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Kerry gives the finger in front of school children!


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Caution, this is a "newsmax" article...

Kerry 'Flips Off' Vietnam Vet

Democratic senator - and certain presidential nominee - John F. Kerry gave the middle finger to a Vietnam veteran at the Vietnam Memorial Wall on Memorial Day morning, NewsMax.com has learned.

Ted Sampley, a former Green Beret who served two full tours in Vietnam, spotted Kerry and his Secret Service detail at about 9:00 a.m. Monday morning at the Wall. Sampley walked up to Kerry, extended his hand and said, "Senator, I am Ted Sampley, the head of Vietnam Veterans Against John Kerry, and I am here to escort you away from the Wall because you do not belong here."

At that point a Secret Service officer told Sampley to back away from Kerry. Sampley moved about 6 feet away and opened his jacket to reveal a HANOI JOHN T-shirt.

Kerry then began talking to a group of schoolchildren. Sampley then showed the T-shirt to the children and said, "Kerry does not belong at the Wall because he betrayed the brave soldiers who fought in Vietnam."

Just then Kerry - in front of the school children, other visitors and Secret Service agents - brazenly 'flashed the bird' at Sampley and then yelled out to everyone, "Sampley is a felon!"

Kerry was referring to an incident 12 years ago when Sampley confronted Sen. John McCain's chief aide, Mark Salter, in a Senate stairwell after McCain repeatedly offended POW families at a Senate POW hearing. Sampley, whose father-in-law at that time was MIA in Laos, followed Salter into the stairwell and, when they emerged, Salter had a bloody lip and a broken nose.

Sampley's group, Vietnam Veterans Against John Kerry, has garnered huge national attention and has been featured in the New York Times, the Washington Post and on MSNBC's "Scarborough Country." Tens of thousands of Vietnam vets have registered their opposition to Kerry through Sampley's group.

Clearly Sampley has gotten under Kerry's skin once again.


The children, the horror!

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I would have also...

But then again I'm not running for President

And I'm not standing in front of a bunch of Children

If he wasn't talking to them and didnt know they were around that is one thing..

To lose it in front of the class does not bode well for his temperment....

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Originally posted by Thiebear

I would have also...

But then again I'm not running for President

And I'm not standing in front of a bunch of Children

If he wasn't talking to them and didnt know they were around that is one thing..

To lose it in front of the class does not bode well for his temperment....

Come on Thiebear, I've read enough of your posts to know your above 'believing' such rhetoric..

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From the Newsmax Article


"In this picture, Communist Canidate "John Marx Kerry" is shown trying to kill this widow of a Vietnam Vet by using the popular "Bear Hug". He's used this move to kill many before. In an unrelated story, President Bush cured cancer today while praying at his ranch in Crawford, Texas."

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Originally posted by fmorris

Come on Thiebear, I've read enough of your posts to know your above 'believing' such rhetoric..

Actually if you have really read my emails i am big on doing the right thing no matter what.....

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In my opinion, Kerry is too doggedly dovish to be the right man for the Oval Office. Furthermore, his let's-get-outta-Vietnam treatise delivered on Capitol Hill in 1971 -- in which he claimed the war in Vietnam was a wrongheaded action that was the result of too many bad influences on American culture, like John Wayne movies -- was the kinda thing one should expect of some tenured radical in charge of a media studies program at some major American university, not a future President of the United States.

However, it sounds to me like this Sampley guy sought Kerry out to pick a fight with him. So no one should be ticked at Kerry, whether or not there were kids around, for flipping the guy off.

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Originally posted by Bufford 3.3

From the Newsmax Article


"In this picture, Communist Canidate "John Marx Kerry" is shown trying to kill this widow of a Vietnam Vet by using the popular "Bear Hug". He's used this move to kill many before. In an unrelated story, President Bush cured cancer today while praying at his ranch in Crawford, Texas."


bufford, it seems as though your humor is not registering to some. good stuff.

you were the kid in the back of the class making farting noises with your armpits, weren't you?:)

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Originally posted by Glenn X

In my opinion, Kerry is too doggedly dovish to be the right man for the Oval Office. Furthermore, his let's-get-outta-Vietnam treatise delivered on Capitol Hill in 1971 -- in which he claimed the war in Vietnam was a wrongheaded action that was the result of too many bad influences on American culture, like John Wayne movies -- was the kinda thing one should expect of some tenured radical in charge of a media studies program at some major American university, not a future President of the United States.

And you would rather an American who was too busy snorting lines instead of fighting for his country to run America right?

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Originally posted by dchogs


bufford, it seems as though your humor is not registering to some. good stuff.

you were the kid in the back of the class making farting noises with your armpits, weren't you?:)

just working on getting a job with the Onion.

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Guest Matt Kyriacou
Originally posted by Glenn X

However, it sounds to me like this Sampley guy sought Kerry out to pick a fight with him. So no one should be ticked at Kerry, whether or not there were kids around, for flipping the guy off.

Nothing personal, but this has to be the most asinine statement that I have read in quite some time.

Kerry is an ADULT!!!!

He is running for freaking president.

I hate to tell you, but that requires him to maintain his composure regardless of the situation and intentions of those around him.

You disagree?

Maybe you should go and have a chat with Howard "aaaaarrrggghhhheee" Dean.

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Originally posted by chomerics

And you would rather an American who was too busy snorting lines instead of fighting for his country to run America right?

Bush's former drug use is certainly one of the low points in his personal history and nothing commendable can be gleaned from it -- other than that he eventually cleaned up his act.

