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Originally posted by Duncan

The hoops liberals jump through to justify their hypocrisy is stunning.

I think you ment to say the ability of the Bush supporter to try and falsify Kerry without bringing up a single point of merit shows their truly undefensible position.

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Originally posted by Duncan

Thanks for mentioning I bring up a few good point, but I know you weren't talking about "To me actions are more important than words."

Actually I was. I was talking about when you brought up how you remodeled your house to make it more energy efficient. It is a real good way Americans can start to look at their own energy habits and conserve.

Things like replacing double hung windows, getting a water heater that is directly connecter to your furnace, buying high fuel efficient cars, increasing insulation. All these are good reasons and valid points about doing the little things that when done by a large majority of people, can make a difference.

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Originally posted by chomerics

If you want to debate the issues, I don't have a problem with that at all, unfortunately, in your position, the issues are no longer debate able because of the failures of this administration.

Instead, all I've been getting from the extreme right, or in your case as you put it "the lies and panderings of John Kerry" without any evidence, or facts to back up your claim. Bring out the facts to debate, please do so. When you fail to bring up a single valid point, and when all the propaganda you post has been discredited, you resort to generalities and blanket statements to try and discredit the opposition. Again, bring out the points you want to debate, when you try to discredit Kerry with nothing other than generalities it proves nothing other than you have no point to begin with.

Bring it out, or as Kerry says "Bring it on!!!". Unfortunately, the more and more that his record is brought out, it just furthers the distance between mainstream America and Bush. Thus, I don't expect you to bring out any facts to debate with. Your acute view of the Bush Administration and completely ignorance concerning their utter failure to lead this country and lack of facts showing yor viewpoint speaks volumes. Bby hiding behind generalities like Kerry lies and he owns an SUV so he anti-enviornmental and not using anything as proof shows your ignorance on not only Kerry's viewpoint, but Bush policies as well :rolleyes:

Man I sense lot of pent of rage in many of your posts. Be that as it may if you read many of my posts in the tailgate it really is not about supporting Bush per se but about the absolute an utter hypocrisy of the left & in particular the media. The media, as defined by the major metropolitian dailies and the overair TV networks and some radio. Of course the right have their charlatrans too but it certainly dosen't approach the overwhelming

monolitic proportions of the left. So the Kerry quip was in fact factual. It was factual and it was present with what is all too often

his hyprocrisy when it come to issues. Please keep in mind just because you are unaware of something does not mean it is not a fact.

Here's but one "media" report of the Kerry duplicity and not only does it show his utter falseness but his cluenessness too. His new chrylser 300M is not an all-american car. It's assembled in Canada.

Kerry Says His 'Family' Owns SUV, Not He

Friday April 23, 2004 12:46 AM

PITTSBURGH (AP) - Does John Kerry, who supports higher automobile fuel economy standards, own a gas-guzzling SUV? He does, but says it belongs to the family, not to him.

During a conference call Thursday with reporters to discuss his upcoming jobs tour through West Virginia, Pennsylvania, Ohio and Michigan, the Democratic presidential candidate was asked whether he owned a Chevrolet Suburban.

``I don't own an SUV,'' said Kerry, who supports increasing existing fuel economy standards to 36 miles per gallon by 2015 in order to reduce the nation's dependence on foreign oil supplies.

Kerry also has made rising gasoline prices an issue in the campaign against President Bush. In Houston on Thursday, Kerry said the president broke a 2000 campaign pledge to ``jawbone'' oil-producing nations by pressuring them to increase their output.

Kerry thought for a second when asked whether his wife, Teresa Heinz Kerry, had a Suburban at their Ketchum, Idaho, home. Kerry said he owns and drives a Dodge 600 and recently bought a Chrysler 300M. He said his wife owns the Chevrolet SUV.

``The family has it. I don't have it,'' he said.

Kerry said it's important for his family to buy American cars and pledged to keep car manufacturing jobs in the country if elected. He said he is interested in a hybrid car, and has talked to Ford about making it the ``campaign car.''

``We're going to keep jobs in America and help the industry be more competitive with foreign manufacturers that are building those cars today,'' Kerry said.

The Massachusetts senator said he'll release more details during the jobs tour about his plans to keep jobs in the country.

