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michael irvin


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he is driving me nuts. so overbearing, loud, obnoxious. kiper is biting his tongue, jaws just surrendered. while irving does have some interesting things to say, so do the others. it would be considerate of him to "donate" some time to his co-workers. bring back sterling sharpe!

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:dallasuck What'd'ya expect from an ex-Cowgirl, drug dealin', azzhole pimp! :dallasuck I hate that B*tch!

Hey Michael :finger: :moon:, you're such a :pimp: B*tch! ESPN should :banhim:! Hey Michael :stfu:!!!

Yours Truly,

Die-Hard Redskins fan!

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Irvin is a joke. He overtalks everyone, even when he's a guest on the radio... I can't stand him, I don't know why ESPN keeps him. I haven't watched ESPN's pregame show because of him. I wish there was apetition to get rid of him, he sucks big time.

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