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Americans are lazy drunkards...

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...well, only compared with Aussies. ;) Good on ya, yer bloody bewdy!



Streuth! - Aussies among world's hardest workers

Sat 1 May, 2004 03:43

SYDNEY (Reuters) - Forget the image of the laid-back Aussie lifestyle, Australians now work more hours than Americans or Japanese and rank as the hardest-working people in the developed world, according to a new book.

The reputation of heavy drinking Australians is also debunked by figures showing alcohol consumption has dropped dramatically since 1980 and the country now guzzles below average amounts of wine and beer.

"Australians are now the hardest workers in the developed world. Hard to believe, but true," Ross Gittins, co-author of the book "How Australia Compares", wrote in the Sydney Morning Herald newspaper on Saturday.

Australia was measured up by the authors against 18 developed countries including the United States, Japan, Britain, Ireland, Canada and 11 European countries.

Australians now spend on average 1,855 hours in the workplace every year, just topping Americans who work on average 1,835 hours a year and beating Japanese workers' 1,821 hours.

Gittins said the "doubtful honour" of being the hardest working developed nation was partly because of the fact working hours have dropped substantially in most of the countries compared in the survey, but only slipped marginally in Australia, which also has a high percentage of part-time workers.

Laying to rest the popular image of the beer-swilling macho Aussie bloke, the book said Australians consume more "alco-pops" -- sweet, fizzy bottled drinks that contain alcohol [AtB comments: What the hell is up with that crap?] -- than any other country in the survey. But they only rank as the seventh-biggest beer drinkers and eighth-biggest wine quaffers.

Compiling a list of facts and figures, the book notes Australia has notched up one of the strongest levels of economic growth, but donates the fourth-lowest level of official foreign aid per person at $54 a year, and has the highest greenhouse gas emissions per capita.

"So, how does Australia compare? The bad news is that, in various respects, we're not the hotshots we imagine ourselves to be. The good news, however, is that in other respects we're not as hopeless as we sometimes assume," the newspaper said.

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They are only number 1 because of the unemployment and number of people on welfare in the U.S. I have many friends who were laid off that would LOVE to put in those kinds of hours. Hell, I would love to put in just 1,855 hours a year instead of the 2100+ I put in last year.

I can't help but wonder how many Aussies consider themselves on the clock while they're downing one in the pub. :laugh:

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They did a study in the UK that showed how the British companies with British managers had terrible productivity, but British-staffed companies with American managers had significantly higher productivity rates.

As a whole, Americans are still the most productive people on the planet.

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I would break a bottle of Cooper's over my head before I drank that pink fizzy crap that they try to sell in bars these days.

Bourbon, Scotch, Irish whiskey, rum, vodka, and beer.

It must be all those trendy girls drinking the soda-pop stuff. You know, the ones who go around baring their midriffs and showing off their legs in the Melbourne sunshine...errr...where was I again?

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Originally posted by Ancalagon the Black

I would break a bottle of Cooper's over my head before I drank that pink fizzy crap that they try to sell in bars these days.

Bourbon, Scotch, Irish whiskey, rum, vodka, and beer.

It must be all those trendy girls drinking the soda-pop stuff. You know, the ones who go around baring their midriffs and showing off their legs in the Melbourne sunshine...errr...where was I again?

You were talking about alcohol, then you got mixed up talking about whores, er sex mercenari...er, women.

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Originally posted by Ghost of Joe Bibbs

They did a study in the UK that showed how the British companies with British managers had terrible productivity, but British-staffed companies with American managers had significantly higher productivity rates.

As a whole, Americans are still the most productive people on the planet.

Well, I can only speak from experience, but I work for an American company that was British run, but is now under American management. Productivity is half of what it used to be and we just laid off 5 people.

Not saying it's the rule, but just proof their are exceptions.

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You know AtB, I heard you can tell where a bloke is from by the number of rings on his pint glass. (Assuming real men drink Guinness)

An American will have about 15 rings, he sips it.

An Englishman will have about 8, he drinks it.

An Irishman will have 3, he gulps it.

An Aussie won't have any, he just throws it back in one go!

So they say anyway... I'm usually about a 6 ring kind of guy. :)

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Originally posted by WallyG3

You know AtB, I heard you can tell where a bloke is from by the number of rings on his pint glass. (Assuming real men drink Guinness)

An American will have about 15 rings, he sips it.

An Englishman will have about 8, he drinks it.

An Irishman will have 3, he gulps it.

An Aussie won't have any, he just throws it back in one go!

So they say anyway... I'm usually about a 6 ring kind of guy. :)

Well, former Australian Prime Minister Bob Hawke won the sculling (translation: beer-chugging) competition at Oxford, so there may be truth in that!

Personally, I'm probably about with you at 5-8 rings.

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