``I want cars to be made in Michigan, made in America, made'' by the United Auto Workers, Kerry said.


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Originally posted by aREDSKIN

Man I sense lot of pent of rage in many of your posts. Be that as it may if you read many of my posts in the tailgate it really is not about supporting Bush per se but about the absolute an utter hypocrisy of the left & in particular the media. The media, as defined by the major metropolitian dailies and the overair TV networks and some radio. Of course the right have their charlatrans too but it certainly dosen't approach the overwhelming

monolitic proportions of the left. So the Kerry quip was in fact factual. It was factual and it was present with what is all too often

his hyprocrisy when it come to issues. Please keep in mind just because you are unaware of something does not mean it is not a fact.

Here's but one "media" report of the Kerry duplicity and not only does it show his utter falseness but his cluenessness too. His new chrylser 300M is not an all-american car. It's assembled in Canada.

Kerry Says His 'Family' Owns SUV, Not He

Friday April 23, 2004 12:46 AM

PITTSBURGH (AP) - Does John Kerry, who supports higher automobile fuel economy standards, own a gas-guzzling SUV? He does, but says it belongs to the family, not to him.

During a conference call Thursday with reporters to discuss his upcoming jobs tour through West Virginia, Pennsylvania, Ohio and Michigan, the Democratic presidential candidate was asked whether he owned a Chevrolet Suburban.

``I don't own an SUV,'' said Kerry, who supports increasing existing fuel economy standards to 36 miles per gallon by 2015 in order to reduce the nation's dependence on foreign oil supplies.

Kerry also has made rising gasoline prices an issue in the campaign against President Bush. In Houston on Thursday, Kerry said the president broke a 2000 campaign pledge to ``jawbone'' oil-producing nations by pressuring them to increase their output.

Kerry thought for a second when asked whether his wife, Teresa Heinz Kerry, had a Suburban at their Ketchum, Idaho, home. Kerry said he owns and drives a Dodge 600 and recently bought a Chrysler 300M. He said his wife owns the Chevrolet SUV.

``The family has it. I don't have it,'' he said.

Kerry said it's important for his family to buy American cars and pledged to keep car manufacturing jobs in the country if elected. He said he is interested in a hybrid car, and has talked to Ford about making it the ``campaign car.''

``We're going to keep jobs in America and help the industry be more competitive with foreign manufacturers that are building those cars today,'' Kerry said.

The Massachusetts senator said he'll release more details during the jobs tour about his plans to keep jobs in the country.

``I want cars to be made in Michigan, made in America, made'' by the United Auto Workers, Kerry said.


First off, if you sense rage in my posts, it's more about the lack of a platfrom I keep hearing from the Neo-cons concerning Kerry and the utter hypocritical posts they bring up for their defense of viewpoint. I'm not picking on you, but this is the perfect example.

We were talking about the enviornmental record of Bush and you were using a comment about Kerry owning SUVs and being rich. Attacking his person, without stating one fact. Well lets look at your fact below, as "evidence".

Kerry thought for a second when asked whether his wife, Teresa Heinz Kerry, had a Suburban at their Ketchum, Idaho, home. Kerry said he owns and drives a Dodge 600 and recently bought a Chrysler 300M. He said his wife owns the Chevrolet SUV.

So the fact that Kerry's wife owns an SUV provesw he's against the enviornment? Are you kidding me? Is this proving that he's a liar because he doesn't own an SUV? Come on now, lets get a grip on reality. This post shows the fact that there isn't a leg to stand on.

Now, you say Kerry is out of touch because he own's a Chrysler 300M? What the hell have you been smoking??? How the hell is this duplicitous? Here's your quote. . .

Here's but one "media" report of the Kerry duplicity and not only does it show his utter falseness but his cluenessness too. His new chrylser 300M is not an all-american car. It's assembled in Canada.

He's clueless because he owns a 300M? O.K. tell me where he says his car was manufactured in the U.S.? Oh he doesn't, so, now how is he duplicitous? Is he duplicitous because his car is manufactured in Canada and he says he wants to keep manufacturing in the US? Well show me an American car which is currently manufactured entirely in the U.S.

Did you know there isn't one? I bet you didn't every American car has parts which are manufactured overseas, or in forign lands. There are also a lot of forign cars manufactured in the US. Like I said before, get informed and get a clue. If you want to debate the issues, fine with me, the fact is there aren't any issues to debate. Every major debating point has been an utter failure under the Bush administration.

