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Why the World Hates the 'Skins....

Khun Kao

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We all ***** about the media bias against the 'Skins. This is not news to any of us. But why is it? I've got it all figured out....


1. We have the best owner in all football. He may not be the most experienced, and he has made his share of mistakes, but he does everything within his power to turn this team into a Super Bowl contender. How many other clubs can say that?

2. We have the best coach in all football. THREE TIME WORLD CHAMPION! 'Nuff said!

3. We have a winning tradition that dates back to the NFL's earliest days. We have been competitive throughout our history, vying for the national titles (and winning quite a few, to boot). Sure, we've had our dry spells (50's, 60's, and 90's), but we always bounce back!

4. We have one of the premier stadiums in the entire league!!! More seats than any other, and a waiting list for season tickets that is the envy of owners across the league!

5. We have the absolute best fan website in football, and dare I say it? In ALL SPORT!!! ExtremeSkins.com is burgundy & gold CRACK!!!! Even in the off-season doldrums, I find myself on this website daily, for hours, to get my Redskins fix!!!!!

6. We have the best sports satire cartoonist EVA!!!! Bang is da' man! I believe that he is right on the verge of breaking it really big! Best of luck, Bang! Make us proud!!!!

7. We have the best young QB prospect in the league! It is my firm belief that when all the dust settles, Ramsey will stand alone atop a pedestal, being gazed up upon by the likes of Eli Manning, David Carr, Joey Harrington, Chris Simms, Ben Rothse... (however you spell his name) and others. The cream will rise to the top, and his name is Partrick Ramsey!

Oh heck, I could go on and on and on about what makes our Redskins the envy of the entire league. Feel free to add your own!

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I can honestly say that the wealthy teams in other professional sports who always spend money are the ones who I want to see fail (New York Rangers, Detroit Red Wings, New York Yankees, Los Angeles Lakers, etc.). Money equals power in sports and I think it's just natural for people to have a bit of envy towards those teams who possess huge sums of financial resources. I think that's where the bias towards the Redskins ultimately stems from.

Otherwise, there is little to hate about the Redskins. They are a team who is rich in tradition and who has been one of the cornerstones of the National Football League for a long time now.

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People hate the skins because every year they get hyped only to fall flat.

Our owner thinks he can buy everything he needs to compete.

The media is not jealous. For the last 5 or 6 years since Dan has bought the team, we have underachieved and the last 3 seasons have been a joke.

All we have to do is win and the compliments will start rolling in.

Hail Skins.

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They don't hate us. They use to respect the franchise. The Squire got plenty of "ups" with the way he opened his billfold to get the players he wanted.

However, times have changed - we ALL want to see the team that tries to buy a championship fall on its face (unless it is your team). Lakers, Yankees, Cowboys, and now the Skins. It is the lay of the land.

I was OK with Danny-boy's spending till he got Deion. The Skins are my team, but even I had to hold my nose on that one.

The difference this year is Gibbs. This is the opportunity to re-aquire the respect of building a team - not a group of "All-stars". I truly expect the media to attack us after every loss and not give us our due after wins. If we go 3-5 - watch out for the"Has Gibbs lost it?" columns.

Bottom line - so what? Us against the world is OK with me.

:helmet: :helmet: :point2sky :helmet::helmet:

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There has been animosity for the 'Skins before Snyder bought them, but since he took over there has been increased hatred due to the fact a young successful guy comes in and tries to do things agressively, as he has successfully done in thebusiness world.

The Eagles just shucked out a ridiculous amount of money for Kearse and quite a bit for Owens, yet these were "good moves" in the eyes of the media. Had the 'Skins done the same for less money, we'd be labeled as trying to buy a Superbowl.

Once we start winning again, we won't hear apologies, we just won't hear anything, but that's fine with me.

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I don't buy that the Redskins are "hated". Like most rich and powerful and successful businessmen, Daniel Snyder is probably disliked in some quarters but I'm pretty sure he isn't losing sleep over it.

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Originally posted by B&G

I don't buy that the Redskins are "hated". Like most rich and powerful and successful businessmen, Daniel Snyder is probably disliked in some quarters but I'm pretty sure he isn't losing sleep over it.

I don't buy it either. Dallass is probably the most hated NFL team. People seem to rally around the Skins when they play Dallass(At least where I live they do). Ever seen the T-shirt that read "My 2 favorite teams are (whoever) and the one that plays the Dallas Cowboys"??

I'd be willing to bet Jerry Jones is more disliked than Dan Snyder.

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I especially don't buy number two.

2. We have the best coach in all football. THREE TIME WORLD CHAMPION! 'Nuff said![/Quote] He has been the coach, what? three months now? This has been going on since Snyder took over. If anything, Gibbs gives the Redskins back some credibility and respect, not takes it away.
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Nobody hates the Redskins. You don't hate those who aren't threats. Despise maybe, but not hate. When your team becomes a power again, then it might well generate hate. But not now. Not for a long time.

