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What's your most memorable Darrell Green's moment in NFL?

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Racing him in a subway parking lot in Ashburn.

He walked out of Giant with his wife as me and several friends were just leaving Subway.

My buddy walks up to him and says "hey, I heard you're pretty fast" (with a straight face)

So he puts his groceries down, we all line up, and my one slow, fat friend says go.

Needless to say, after about 10 yards, it was clear who the winner would be, dispite the casual dress shoes he was wearing. So we all stopped about halfway across the lot as Darrell finished the "race."

He's just an awesome guy, we all chatted him up for 10 minutes. He was really nice, despite probably just wanting to get home and unpack his groceries with his wife.

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Originally posted by skinsfanforlife

So many to mention but the one i always think about and that gets me hyped is

playoff game vs the bears at soldier field in chicago. Green is in as the punt returner, bears punt, green catches the ball, leaps over an opponent while twisting his ribs at the same time, jukes and returns it for a TD.

This quieted the fans and it was game over baby. what an impact player green was.

Agreed, this is my favorite too. For the record, he didn't just "twist his ribs". His juke was so viaolent that he ripped the cartiledge from bwteen the ribs.

But this was the best.

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just reading all these gives me goosebumps. he is no doubt my favorite player of all time... probably my favorite person of all time too. i was at his last game against dallas and i am pretty sure i would have spontaneously combusted if he had gotten a touchdown on the return, but i think my favorite was probably the interception return against the lions. does anyone know if it was wilbur marshall who carried him in the endzone??

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The punt return against the Bears was truely awesome. I just watched it the other night. The run down on Dorsett always cracks me up b/c he was running so much faster than everybody else. The other guys looked like they were moving in slow motion.:laugh:

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Boy, that brings back all the good memories... Dickerson and Dorsett getting tracked down by the man. Darren Nelson missing the ball with Darrell right there and then the camera showing Darrell run up the field holding up the #1 sign knowing he was Super Bowl bound. The return agains the Bears is flat out unmatched !!! My best person memory was in 1991 I was in the parking lot at RFK early before the Oilers game and had just finished talking to Art Monk, Mat Millen and Wilber Marshall and then Darrell appeared. I asked him for an autograph on my Game day magazine and he said " if you can beat me to the stadium I will". We took off running and all I saw was him looking back at me smiling and then he turned around and ran backwards as I caught up to him.

He is the BEST REDSKIN EVER !!!!

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Watching Dickerson and Dorsett roll up the field....

Out of the bottom of the tv screen, here came Darrell.

After the Dorsett play, any time somebody broke a big play, you looked for Darrell to save the day....and he rarely disappointed.

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the shots we will see when he is inducted are the Punt return a Soldier Field and chasing down Tony Dorsett.

The shot that always come to mymind when I think of DG is on Monday when he lays out in full stride and tips a ball intended for Rice. Rice that mofo catches the deflection in full stride and goes for 6.

Geat Players make great plays and DG made as more at Cb than any other guy to play the position.

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There are two: One of them was called back (TD).

1. The "Punt Return" against the Chicago Bears with broken ribs.

2. The interception against the then LA Raiders in the SB for 1983 season, Darrell Green steps in front of Cliff Branch, while gliding, snagging Jim Plunkett's pass and going into the end zone, leaving everyone else in slow motion. It was called back for some nit picking penalty and the Raiders eventually won.

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The punt return against Chicago is tops.

A close second is the play where he came from out of nowhere to flag Eric Dickerson down. D. Green was on the total opposite side of the football field and looked like Dickerson could have walked in but NOPE. Mr. Green would have no part of it!

:notworthy :notworthy

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Originally posted by PatFischer37

anyone remember Darrell knocking down the pass from Wade Wilson so that we clinch the game against the Vikings in the '87 NFC Championship and go on to beat the Broncos in the SB

OOOOOh yeah!! I was at that game & when he broke up the play to clinch the game it felt like the stadium was going to collapse. Fans were going absolutely nuts waving towels jumping up & down etc. I guess we can get FEDEX Field to rock like that when we start hosting championship games again.

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The last time I had personally seen the Skins beat Dallas was 1991 in Texas Stadium. The last time I had personally witnessed the Skins beat Dallas was in RFK in 1987. I was beginning to think it wasn't ever going to happen again.

Me and my buddy arrived kinda late to the stadium for the last game of the year in '02 / the Skins/Girls game and DG's last game. Luckily we hadn't missed his goodbye speech. If you were there you know what I mean. 'Nuff said. I thought if the Redskins can't beat the Cowboys after this they should have their franchise revoked.

Thinking of Darrell giving the Redskins fans a round of applause while his handclaps echoed through the stadium gives me goosebumps every time. My favorite moment at Fed Ex and an incredible moment from a super classy guy. :)

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