As for his quote

``I want cars to be made in Michigan, made in America, made'' by the United Auto Workers, Kerry said.

Unlike Bush who wants to bring all US manufacturing overseas, then allow these American companies to import "forign" cars with an American name into the country import tax free. And this is good for our manufacturing sector how?

Again, bring out some facts. Go to JohnKerry.com, read his platform and bring out some debating points, because your attempt thus far would have made a third grader look bad. You can go and cut out all you want out of newspapers, but until you become informed on the issues of the campaign and what the canidates stand for, you will continue to sound like an uninformed elementary school kid.

If you would instead take what the media gives you and investigate what's true and what's spin, you'll be more informed on the issues. Just because you hear it on the news doesn't mean it's leftist or hypocritical. Leave it up for yourself to decide by looking into what they are saying.

You see, the right wing talk radio movement is so far out of touch with everyday society it's almost sickening.

I was listening to it this morning and I heard the two following ranted points.

1.) People in wheelchairs should not be allowed to attend sporting events because they are taking up seats and space for real fans. . .Yes this was his actual argument.

2.) The Berg killing was because of the liberal media and the media should feel responsible for his death. The pictures of the Iraqi's being abused don't exist because he hasn't seen them, but then in the same sentence he claims they shouldn't be released.

WTF??? Get informed on the issues. There has been too much crap going on in the world to just toe party lines. Read up on both canidates and make an informed, rational decision based on the issues. This is all I'm ranting about. The age of America not doing their homework should be over. Read up on the canidates, pick an area of their platform you disagree with and debate on those issues, but to just sit there and use generalities and false logic as "proof" for your viewpoint isn't going to cut it any more. I will call you on the BS every time, because it's time somebody in America started to look at the real issues and become informed.

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With the current state of affairs in Iraq I certainly don't blame you for prefering to talk about where Kerry's wife's car was made.
:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

And I can't have an opinion because I don't hve a hybrid car.

These are VERY good stances from the right

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So the fact that Kerry's wife owns an SUV provesw he's against the enviornment? Are you kidding me? Is this proving that he's a liar because he doesn't own an SUV? Come on now, lets get a grip on reality. This post shows the fact that there isn't a leg to stand on.


So when Kerry was at the Detroit Union and told them HE owned SEVERAL suv's that was a lie?

When I talk about MY family, I am talking about ME also... I dont know anyone that refers to their family in the 3rd person?

When it comes to Bush's policies.

I support drilling in Alaska... The footprint it would cause compared to the results it would have Globally and Security wise is MORE than worth it.

I support drilling off the coast of Florida... see above

I support Nuclear plants with todays technology.

But no matter what, you cant refuse all of them and say its Bush's fault as that is just not true.

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Originally posted by chomerics

First off, if you sense rage in my posts, it's more about the lack of a platfrom I keep hearing from the Neo-cons concerning Kerry and the utter hypocritical posts they bring up for their defense of viewpoint. I'm not picking on you, but this is the perfect example.

We were talking about the enviornmental record of Bush and you were using a comment about Kerry owning SUVs and being rich. Attacking his person, without stating one fact. Well lets look at your fact below, as "evidence".

So the fact that Kerry's wife owns an SUV provesw he's against the enviornment? Are you kidding me? Is this proving that he's a liar because he doesn't own an SUV? Come on now, lets get a grip on reality. This post shows the fact that there isn't a leg to stand on.

Now, you say Kerry is out of touch because he own's a Chrysler 300M? What the hell have you been smoking??? How the hell is this duplicitous? Here's your quote. . .

He's clueless because he owns a 300M? O.K. tell me where he says his car was manufactured in the U.S.? Oh he doesn't, so, now how is he duplicitous? Is he duplicitous because his car is manufactured in Canada and he says he wants to keep manufacturing in the US? Well show me an American car which is currently manufactured entirely in the U.S.

Did you know there isn't one? I bet you didn't every American car has parts which are manufactured overseas, or in forign lands. There are also a lot of forign cars manufactured in the US. Like I said before, get informed and get a clue. If you want to debate the issues, fine with me, the fact is there aren't any issues to debate. Every major debating point has been an utter failure under the Bush administration.

