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Winslow on ESPN after these commercials


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Recap on ESPN

Ed Werder at Redskins Park. Talks about Postons influencing the draft decision and refers to Arrington grievance. Werder talks about a discussion with Gibbs: "Some nervousness" about the Postons. Ultimately, "not the deciding factor." Gibbs told Werder that there was no conversation about outlining contract terms. Contract was never discussed with the Postons. Werder says that Gibbs is very excited about Sean Taylor, for all of the reasons we already know.

Merril Hoge: riding KWII's jock big time. Does one of those "breakdown" segments. No news here: focus on huge impact on passing game, not as strong in running game.

Trey Wingo: KWII has to stop with the attitude and start playing. "Stop with the 'I'm gonna make them pay,' just play and you'll gain respect that way." LOL

Back to Werder: No one thing that turned the 'Skins away from Winslow. One interesting tidbit: KWII did not help himself by being late for a Gibbs meeting - he made Gibbs wait at the hotel for an hour and a half. Werder says that may have been the tiebreaker between KWII and Taylor.

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Just watched it...Merril Hoge (yeh, right) thinks K2 was the best player and the draft and that SD, 'Skins, & Raiders "blew it". I don't know why he left the Cards out but maybe his mental capacity is a factor.

Forgetting my redskins bias, I think those teams made far better choices for them then if they took Winslow, and if you look in particular at how the SD trade worked out...Hoge looks like a dope.

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^^^ thats the feeling im getting by hodge..and espn period...the redskins are dopes...we make poor trades, poor spending and any player we get is crap.

Winning and making it to the playoffs is the only thing that will shut all of this stuff up and have those naysayers on the skins jock.

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The more I see of Winslow, the less I like him. I don't care if you guaranteed me that he was going to be a HoF'er, I still wouldn't want him.

His sense of entitlement is astounding. I hope Taylor lights him up when we play him.

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Originally posted by orlskinsfan

In the eyes of Merril Hoge, nothing the redskins ever do is considered smart

Didn't you know that already?

We are a team with a horrible FO, no coaching staff and no commitment to winning at even the highest points of the organization. :rolleyes:

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Originally posted by IAMBG

We are a team with a horrible FO, no coaching staff and no commitment to winning at even the highest points of the organization. :rolleyes:

Only to the brain transplant community, for which Hoge is the ambassador. His analytical deficiencies can't be exposed any more than they are by sitting next to Jaworski.
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considering the skins got Taylor..a Ken Houston type of saftey and a underated H-back, long snapper, TE in Cooney, how can anyone say the Skins blew it. Taylor will be a great Redskin. If I were Terrell Owens, I would be fearful now of going over the middle against the skins with a guy like Taylor roaming around

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Didn't Sean Taylor say he has KWIIs moves down pat? I remember hearing that he said something to that effect a while back. Looks like he will get his chance. :D

Ronnie Lot used to call them "Wooo" hits because after the hit, the crowd would go "Woooooooooooo!". Come one Taylor, lay a Woooo hit on KW!


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If any of you want to hear some kudos to the Redskins and Taylor, tune into Mike & Mike on Monday morning on ESPN radio. They both have ST as #1 on their board, and while everyone was talking about Eli trade, they were giving the Redskins some air time yesterday. Golic was saying something like "football fan and especially Redskins fan will be very happy yo see this man play in the NFL..."

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Hey O.S.F. I heard that too. I had to work so I was listning on espn radio and no sooner did we pick Sean Taylor I ran to the break room where we had the draft on. They really didnt talk about it too much cause they went right to the report about the Giants and Chargers making those trades. I was kinda upset they didnt really voiced how they felt on air about our pick but Mike Golic clearly made it a point on the radio to give props to the Skins for selecting who he thought was the best player to come out of the draft.

KWII...meet Mr. Arrington and your good freind Mr. Taylor:thud:

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