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Who is this "tom <giant fan>" anyway?


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What web site am I on anyhow. Seems like everyone is playing love potion with this dude. Last couple of days he's putting up new posts more often than the 'skins fans.

I have three letters for Tom.... BMC (Blow Me Clown)

I could give a rats ass about your cute little fantasy football obsession, about Conklin's issue with his cry babies in NY, or about Mr. Whippy and his butch ass dyke.

How about you spend less time ball washing some 'skin fans and go live in the misery that is Giants football.




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Portis, stick around for more than 9 posts before you start flaming. This board is unique in that we like "true" football fans and Tom happens to be a good poster even if he does like another team.

Chill out and hang around and find out that there is no better football board than this.

Oh, and his 4700+ posts should say enough about him being here.

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portisbowwow. Congratulations. I think that's one of the most tastless, worthless thread/posts I have ever seen here on Extreme. You're new here. Extreme welcomes knowledgable, contributing fans from all teams, not just the Skins. If the above post is indicative of your style, than this clearly excludes you. You may not give a rat's ass about some of his stuff but most of the rest of us do. We enjoy his input here and the gentle give and take that happens during the season. It has nothing to do with a love potion but simple respect. Something that you also clearly lack. Frankly, and speaking for myself, I don't give a rat's ass about your opinion about Tom.

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Who is this portisbowwow anyway.

Here a couple of months and posts some crap like he is the official extremeskins mayor.

Tom Giants fan is a long time member here. Well liked and respected by many.

Not a good way to gain respect from the life long members here.

Might want to take it down a notch.

Now, if you want to find out who this Blondie person is, then I promise you I will inform you.


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Arrington, i understand what you are saying.

However I am talking to him just like i talk to my brother who is a Buffalo fan, Imagine the living room that superbowl night!

Only thing I am giving tom a hard time about is that tonight i saw his name on no less that three new threads. Thought it was funny coming from a fan that is not a skin.

:laugh: Tom knows what i am talking about!

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Take it easy on the kid.:)

We all know and love :rolleyes: Tom, but it's an instinctual thing for Redskins to hate all things in the NFC East that are not B&G.

He'll learn about Tom Tom soon enough.

Besides, I like fans with a bit of fire.

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Kid? That's a relative I take it. Uh uh. Bit of fire is fine. But it needs to be used with common sense. Didn't happen here, so now we are at the " Oh wait. I was only kidding stage".

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We have Giants, Cowboys, and Eagle fans....

:yikes: Oh My!!

Dude we respect the person posting not their choice of team, if they respect the board and it's members. I spare with Eagles fans daily... and glad I get too. Tom is good people as is texaseagle, and number5... eagleslegendz I kinda worry about ;)

give respect you get respect...

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Originally posted by Tom [Giants fan]

Why does this come up with every newbie? Am I really that annoying? :doh:

They just don't know any better.

Originally posted by portisbowwow

Arrington, i understand what you are saying.

However I am talking to him just like i talk to my brother who is a Buffalo fan, Imagine the living room that superbowl night!

Only thing I am giving tom a hard time about is that tonight i saw his name on no less that three new threads. Thought it was funny coming from a fan that is not a skin.

:laugh: Tom knows what i am talking about!

From Tom's response, I would guess that Tom does not know what you are talking about.

And first, you make that terrible post about someone that you know nothing about, and you probably expected to have a bunch of people rally around you.

After you saw how unpopular your post was, and that YOU were the one getting the flack, you try to "laugh it off" and say you were just playing.

I'm not :censored: buying it.

Originally posted by RF4L

Take it easy on the kid.:)

We all know and love :rolleyes: Tom, but it's an instinctual thing for Redskins to hate all things in the NFC East that are not B&G.

He'll learn about Tom Tom soon enough.

Besides, I like fans with a bit of fire.

I understand where you are coming from. And your attitude is most commendable. I myself wondered why Tom was here when I first joined, but I watched and read before I spoke. What I found was not someone who was here instigating arguments or being obnoxious, but someone who enjoyed talking football. And since Tom was here long before I was, he does not need my welcome, but he has it anyway.

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Originally posted by KDawg


Don't mind the newbies... He obviously doesn't know that you are really just a closet Redskins fan... :)

Tom, Tom, Tom.

Come out of the closet.

Time for all of us to know the "real" you!!




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Hey Portisbowwow,

Let's start fresh.

Hi, I'm Tom [Giants fan]. Yes, I am a Giants fan but I love talking on this message board. There are a bunch of great football fans and great people in general. This is like my internet family.

Now, I do talk about the Giants on this board. And I have started several threads the last couple of days about the Giants. While I don't normally do that, I did because of the big news for the Giants. And a lot of people on here like to keep tabs on what the Giants, Cowboys, and Eagles are doing. Just like I keep tabs on what the Eagles, Cowboys, and Redskins are doing. Heck, most here keep tabs on all the NFL teams. The NFC East especially.

All I can tell you is that if you don't want to read about the Giants, don't read my posts about the Giants. But I do talk about a lot more than just the Giants. It is just that there has been a lot to talk about with the Giants these last couple of days.

So, even though I'm a rival fan, I am going to take the liberty of welcoming you to this board. Hopefully, we can have good discussions about football and especially Giants/Redskins.

And don't flame on Cowboy fans. There are good Cowboy fans here too. Now, Eagle fans? Ok, ok, there are good Eagle fans here too. Man did that hurt.

BTW, I didn't know what you were talking about but it is all good. :thumbsup:

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