As for his quote

Unlike Bush who wants to bring all US manufacturing overseas, then allow these American companies to import "forign" cars with an American name into the country import tax free. And this is good for our manufacturing sector how?

Again, bring out some facts. Go to JohnKerry.com, read his platform and bring out some debating points, because your attempt thus far would have made a third grader look bad. You can go and cut out all you want out of newspapers, but until you become informed on the issues of the campaign and what the canidates stand for, you will continue to sound like an uninformed elementary school kid.

If you would instead take what the media gives you and investigate what's true and what's spin, you'll be more informed on the issues. Just because you hear it on the news doesn't mean it's leftist or hypocritical. Leave it up for yourself to decide by looking into what they are saying.

You see, the right wing talk radio movement is so far out of touch with everyday society it's almost sickening.

I was listening to it this morning and I heard the two following ranted points.

1.) People in wheelchairs should not be allowed to attend sporting events because they are taking up seats and space for real fans. . .Yes this was his actual argument.

2.) The Berg killing was because of the liberal media and the media should feel responsible for his death. The pictures of the Iraqi's being abused don't exist because he hasn't seen them, but then in the same sentence he claims they shouldn't be released.

WTF??? Get informed on the issues. There has been too much crap going on in the world to just toe party lines. Read up on both canidates and make an informed, rational decision based on the issues. This is all I'm ranting about. The age of America not doing their homework should be over. Read up on the canidates, pick an area of their platform you disagree with and debate on those issues, but to just sit there and use generalities and false logic as "proof" for your viewpoint isn't going to cut it any more. I will call you on the BS every time, because it's time somebody in America started to look at the real issues and become informed.

"We were talking about the enviornmental record of Bush and you were using a comment about Kerry owning SUVs and being rich. Attacking his person, without stating one fact. Well lets look at your fact below, as "evidence".

The begining of this thread was about high gasoline prices and my first response was to the supply & demand issue vis-a-vis SUV's and V-8 pick-up's. If you read that maybe then you might have picked up the reason for the quip about Kerry. But that's ok it's been done before.

"So the fact that Kerry's wife owns an SUV provesw he's against the enviornment? Are you kidding me? Is this proving that he's a liar because he doesn't own an SUV? Come on now, lets get a grip on reality. This post shows the fact that there isn't a leg to stand on."

No, it proves, at least to me, his pandering to an audience. I mean let's get a grip on reality how many people would really say that? Disassociate something percieved ( by Kerry) as a negative and pawn it off on your wife. Nice. Good leadership qualities there. Would you ever say you don't own something, if in fact you did, because it might embarass you and shift the blame to your pink slip? ;) I wouldn't but that where we diagree.

"Again, bring out some facts. Go to JohnKerry.com, read his platform and bring out some debating points, because your attempt thus far would have made a third grader look bad. You can go and cut out all you want out of newspapers, but until you become informed on the issues of the campaign and what the canidates stand for, you will continue to sound like an uninformed elementary school kid.

I provide you "facts" per your request. I posted just but one article of this blunder and you then dismiss it and contine to call names an beat your chest as though you are insecure, it's humerous. Apparently, you were unaware of the gaffe and that's fine but if you're really interested in this and other interpetations regarding it just google it and inform yourself.

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Originally posted by JimboDaMan

Simply amazing.

With the current state of affairs in Iraq I certainly don't blame you for prefering to talk about where Kerry's wife's car was made.

Nice try but re-read it again and try again.

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Originally posted by aREDSKIN

Nice try but re-read it again and try again.

:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

For the sake of brevity, not to mention pity, I combined two totally inane "points" into a single sentence. I'm well aware that you seem equally concerned by the model of Mrs. Kerry's car and the factory address of Mr. Kerry's car.

Simply amazing. I feel for ya, bud.

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A N S W E R: Yours is one of many e-mails I have received asking for more information on this matter. If passed, the proposed tax break for purchasing a sport utility vehicle (SUV) will apply specifically to small business owners or self-employed persons, such as independent contractors.

More specifically, President Bush's new economic stimulus plan would increase the equipment deduction currently available to small business owners from the current $25,000 to $75,000. In so doing, he hopes to encourage more business spending to help "jump-start" the economy.

