of writing that has been copied from someone else and is presented as being your own work 2: the act of plagiarizing; taking someone's words or ideas as if they were your own.

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We went into Iraq with too few troops to prevent looting and crime, to maintain security, fundamental order, to secure nearly a million tons of conventional weapons now being used against our troops," he said.

How do you stop looters? Shoot them? We have no College students left after championship games. These people were oppressed for 30 years and your saying we shouldnt let them loot the *golden* palaces... 1 million troops wouldnt have helped that one...

Please dont blame this administration or the troops for crime: Suddam let out ALL of the prisons right before the war didnt he?

Imagine what it would be like today in America if a year earlier we let loose all of our Prisons.....

Wouldnt be pretty for the next administration if that happened and nobody every pointed to it....

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Originally posted by Soliloquy

Doesn't CONGRESS set the size of our military? NOT the president? He can ask all he wants, that alone won't make the military any larger.

No, but you can force congress to go along with it by making it political suicide not to vote for it. . .

For example, Kerry goes before America and says sometheing like this. . .

I have just sent a bill before congress which will bring a certain stability needed right now. My first and main concern is bringing each soldier back home alive, but in order to make it safer, we need more troops. . . Go through a bunch of reasons as to why more troops are needed and how it makes them safer . . . And that America is why I'm asking congress to pass my proposal. We need to send 40K more troops to Iraq. We need to make sure every mother, father brother sister and wife of a soldier fighting so valliantly for our country knows that we're doing everything possible to make Iraq safer for not only the Iraqis, but also our heroic troops. And this is why congress need to pass this bill, because everyone wants our troops to come home safe."

A pretty bad speach, but it shows how you can use your position of power and challange others to do what you want them to. Look at the Patriot Act, Bush challanged congress and congress blinked. Kerry could pull the same thing to get what he wants.

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How do you do it:

It's easy:

Open up a couple of the bases that were closed. If they havent been turned into strip malls by now...

In the Hoffman buildings off of Eisenhower Ave they keep track of each bases troop strength so filling them up in an as needed basis shouldnt be that hard.

Up Enlistments to allow 40k +

Up Incentives as always for the positions you want the most.

People join for a million different reasons. Up it and they will come...

The younger generation is no different than the generation of the past. As always they will rise to the occasion. They always do!

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