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All Skins Fans Read This!!!


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How many of you are really anxious to see the Skins play under Gibbs again? Sept. is a long way off, but you don't have to wait. I strongly urge all of you to request a few classic Skins game DVD's from DieHard right here on Extreme. I got mine in yesterday(thanks DH!), and I stayed up till 3:00 am watching them.

Watching the old Skins games is absolutely awesome, especially now that Gibbs is back, and we know what to expect. If you're a younger fan and want a preview of how the offense works, here's your chance. If you're an older guy and want to relive the glory, here's your chance.

Here are a few of my observations and comments from last night's viewing:

1. The first thing that jumped out at me was that I had forgotten how much motion and how many different formations Gibbs uses. On most plays at least 2 guys go in motion, often 3 all at the same time. The TE's will motion from TE to FB to TE on the other side, or sometimes into the slot. FB's split out wide. Guys are just moving around all over the place, and it really keeps opposing defenses guessing. The same goes with the formations. Gibbs will use 2 TE's, 3 TE's, 3 WR's, 4 WR's and he'll line them up so many different ways. He'll line up 3 TE's in a jumbo package and throw a play action to the single WR. He'll line up 3 TE's and 2 RB's with no WR's and just blast it up the middle. The movement and formation of the offense is a real thing of beauty and is in no way outdated or obsolete. In fact, it's actually more advanced than most offenses run today IMO, and makes Spurrier's offense of last year look like high school football.

2. Protection. One thing we won't see much of this year is Skins QB's on their backs. It just doesn't happen much in Gibbs' offense. I was watching a classic Skins/Bears game last night, and the Bears kept sending more blitzes, but they just couldn't get to Williams. I think part of Gibbs' strategy is to frustrate defenses into blitzing heavily, and then burn them for it. Ramsey probably took more hits last year than he'll take for the rest of his career with the Skins.

3. Defense. When thinking back to the glory days, I always remember Riggins, Williams, Joe T., Monk, and the rest of those guys. Watching last night, I remembered that it was actually the defense that won many of the games. Running plays up the middle were usually just smothered by Butz and Olkewitz(sp). Darrell Green would completely shut down the other teams best WR. Champ is good, but he's not in the same league that Darrell was period. The dline was also very dominate and got good pressure on passing plays. I still think that we'll be making some move to add talent to our dline this year, b/c that's where it all started on those old Skins teams.

4. Role/Team players. There weren't a lot of superstars on those teams, but there were a ton of quality "lunchpale" type guys, and they were the ones that usually won the games. Guys like Diddier, Olkewitz, Sanders, Warren, and Walton were really crucial to the Skins' success. That will be the biggest change we will see in this version of the Skins IMO. The overpayed, underachievers like Champ and Trotter will be gone, and the hard working no names like Rock and Dmac will thrive.

Well guys, sorry for this long winded post, but as you can see, watching some of the classic Skins footage got me seriously fired up. Do yourselves a favor and get yourself a few games. You will be so glad you did, and you'll be helping this great website in the process. It's a win - win situation! :cheers:

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Watch any playoff games from that 87 season. Gibbs coached the hell out of that team. It always cracks me up when nay-sayers say Gibbs needed strike years to win anything. Talent-wise we were maybe the fourth or fifth best team in the league that year, and it's obvious Gibbs was the reason we made it through those playoff games.

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GSF - I feel you, I got 4 DVD's from about 2 weeks ago and they were all amazing!!!!! I was up till all hours the first night as well.

Which games did you select? I chose the 2 MNF games vs Dallas ('93 & '91) the Vikings NFC champ.game & the '83 @ Philly game.

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~~ You should PM Die Hard. It mentions that in the post in the link that a few people have provided. It's the very last sentence. And there's another link in that post that directs to you a FULL LIST of all the games we have in our library. -- Die Hard.

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I got the Skins/Dallas NFC Champ game from '82, The Skins/Bears playoff game fromm '88 at Soldier field when the windchill was like -54, and the Falcons/Skins regular season game from '91. I wanted to get a game from each SB year, but that just wetted my appetite so I'll be getting more games soon.


Gibbs' halftime adjustmest were the best ever IMO. Games would be close in the first half, but we would come out and just crush teams in the second half.


'87 was Gibbs best year as a coach IMO and my favorite season as a fan. That was a lunchpale squad if there ever was one!


Follow the link Om has provided for all the info. The DVD's are reasonably priced and worth ever penny!


The quality is quite exceptional, especially considering the age of some of the games. Don't worry, no heads bobbing in the foreground. Also, the vintage commentary from Madden and Summerall is hilarious!

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Originally posted by skns4life

so your suppose to PM DieHard and tell him what games you want?

Yes, but it check and see what his backlog is. The man needs

to have a personal life and can't spend all his time doing the

DVD's. I'll wait until he says he is able to do more.

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Our Super Bowl victory against the Broncos is a MUST HAVE in anybody's Redskins DVD collection. The 35 point onslaught in the 2nd quarter was a thing of beauty. Easily the best quarter ever assembled by an NFL team in history.

The 51-7 playoff defeat of the Rams is another game I highly recommend for all to obtain.

As well, for those who are interested, don't leave out the NFC Championship victory against the Vikings. GSF, you are quite right when you say the defense won us alot of those past games, and this particular one is a great example. We strung together only two quality drives during this whole game. The opening 98 yard drive that led to a Kelvin Bryant TD catch, and the Gary Clark TD. Our defense brought the heat the whole game and had a great goaline stand in the final minutes. A must have is this game in my mind.

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Originally posted by riggins44

Yes, but it check and see what his backlog is. The man needs

to have a personal life and can't spend all his time doing the

DVD's. I'll wait until he says he is able to do more.

Uhhh...I hadn't thought about that. Sorry DieHard if I just put you in the weeds! Just remember everyone to be patient. It took several weeks to get my order, but it was well worth the wait.

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I dunno what the hell my problem is. I haven't pursued it yet.....

I need to replace the lost collection. Could be a sick birthday present to the bro this late summer....

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I've acquired some games myself. And then I acquired even more afterwards.

speaking of seeing something familiar - I got both games in '91 we played the Lions with their run-and-shoot, and man didn't that look like our offense last year. 4 and 5 wide with Barry Sanders being left to try and block Charles Mann and Fred Stokes.

The first game of the season Rodney Peete was the QB and he spent much time on his back.

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I ordered four games and received notification that my games were mailed on May 1, 2004. I can't wait to get them. I bet I'll be up all night too. Be very careful when discussing this topic. You must be mindful of the powers that be who govern such things as games, telecast etc. The items are the best thing a skins fan can have. Let's make it so that those of us who do not have these items, are able to get them as we did. If what I’m saying is confusing anyone, just click on the link from OM and it'll give you all the access to the items you need. That forum also has a better-guarded discussion of these items and it is where I learned to be more discrete while discussing them in the open forum.

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