Although there is currently a cap on tax deductions for most cars used for business purposes, vehicles weighing more than 6,000 pounds — like large SUVs — would be exempt from these caps. Up to $75,000 of the purchase price would be tax deductible if Congress passes the stimulus package.

Essentially, this means at the time of purchase, small business owners or self-employed persons could potentially use this $75,000 allowance to deduct the entire cost of a large sport utility vehicle from their business income. One clear outcome of this incentive would be that business owners would likely seek out the biggest SUVs instead of cars.

In the case of small sport utility vehicles and cars, currently business owners can only deduct up to $7,660 per year for the first year of service, up to $4,900 in the second year and less in succeeding years.


And you are concerned that Kerry has an SUV when Bush wants to pay people to buy them?

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I notice the article points out "LIKE large SUV's", does this mean F150/250/350 and other trucks.. Those White Vans and the Panel Trucks I see ALL over the place... I like how they said LIKE Large SUV's and then just ran with it without mentioning any other make or model..

Wouldnt want to Jump start the economy, that would be awful.

And you are concerned that Kerry has an SUV when Bush wants to pay people to buy them?

No, I am concerned when people lie about things as little as owning a car. I am concerned about people that will say one thing to one group and the exact opposite to the next group the next day...

I prefer people to say what they mean and mean what they say.

You can go ahead and say Bush lied to everyone about IRAQ now..Even though Kerry said the same thing word for word.

Everyone that had an intelligence agency thought he had weapons, including his Arabic neighbors.

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Originally posted by bulmer1


A N S W E R: Yours is one of many e-mails I have received asking for more information on this matter. If passed, the proposed tax break for purchasing a sport utility vehicle (SUV) will apply specifically to small business owners or self-employed persons, such as independent contractors.

More specifically, President Bush's new economic stimulus plan would increase the equipment deduction currently available to small business owners from the current $25,000 to $75,000. In so doing, he hopes to encourage more business spending to help "jump-start" the economy.

Although there is currently a cap on tax deductions for most cars used for business purposes, vehicles weighing more than 6,000 pounds — like large SUVs — would be exempt from these caps. Up to $75,000 of the purchase price would be tax deductible if Congress passes the stimulus package.

Essentially, this means at the time of purchase, small business owners or self-employed persons could potentially use this $75,000 allowance to deduct the entire cost of a large sport utility vehicle from their business income. One clear outcome of this incentive would be that business owners would likely seek out the biggest SUVs instead of cars.

In the case of small sport utility vehicles and cars, currently business owners can only deduct up to $7,660 per year for the first year of service, up to $4,900 in the second year and less in succeeding years.


And you are concerned that Kerry has an SUV when Bush wants to pay people to buy them?

You know the IRS code/reg that allows the classifying an SUV as a truck and therefore qualifies for a deduction predates Bush. Your inference that this is Bush's "want" is a bit twisted. However, I agree that an SUV shouldn't be classified as a truck simply because of it's weight.

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You know the IRS code/reg that allows the classifying an SUV as a truck and therefore qualifies for a deduction predates Bush. Your inference that this is Bush's "want" is a bit twisted. However, I agree that an SUV shouldn't be classified as a truck simply because of it's weight.

You're right it predates Bush but Bush is wanting to triple it. I think he was kind of heading in the right direction by helping small business owners but by giving tax breaks on things that hurt the environment and are unnecessary is not the way I would have gone with it.

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Originally posted by aREDSKIN

"We were talking about the enviornmental record of Bush and you were using a comment about Kerry owning SUVs and being rich. Attacking his person, without stating one fact. Well lets look at your fact below, as "evidence".

The begining of this thread was about high gasoline prices and my first response was to the supply & demand issue vis-a-vis SUV's and V-8 pick-up's. If you read that maybe then you might have picked up the reason for the quip about Kerry. But that's ok it's been done before.

"So the fact that Kerry's wife owns an SUV provesw he's against the enviornment? Are you kidding me? Is this proving that he's a liar because he doesn't own an SUV? Come on now, lets get a grip on reality. This post shows the fact that there isn't a leg to stand on."

