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Players' union tackles Tom

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When Tom Coughlin was hired, he vowed to push his players hard to make the Giants better. But several Giants and the NFL Players Association believe the new coach has already pushed too far.

The NFLPA and the NFL Management Council are investigating Coughlin and the Giants for possible violations of the NFL's offseason workout rules, NFLPA executive director Gene Upshaw confirmed last night. Upshaw also told the Daily News he has received complaints from 7-10 Giants players.

He also said Coughlin was "on notice," and vowed "we will get him" if it turns out he has broken the rules.

"(The Giants players) believe what is going on in the offseason is not within the rules we agreed to," Upshaw said. "We don't care if they get a new coach. He has rules, we have rules. If he doesn't want to live within our rules, we will get him."

According to Upshaw, who filed an official complaint on Wednesday, the objections center around "what was mandatory and what was not mandatory" during Coughlin's offseason program. Under the collective bargaining agreement, new coaches are allowed only two mandatory minicamps. Coughlin's first one opens this morning.

"Anything else is voluntary," Upshaw said. "Any time a coach says, 'You have to be here so many days,' that's not part of what we agreed to.

"Coaches have a way of saying, 'It's not mandatory, but it's best you be here. If you're not here you're cheating the team, you're not a team player.' When you get to the point where he is calling players and leaving messages on their voice mail, 'Why aren't you here? Why are you not here? You should be here?' . . . even breakfast is mandatory."

Coughlin could not be reached for comment last night, nor could the Giants' union reps Tiki Barber and Michael Strahan. Giants VP John Mara and GM Ernie Accorsi declined to comment, though several Giants officials dismissed the complaints as "without merit" and the investigation as "no big deal."

Upshaw obviously disagreed, which is why he has requested internal documents from the Giants about their offseason program, as well as videos of any on-field work.

The penalty for a violation is the loss of one week of organized team activities, which was most recently handed down to the Rams last season.

Upshaw did not list the specific allegations. When asked if he considered any of Coughlin's alleged violations to be "outrageous," Upshaw replied: "All of it is. The same thing happened (with Coughlin) in Jacksonville. I had worse complaints. This is only the beginning. He just got here.

"He's going to live by the rules we agreed to or we will come after him. I don't care if he likes it or not. He's on notice."

Why Am I having Marty Sch@$&*himer flash backs....?

Well at leats hes with the Giants, it should be fun to watch them crumble this year!!!!! :gaintsuck

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It seems to me that these complaints are made by big babies. I realize that are rules and everyome has to follow them, but lets be real here, they are making big bucks to play.

Man, If I was good enough out of college to play pro, you couldn't keep me out of the team weight room or away from the practice facilities. If it helps the team, they should be in there working thier A$$ off.

Shut up and play!

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The season hasn't even started and it sounds like the players are turning on him. When Manning gets killed the first three games and the Giants are 0-3, the fans will not only turn on him, but on Manning as well. God, I would hate to be in NYG right now.

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Sounds like the S.S. Giants is conducting a mutiny already!

Calling the Union on your coach ..................... in MAY??


Sorry Tom, looks like it might be a long couple of years!

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This situation sounds like the 2001 redskins when Marty Shottiheimer was running the show. Players were complaining left and right about marty being to strict and overworking them in training camp. The redskins started the season 0-5 before finishing 8-8 record. I can't see the Giants finishing the season over .500 under Coughlin...He'll be fired in the middle of his second season w/Giants......I'll Guarantee that.

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Originally posted by RaleighSkinsMann

Why Am I having Marty Sch@$&*himer flash backs....?

Well at leats hes with the Giants, it should be fun to watch them crumble this year!!!!! :gaintsuck

I have to disagree on that one. It will help Caughlin weed out the non-hackes, and make the team that much better with a tough coach.

Now we all may not have liked what Marty did in DC, but it was Marty that cleaned house to some extent and had the team heading in the right direction by seasons end. If not for limiting the carries to Davis due to his lack of film work early on, he could have had a playoff team.

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Hey playmaker,I understand your opinion to some extent. But I think Marty abuse his power with the redskin organization. You say he lead the skins in the right direction. Well I think it was more negative than positive with him. When you have a player like Darrell Green complaning about him, that should tell you a whole lot about marty's system...It's out dated!

Look at the San Diego Chargers, I rest my case.

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Hey playmaker,I understand your opinion to some extent. But I think Marty abuse his power with the redskin organization. You say he lead the skins in the right direction. Well I think it was more negative than positive with him. When you have a player like Darrell Green complaning about him, that should tell you a whole lot about marty's system...It doesn't work.

Look at the San Diego Chargers, I rest my case.

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Originally posted by Pete

I have to disagree on that one. It will help Caughlin weed out the non-hackes, and make the team that much better with a tough coach.

Now we all may not have liked what Marty did in DC, but it was Marty that cleaned house to some extent and had the team heading in the right direction by seasons end. If not for limiting the carries to Davis due to his lack of film work early on, he could have had a playoff team.

Living in FL, I have had some time to see how player respond to Caughlin. They don't. :laugh: In fact, I fully expected the Giants to revolt. I just didn't think it would happen so soon. And Marty isn't doing to well with those Cargers now is he. ;)

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players on a 4-12 team that obviously tanked the season dont have a leg to stand on and the owner and fans will side with Coughlin.

So the snivelers will probably get kicked to the curb for hungry hardworking rookies.

I mean what is the worst that can happen?

finish 4th in the division?

Oh wait thats going to happen anyway.

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While our players are gushing about how hard they worked in minicamps, Giants players are calling the union because they dont want to break a sweat when the coach asks them too.

This is a prime example of how Gibbs' people skills far exceed Coughlin's. While Gibbs is just as demanding of his players as Coughlin, he goes about it in a completely different way. I love it.

Hail Skins.

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I think the some of the prima donna Giants vets came together and decided that they just weren't going to stand for any of the boot camp stuff Coach Coughlin would pull. I could see this regime being over before it even begins

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Wellington Mara had a huge smile on his face. He said he has no problems with the complaints because that means Coughlin is doing exactly what they hired him for.

Last year, a vet that the Giants signed during the offseason made this quote during training camp, Fassel's last, "This is the easiest training camp I've evern beein involved in." I for one, am glad they hired Coughlin. :applause:

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Well...looks like we won't have to worry about the Giants this year. They're already turning on their new coach in May! :laugh:

It amazes me! If I'm making the type of money these guys are making, I'm there 5 days a week. I may not work out 5 days a week, but I'm there because I feel that it should be like any other job: get to work on Monday, work through Friday and get the weekends off. Then plan vacation later on in June of, hell, AFTER the season is over.

These guys are a bunch of cry babies. I mean, don't get me wrong. NOthing better than to watch a rival team creating controversy this early against their new coach. :D

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