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What current player would you trade for five?


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Originally posted by Burgold

Your picks are kind of why I don't want either Taylor or Winslow. No one here asked for Dawkins or Gonzalez or Shockey... the list is wide receiver linebacker or d linemen.

also you have to realize there really isnt any dominate DL coming out this year... i am sure if there was a J. Peppers in the draft this year and if we had a choice between Peppers and Taylor i think most of us will go with Peppers....

but the question this year is do you go with almost sure bet stud on S or TE... OR you draft basically by need and draft a DL with our top pick hoping that he will pan out?

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kind of... but, the other question is... even with hindsight would you draft John Lynch with the five pick? Would you pick Jeremy Shockey at number five? Tony Gonzalez at five? Roy Williams at five? I don't know that I would. I just don't know that even the most elite give me the bang for my buck I would want from the fifth pick of the draft.

As for sure things, like you, I don't think there is an absolute sure thing in the draft. History has shown us busts from every level from the workout warrior to the on the field college phenom. Neither are a sure thing because they haven't dealt with the overall speed, difference in strategic complexity, or money impact that goes along with being in the NFL.

I also don't quite get how a player would be considered fair value at number seven, but inconceiveable at number five. I think I would be happiest if we traded down, but all I know for sure is that I will wind up rooting for whomever we select.

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Originally posted by sjinhan

also you have to realize there really isnt any dominate DL coming out this year... i am sure if there was a J. Peppers in the draft this year and if we had a choice between Peppers and Taylor i think most of us will go with Peppers....

but the question this year is do you go with almost sure bet stud on S or TE... OR you draft basically by need and draft a DL with our top pick hoping that he will pan out?

so under this logic you would trade #5 for shockey? or dawkins/roy williams? i don't know that i would, and not simply because they are in division. these guys are proven and are sure bets and for some reason i can't imagine doing either. and yet everyone wants to draft kw2/taylor. i think the best thing to do is trade down and get multiple picks and hope they pan out. Sean salisbury said on the radio yesterday that "a team isn't graded for thier draft in the first 10 picks, but only after the 4th round. sleepers, steals, solid starters and role players make up strong drafts." then he sited the pats and thier late round success.

i can live with taylor at least he's on the right side of the ball, but say no to swellin' winslow.

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Burgold i know what you are getting at but draft is going to go depending on the percieved talent/skills that a player has...

for this year if you want to compare it to NFL players even though it might not be the perfect comparison is...

if you can pick only one would have rather have Roy Williams or would have rather have Griffin...

i think Taylor will be a star Safety while best DL this year will prolly be just a solid/above average DL in the NFL so what would you rather have?

again like i said before if the choice was between potential Roy Williams or Peppers then there really wouldnt be a debate. Granted we dont know for 100% certainty about how people will pan out in the NFL but most will agree none of the DL deserve any comparison to any top DL in the NFL today...

i think the whole debate between grabbing Taylor or DL depends on if we stay at #5 then we go taylor and if we want more picks to infuse more youner players into our team then we grab a DL... its just simple as that...

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Originally posted by earl

so under this logic you would trade #5 for shockey? or dawkins/roy williams? i don't know that i would, and not simply because they are in division. these guys are proven and are sure bets and for some reason i can't imagine doing either. and yet everyone wants to draft kw2/taylor. i think the best thing to do is trade down and get multiple picks and hope they pan out. Sean salisbury said on the radio yesterday that "a team isn't graded for thier draft in the first 10 picks, but only after the 4th round. sleepers, steals, solid starters and role players make up strong drafts." then he sited the pats and thier late round success.

i can live with taylor at least he's on the right side of the ball, but say no to swellin' winslow.

well to your comment... that #5 would be most likely Winslow/Taylor or it could be some DL liek Udeze and Harris...

so the question is more would you trade Udeze/Harris for roy williams/shockey and i think it would be a good trade...

the ideal situation would be to trade down and get more picks because i believe the best "value" to be had is around 10-14. I dont see much talent difference between players that would be choosen around 7 and 14 spots...

however if we dont or cant trade down then what do you do at #5? do you take Udeze/Harris who fills our biggest need? or do you take Taylor/Winslow who fills our minor need but rated much higher?

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Yomar you would really would take Tommy Harris?

well i guess everyone have different view on how teams should draft but IMHO BPA over Need in the earlier rounds and Need over BPA in the later rounds... obviously in the earlier rounds if the talent is pretty close between two players then you go with need and in the later rounds if the talent difference between two players is way too big then you go BPA...

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