No, it proves, at least to me, his pandering to an audience. I mean let's get a grip on reality how many people would really say that? Disassociate something percieved ( by Kerry) as a negative and pawn it off on your wife. Nice. Good leadership qualities there. Would you ever say you don't own something, if in fact you did, because it might embarass you and shift the blame to your pink slip? ;) I wouldn't but that where we diagree.

"Again, bring out some facts. Go to JohnKerry.com, read his platform and bring out some debating points, because your attempt thus far would have made a third grader look bad. You can go and cut out all you want out of newspapers, but until you become informed on the issues of the campaign and what the canidates stand for, you will continue to sound like an uninformed elementary school kid.

I provide you "facts" per your request. I posted just but one article of this blunder and you then dismiss it and contine to call names an beat your chest as though you are insecure, it's humerous. Apparently, you were unaware of the gaffe and that's fine but if you're really interested in this and other interpetations regarding it just google it and inform yourself.

I had a long post ripping you apart, but the power went out, so I lost it, I'll keep this one short.

I can't believe you actually have the unmittigated gaul to call Kerry a panderer because he's claiming he's for the working class and tring to use a personal example.

First, he actually had to think about it if you read the article. It was neither his, nor his wifes usual car, and it is in fact in another state. He remembered it as he was saying it, so he clarified the manner. Now, if he came out and claimed he didn't have one, that would be pandering.

Have you listened to a Bush speach? You think this is Pandering? I guess when Bush uses millions of Tax payers dollars and play Fly Boy on the USS Abraham Lincoln to declare mission accomplished and says

" I used to fly fighter planes myself, I know what it's like" He's not pandering either.

Or when he calls out to the Muslim people, "you can now live life without fear", he wasn't pandering either.

Kerry and an SUV, or Bush and No WMDs, no Saddam 9-11 connection, No freeing an opressed people. :doh:

And as far as a leader, Bush is the most inept leader I have ever seen. He has the deplomacy skills of a wall. he won't stand up and be accountable for anything and he fails not only to fix his mistakes, but to even realize he's making one.

America has never been more hated than it is right now and Americans have never felt as utterly imbarrased for the lack of leadership and dignity coming out of the White House. Yes, his pandering of bringing dignity to the White House worked out real well

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Originally posted by chomerics

I had a long post ripping you apart, but the power went out, so I lost it, I'll keep this one short.

I can't believe you actually have the unmittigated gaul to call Kerry a panderer because he's claiming he's for the working class and tring to use a personal example.

First, he actually had to think about it if you read the article. It was neither his, nor his wifes usual car, and it is in fact in another state. He remembered it as he was saying it, so he clarified the manner. Now, if he came out and claimed he didn't have one, that would be pandering.

Have you listened to a Bush speach? You think this is Pandering? I guess when Bush uses millions of Tax payers dollars and play Fly Boy on the USS Abraham Lincoln to declare mission accomplished and says

" I used to fly fighter planes myself, I know what it's like" He's not pandering either.

Or when he calls out to the Muslim people, "you can now live life without fear", he wasn't pandering either.

Kerry and an SUV, or Bush and No WMDs, no Saddam 9-11 connection, No freeing an opressed people. :doh:

And as far as a leader, Bush is the most inept leader I have ever seen. He has the deplomacy skills of a wall. he won't stand up and be accountable for anything and he fails not only to fix his mistakes, but to even realize he's making one.

America has never been more hated than it is right now and Americans have never felt as utterly imbarrased for the lack of leadership and dignity coming out of the White House. Yes, his pandering of bringing dignity to the White House worked out real well

I agree! Crunchy shells are a nice change of pace from flour tortillas.

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Way to HALF qoute me... Shame shame..

If your not going to be honest in your qoutes...

Then please dont bother, be a HACK on another site and leave this one to people that talk about things in a more "people person" type style.

I may be wrong on some of the things I think and write but I try to be honest about what I put in and research I run out and do real quick when I am lacking in the information.

To take half the line about Bush and leave out the other half of th line and then make a snide comment...

It's not only you doing it and knowing it was wrong... or

You don't know better and thats even worse.

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Way to HALF qoute me... Shame shame..

If your not going to be honest in your qoutes...

Then please dont bother, be a HACK on another site and leave this one to people that talk about things in a more "people person" type style.

I may be wrong on some of the things I think and write but I try to be honest about what I put in and research I run out and do real quick when I am lacking in the information.