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Actually, I wasn't saying anything about how good a coach Gibbs is or isn't. All I said was the media and fans don't hate the Redskins because Gibbs is there. He has nothing to do with that. And I don't even think hate is the correct word.

Saying Belichick is a better coach right now I guess is kind of accurate because of what he has done recently and Gibbs has been out of the NFL for 11 years. But whether or not he is actually better than Gibbs will have to wait to be proven.

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Originally posted by Jethrodsp

People hate the skins because every year they get hyped only to fall flat.

Our owner thinks he can buy everything he needs to compete.

The media is not jealous. For the last 5 or 6 years since Dan has bought the team, we have underachieved and the last 3 seasons have been a joke.

All we have to do is win and the compliments will start rolling in.

Hail Skins.

Actually, that's not true. When we won the Super Bowl in 82, the national media really seemed to downplay it's importance making it out like if it weren't for the strike, we wouldn't have even been there. We, as Redskins fans, know that's not true. When we won the Super Bowl in 87 against the Broncos, Doug Williams was asked after what he planned on doing afterwards. Does anyone remember his response? You should because it was only repeated about a thousand times & every once & a while, I still here. As a matter of fact, I heard Derek Jeter say it in a commercial. The response was: "I'm goin' to Disney World!" Now, as minute as that is, it was still started by a Redskin & now, no one seems to know where it came from. People have always hated the Redskins as long as I can remember. One post mentioned that successful or financially "blessed" sports teams tend to draw the haters because of their financial success, the Lakers being one of them. When Jack Kent Cooke bought the Redskins in 1970, he sold the 2 teams that he owned in order to do it. One of those teams was the Lakers! So, I think alot of people who hated the Lakers then & knew who the Lakers were, just hated Jack Cooke & when he bought the Redskins, their hatred followed!

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Whatever media bias the skins have, the cowboys had(have) a bigger one during those 5-11 seasons. People don't like to see succesful franchises struggle and many jump off and on a bandwagon quick.

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Originally posted by Khun Kao

Sure, we've had our dry spells (50's, 60's, and 90's)

Originally posted by panel

Didn't we win a championship in the early 50s too? like 1952 er somthin?

You're close (sort of). We won the NFL Championship in 1937 and again in 1942.


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I have lived all over the US and with the exception of our core group of die hard fans the Redskins are not really well liked, I have no idea why?????

Maybe because we are such a big rival of the Cowboys and they are the national glamore team. :dallasuck

I hate the Cowboys, I hate em, I hate em, I hate em!!!!! :cuss:

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Originally posted by Tom [Giants fan]


Actually, I wasn't saying anything about how good a coach Gibbs is or isn't. All I said was the media and fans don't hate the Redskins because Gibbs is there. He has nothing to do with that. And I don't even think hate is the correct word.

Saying Belichick is a better coach right now I guess is kind of accurate because of what he has done recently and Gibbs has been out of the NFL for 11 years. But whether or not he is actually better than Gibbs will have to wait to be proven.


I realized that, but I was just throwing in my 2 cents anyway. :D

Trust me, to be able to say Belichek, at this juncture, is a better coach than my boy (and yours too in the past, maybe even still now) was tough enough.

But, agreed, Gibbs has the potential to become the best coach in the league at some point, but he has been out a while and will have to prove to the NFL again that he can coach in the next generation.

I have no doubts that he can do it, but right now, Belichek has set the bar pretty damn high (thanks to his incredible staff). And it will be hard for Gibbs and Parcells to reclaim what theyve owned in the past.

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To be honest, (dons bergundy and gold glasses), It was Joe Gibbs who set the bar really high, (with Walsh and Parcells doing so as well). Belichek's quickly attaining the status that those fellows have already achieved. In the context of the present, Joe Gibbs has a level to attain that he himself set. That level being the Superbowl......once or twice. :) At this point, he's competing with himself more than anyone else. He just has to prove he can do it again.

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Originally posted by Park City Skins

To be honest, (dons bergundy and gold glasses), It was Joe Gibbs who set the bar really high. With Walsh and Parcells in the mix as well. Belichekis quickly attaining the status that those fellows have already achieved. In the context of the present, Joe Gibbs has a level to attain that he himself set. That level being the Superbowl......once or twice. :) At this point, he's competing with himself more than anyone else. He just has to prove he can do it again.

2 Super Bowls in 3 years in this day and age is pretty damn impressive.

Back in the day, that was even impressive, but now, its incredible.

And they will be the favorites once again this season.

But if you really want to go back, I think it was someone named Lombardi who set the bar.;)

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Of that there is no doubt. What Bill has done is simply awsome in any age. Oh. And I'm not going back. Merely saying that the bar was already raised before Belichek won his 2. Just as it was raised by Lombardi before Gibbs and the others. Only I think those guys raised it even higher. Belichek could very easily do the same on his present course, and that would be an amzing feat as well.

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Yeah I was happy to see Gibbs back, because other than Parcells, I saw no stopping Belichick's power rule. They can easily become the Lakers of the NFL. Well, at least it was looking that way in December - ;)

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