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Thank You Mr. President

Chief skin

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I just spent $24.00 on gas today $2.05 a galon and my tank was not filled, Mission accomplished for your saudi family friends, your VP and his ties to the oil industry, and your own damn ties to oil. Last year you went to Ohio and crowed how this company Temken, was a shinning beacon in creating jobs in a Bush economy. News flash out of Ohio today that same company is laying off 1300 jobs in your economy(I guess you can write off 1300 votes in that battle state). Also last year you staged a hollywood type victory party on an aircraft cariier witth a banner as a back drop stating mission accomplished and said "major combat is over" either you are a clue less nitwit or a blatant liar whose lies cost America their most precious resource. Either way your record speaks for itself, go home to Crawford and really do your country a favor, you failed miserably in your 4 years and the country just can't afford any more of your BS. I know you Bush buddies on this site are going to rip me a new one but, that is the true gift of the country we live in the right to voice an opinion. Anyone but Bush 2004

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damned if you do and damned if you don't...unreal

Chief, don't be so gullible. In case you didn't realize high oil prices hurt the Saudis in the long run. It slows down the global economy and since they have investments in other countries(a lot in the US) it will hurt them also. That's why they are going to increase their production and are asking other opec countries to do the same.

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Yeah, I never understood this War for Oil garbage, if we went over there for cheaer oil we sure as he11 failed on that one, either that or the libs were full of garbage. Btw, I paid 25.36 today. Was at just under 1/4 tank when I filled up. :puke:

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Hmm, let me ask this question: if Iraq didn't have the worlds 2nd largest oil reserve, would we be there?

It seems highly doubtful. The fact that Cheney (and his Energy Task Force) had maps of the Iraqi oilfields back in 2001 does raise some questions.

Although, I think the overall sentiment that oil was not the main reason is basically right.

But it is one of the reasons. Anyone who says otherwise has read one too many newmax articles.

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Originally posted by miragv

liberal donkey

Who's the donkey, phish?

I don't get that. If the administration didn't consider the oil in their equations they'd be stupid.

If it was meant for Chief, that was a finely crafted rebuttal I'd say. :rolleyes:

And Sarge, don't make me embarrass you by dragging out your posts from a year ago predicting $.50/gallon gasoline by last summer.

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ChiefSkin what do you drive? An SUV perhaps? A v-8 Pick-up? It seems to me alot of folk driving around these 10 mile a gallon behemoths needs a lot of fessing up to do. That's the real culprit. Generally, it's a supply & demand difficulity. Not a political one.

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the ABB movement is starting gather a lot of momentum. Guess you Neo-cons forgot about all of middle class America, which has gotten screwed under the Bush Administration this year.

You know when Cuba is protesting your country because of opression something is seriously fu*ked.

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Originally posted by chomerics

You know when Cuba is protesting your country because of opression something is seriously fu*ked.

When one uses Cuba, in any way as a positive, in any argument regarding oppression and human rights that is seriously fu*ked.

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Originally posted by aREDSKIN

When one uses Cuba, in any way as a positive, in any argument regarding oppression and human rights that is seriously fu*ked.

Exactly my point!!! A society that has been opressed since Castro took over is claiming we've been opressing people.

This should make you, as a country, take a good look in the mirror as to what the current policy is.

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Originally posted by Chief skin

I just spent $24.00 on gas today $2.05 a galon and my tank was not filled, Mission accomplished for your saudi family friends, your VP and his ties to the oil industry, and your own damn ties to oil. Last year you went to Ohio and crowed how this company Temken, was a shinning beacon in creating jobs in a Bush economy. News flash out of Ohio today that same company is laying off 1300 jobs in your economy(I guess you can write off 1300 votes in that battle state). Also last year you staged a hollywood type victory party on an aircraft cariier witth a banner as a back drop stating mission accomplished and said "major combat is over" either you are a clue less nitwit or a blatant liar whose lies cost America their most precious resource. Either way your record speaks for itself, go home to Crawford and really do your country a favor, you failed miserably in your 4 years and the country just can't afford any more of your BS. I know you Bush buddies on this site are going to rip me a new one but, that is the true gift of the country we live in the right to voice an opinion. Anyone but Bush 2004

Cheif Skin............. Sorry, it pains me to read your post. How can some people be so wrong? Go Bush Go Bush, I hope his brother runs and wins after George does another 4 years. One thing is sure Mr. SKIN, Kerry is not the man to run against him ifthe DEMS want a chance, that pains me from laughing so hard..:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

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Originally posted by Ravens777

Cheif Skin............. Sorry, it pains me to read your post. How can some people be so wrong? Go Bush Go Bush, I hope his brother runs and wins after George does another 4 years. One thing is sure Mr. SKIN, Kerry is not the man to run against him ifthe DEMS want a chance, that pains me from laughing so hard..:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

Just curious, why do you like Bush?

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Oh well. Suck it up. In WW2 people made do without a LOT of stuff.

The question put forth above was "If Iraq didn't have such a huge oil supply, would we be there" and the answer is no.

But you must look at WHY we're there, in that particular place.

Because we are there to pursue a long term war in the region. Iraq is a fine mustering ground for large armies, it is a fine place to use to distribute supplies to that army, it has access to the sea and from that position we are able to strike in any direction...and because there is so much oil in addition to already in place modern refineries, they can produce the gasoline needed to run the machines of war.

You guys have to stop putting WAR into context of right and left.


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Considering that this country has other solutions for fuel such as ethanol and hemp, this country could really profit as a whole by using these alternate fuel sources. Instead, we'll continue to use everyone elses oil and for the most part, stay away from our reserves. Go America!

I'm still trying to figure out how our oil got under their sand... Hah, regardless of how THAT happened, we're going to get it back, because we're America! We'll stick a boot in your ass, cause that's the American way!

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But the gas prices have nothing to do with Bush:laugh:

Sending troops into the region that controls the majority of the oil we use and embarassing ourselves and upsetting them would have no affect on oil prices.

If I want milk I'm not going to make the cow mad before I try to milk it.


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Originally posted by Hitman56

Just curious, why do you like Bush?

I've asked him this may times, he doesn't have a clear answer, he only posts some newsmax piece about how Kerry was a traitor for giving up medals. :rolleyes:

I guess he likes chickenhawks, kind of fitting seeing how he's a Ravens fan.

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You liberals need to quit crying and start taking economic courses. Supply and demand create prices and gas is cheaper today in real terms than in the 70's. What liquid other than water can you buy for $2 per gallon? This country could never go through a WW1 or WW2 again because we have become a group of self centered, over sensative spoiled brats. We need men like Pershing, Patton, MacArthur, Bradley, and Eisenhower again.

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