To take half the line about Bush and leave out the other half of th line and then make a snide comment...

It's not only you doing it and knowing it was wrong... or

You don't know better and thats even worse.


I apologize for that seeming as personal as it did it was kind of a half thought on my part as well. I was not truly defending Kerry my mind shifted to Bush's lies in office instead of Half truths. IMHO Bush made blatant lies about the war and why we went to war. Yet people are ripping on Kerry for saying his wife has an SUV. That was my point I said it poorly to you I apologize but my point is now restated a litlle better.

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2 questions.

There are a few solutions.

1- We can drill for oil in our own country. But Kerry and the Dems oppose it.

2- We can create Alt Energy sources (WInd is the best. Clean, Free supply). But Kerry and the Dems oppose it. You see, it would be an eyesore from the porches of their mansions in Marthas Vineyard.

3- What has Kerry said he would do to lower gas prices? NADA. He has no plan, no idea, nothing. All he and the hate Amercia crowd can do is whine about how bad things are without offering solutions.

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2 questions.

There are a few solutions.

1- We can drill for oil in our own country. But Kerry and the Dems oppose it.

2- We can create Alt Energy sources (WInd is the best. Clean, Free supply). But Kerry and the Dems oppose it. You see, it would be an eyesore from the porches of their mansions in Marthas Vineyard.

3- What has Kerry said he would do to lower gas prices? NADA. He has no plan, no idea, nothing. All he and the hate Amercia crowd can do is whine about how bad things are without offering solutions.

We have already posted other options like ethanol and hemp to many problems. The fact of the matter is our country as a whole would rather use old outdated technology for power because we dont have to change to do that and we don't like a lot of change.

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Bulmer: Thanks for the update on the quote, not exactly sure what it meant but thats o.k.

Again: What has ............... Kerry .................... said he will do to increase security and independance from foreign oil.

I know what Bush said and tried but got shot down..

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Americans should drive the cars, SUVs, minivans and trucks of their choice, but that these vehicles can be safer, more efficient and affordable. Kerry believes that we should increase our fuel economy standards to 36 miles per gallon by 2015 and will also provide tax incentives for consumers to buy the vehicles they want and incentives for manufacturers to convert factories to build the more efficient vehicles of the future. Taken together these proposals will enhance national security, strengthen the American auto industry, and protect and create jobs.

The current hybrids dont even meet those standards??????

2. While John Kerry believes our nation needs a strategy to reduce dependence on oil today, he knows we can harness technological innovation and ingenuity to develop a hydrogen-based economy for the future. Hydrogen has great promise as a clean, domestic, and reliable energy source for the future. It has the potential to power our cars at 100 miles per gallon without pollution and, with the right technology, can be produced efficiently from natural gas and coal. Eventually, John Kerry believes that we can build a truly clean and secure economy based on hydrogen -- a clean fuel that we can eventually get entirely from renewable sources from our farms, the wind, solar energy, hydropower and geothermal sources

Didnt Bush already put resources into this?????

The American economy is twice as efficient today as it was some 30 years ago. In part, that’s because we accomplish more with less through efficient technologies. But studies by the Department of Energy and other agencies show that we can save significantly more energy through advances in energy efficient technologies – heating, lighting and manufacturing – that only need to be implemented. John Kerry believes that the government should promote the efficient use of energy in the places that we work and live. Kerry will cut the Government’s energy bill 20 percent by 2020 – saving the Federal government $8 billion over the next ten years - and will challenge municipalities, corporations, universities, small businesses, and hospitals to do the same. He will also provide tax credits for energy-efficient buildings and homes.

Hes going to try to get the government to conserve? He's been in a better position of power even now to do this than president.... I dont understand?

anything else? other than asking other people to do stuff?

Conservation is cool.... but what about

Acreage of wind power and where

Acreage of Solar power and where

Something a lil substantive other than (hey people, lets conserve) cause we've never tried that before ;).

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Something a lil substantive other than (hey people, lets conserve) cause we've never tried that before .

As I said there really are no means to an end listed. I personally dislike both candidates. I just happen to dislike Bush more. I think Bush has truly only paid attention to our policies on overseas countries while only doing enough here to keep people off his a$$. I don't know that Kerry is a whole lot better but I don't think I can stand Bush for another four years.

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