However, I don't get the sense that Kerry's feelings, as expressed in his comments on Capitol Hill in 1971, are really all that different now than they were during the Bellbottom Era. To wit, Kerry gave a TV interview shortly after he won the Iowa Primary in which he was asked what he thought made him most qualified to be Commander-in-Chief. He responded by saying that his "going after" the CIA during the 1980s for their "illegal war" in Latin America was something of which he was very "proud" and served as proof of his presidential bona fides. While he may think that U.S. opposition to communist expansion in Latin America during the '80s was a "bad thing," there are others who see such a position on his part as, at best, Pollyannaish and, at worst, dangerous.

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Matt Kyriacou, calm down. I'm not voting for Kerry. I'm merely recognizing that he's a human being and, as such, is capable of having an emotional outburst at someone who's trying to pick a fight with him. I'm not saying that what he (allegedly) did was correct or proper. I'm just saying that it wouldn't constitute an international incident.

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Guest Matt Kyriacou

Glenn X - Sorry if I came off a little harsh. I just get really, really tired of the entire "not responsible for one's actions" argument and it relates to more than just politics.

The Bill Cosby thread is a perfect example.

I'm with you completely as far as him being "human", but I would expect a bit more from someone who is attempting to take the position of "most powerful man in the world".

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No problem, Matt. :) Honestly, I understand what you're saying. I was just speaking from my gut on this. These political threads can very frequently get a little over-the-top, with people practically claiming that their candidate can walk on water and that the opposition candidate's home address is 666 Beelzebub Drive, Dante's Pit, Hell, 13131. I guess, in my own small way, I was simply trying to defuse a bit of that. I don't feel that Kerry is an evil man, far from it. I just feel that he's blithely misguided, as evidenced by the positions he's taken throughout his political career (e.g. his support for the Nuclear Freeze), and simply wouldn't make a good president.

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I have no issues with former alcoholics

I have no issues with former drug users

If they get control over it and live day to day fighting back the demons like I do wanting that darn cig....

I had no issue with kerry's vietnam service... Until he brought it up all over the place...

I had no issue with Mccain cracking in the Hanoi Hilton as he is only human... I saw his interview this weekend and he talked about it... I was in total awe on how he handled it... I am not a big fan but I am becomming one no matter what his political positions....

It's how you have handled yourself in recent times that matter. A barometer on how you are going to do in the oval office...

How does Bush treat his people

How does Kerry treat his people

How does Bush treat avg. Americans

How does Kerry treat avg. People

If things go wrong does Bush Freak out and give the Finger and call the person a Felon???

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Its on CNN and foxnews as well as the Radio.

I'm just surprised at how all of a sudden being a vietnam vet is so popular, like we are supposed to forget the decades of disrespect by the democrats towards them.

Actually I undestand the hate towards Kerry with him labelling soldiers baby killers and war atrocities.

And I'd be a felon too if my dad was a MIA/POW and some guy was dissin the family and those with loved ones still there.

Just because you served doesnt make you immune from responses to comments that border on treason.

Heck I put a former navy officer in check and reminded his former LTjg a$$ that he was as good as the enlisted who propped his pathetic a$$ up.

Yeah this was here in DC

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Well, let's see, why would I think Kerry doesn't deserve to go to the Memorial?

1) He aligned himself with Communist collaborators. NOt just 'anti-war' but actual traitors who went over to Vietnam, got their information and propaganda from Hanoi(and Moscow) and agitated on behalf of a Communist VICTORY. IF they were for ending American troop deaths, the aid for SVN and air support would never have been eliminated. Same for Lon Nol's government in Cambodia.

2) He did not name names or pursue criminal charges against any of the people he alleges he saw commit atrocities.

3) By his own admission HE committed certain crimes, though they may have been 'procedural' rather than gunning down kids or something like that.

4) While men like my father were fighting, he was back home after four months on suspicious wounds for Purple Hearts calling his comrades war criminals.

5) The Winter Soldier farce was filled with liars and people who were proven to never have seen combat or been in the locations they stated they were in to participate or witness crimes.

So, no, I don't think Kerry has a right to ****. That's like saying because someone fought Hitler's armies in WW II, we have to give them respect even after being a Soviet spy in the 50s.

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Originally posted by Ghost of Nibbs McPimpin

Well, let's see, why would I think Kerry doesn't deserve to go to the Memorial?

1) He aligned himself with Communist collaborators. NOt just 'anti-war' but actual traitors who went over to Vietnam, got their information and propaganda from Hanoi(and Moscow) and agitated on behalf of a Communist VICTORY. IF they were for ending American troop deaths, the aid for SVN and air support would never have been eliminated. Same for Lon Nol's government in Cambodia.

2) He did not name names or pursue criminal charges against any of the people he alleges he saw commit atrocities.

3) By his own admission HE committed certain crimes, though they may have been 'procedural' rather than gunning down kids or something like that.

4) While men like my father were fighting, he was back home after four months on suspicious wounds for Purple Hearts calling his comrades war criminals.

5) The Winter Soldier farce was filled with liars and people who were proven to never have seen combat or been in the locations they stated they were in to participate or witness crimes.

So, no, I don't think Kerry has a right to ****. That's like saying because someone fought Hitler's armies in WW II, we have to give them respect even after being a Soviet spy in the 50s.

No Ghost, your only suppost to point to what he voted on since then.. No wait .. thats calling him unpatriotic...

Ummm, nevermind... continue on you are a go at this station....

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