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OJ has gone to far


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According to the Star and just reported on espnradio.com OJ Simpson is going to make money off of the anniversary of the murder of his wife. He is going to charge for interviews, appearances and even photo opps at the crime scene and graveyard :doh: :puke:

If I was a judge in that area and someone just happend to hit him by accident with their car and kill him, i would let them work. This is just sick.

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Originally posted by panel

That isn't going too far at all, The family of Nichole WILL NOT ask for this to be stopped, because they will get a pay day out of it.

then i don't know who is worse oj or her family :doh:

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Originally posted by skinsfan913

I must have forgotten this but didnt he recieve a NOT GUILTY verdict. I believe so. Get off his n***.

So I guess you are getting in line for the $500K picture next to her gravesite :doh:

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Originally posted by Rejuvenated Canadian Hog

Did O.J. ever find the murderer of his wife? Isn't that what he said he was determined to do after the trial? :rolleyes:

Evidentely, the killer is hiding somewhere on a Florida golf course.;)

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Originally posted by skinsfan913

I must have forgotten this but didnt he recieve a NOT GUILTY verdict. I believe so. Get off his n***.

And Scott Peterson really DID go fishing on Christmas Eve.:rolleyes:

Its called the jury of public opinion.

This juror says he's a murderer.

I wouldn't be so quick to condemn the family for going after his money guys. Personally, I'd have blown his head off by now, and be happy to live with the consequences. I wouldn't lose a wink of sleep either.

But for those who have lines they won't or can't cross, what other recourse do they have? Its the ONLY way, short of going my route, that they can hurt him? Its puzzling to me why you'd make them the bad guys here.

I DO fault her family for allowing her to stay in a marriage when they knew he was beating on her and abusing her. But at this point, with the pain and injustice they've suffered, I think they deserve to be cut a little slack.

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If he isn't guilty... then what's the significance of him doing interviews and posing around the former crime scene?

I don't get it. Let's pay money to take photos of OJ at a crime scene for a murder he didn't commit?

Or did he.

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Originally posted by Jay Master Jay

The question should be who would pay OJ for something like this?

The same kind of sick, demented, lowlife, sub-species of maggot $hit that tries to marry convicted serial killers.

You know, Democrats......................................:jk:

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Originally posted by Jay Master Jay

I still say I wasn't there so I dont know or care. I'm more concerned with my friends coming home from Iraq alive and my Lakers winning the NBA Championship. I can think of other injustices other then OJ, Nicole and Ron.

Too True, so many people are 100% convinced that he did it, but they have no more incite than any one else.

If I could make a deal were I could be given a million dollars if OJ did it, but lose my life if he was innocent, I wouldn't do it.

There is a good enough chance that he didn't do it to put a doubt in my mind.

As for what's the significance of him doing interviews and posing around the former crime scene?

Simple, because he is getting payed! Wheather he did it or not wont change that, as long as there is some one who assumes he did it, wheater he did or not.

I tell ya, the one thing that gets me about this whole OJ thing, is how PERSONAL some people take this, like he killed one of "their own" er somthing.

I'm for locking up guilty people and all, But what is even worse than letting a guilty man go, is locking up an innocent man.

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COME ON. No one else had the motive(and no Colombians do not strike rich ex-wives to prove their point, this ain't Bogota) nor the strength, nor the evidence pointing squarely at him.

Sorry, if God said "Ok, you can be enriched by betting that he did it, but I will reveal to you his guilt or innocence and if you are wrong you die. " I'd take his bet and call OJ guilty.

I'd stake my life on it.

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Let me put this to rest: OJ is guilty.

One of the lawyers on his team was a professor of mine. He one day started talking about "jury nullification." The example he gave was a case that he had been involved in where the accused had committed (not been accused, but had COMMITTED) a double murder, but the police had planted evidence to beef up their case. He said that ALTHOUGH THE DEFENDANT WAS GUILTY, the jury correctly exercised their right of jury nullification to check the power of the police in fabricating the case.

He essentially explicitly said that OJ did it, but that the police planted evidence to make their case stronger.

Any questions?

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