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Trotter to the Bengals??


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Originally posted by bubba9497

Trading Dillion they picked up an extra draft pick, He knows Lewis system, better than what they already have. They have 2 #2's, 2 #3's, 2 #4's

Think maybe we could pry a 4th from Cincy for Trotter?

When they know they can get him for nothing post June 1? Dont bank on anything higher than a 6th.

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Originally posted by Chipper

Quit trying talking about dealing Gardner. He is not going anywhere.

Tru dat. If we were going to get him, it had to be when he was still with Denver. Now that he's technically signed a contract with Cincy already, I don't think they're going to just turn around and trade him. We lost out chance, now we have to go a different route. Shame. :doh:

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Originally posted by Renegade7

Tru dat. If we were going to get him, it had to be when he was still with Denver. Now that he's technically signed a contract with Cincy already, I don't think they're going to just turn around and trade him. We lost out chance, now we have to go a different route. Shame. :doh:

I believe he is referring to the WR Rod Gardner who is currently on the Skins.

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Originally posted by galentjm

I believe he is referring to the WR Rod Gardner who is currently on the Skins.

No, Oldskool was talking about trading for Gardener. That's what I wanted to point out, that it wasn't going to happen. Not now. We screwed that up. And the beat goes on...

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Originally posted by Renegade7

No, Oldskool was talking about trading for Gardener. That's what I wanted to point out, that it wasn't going to happen. Not now. We screwed that up. And the beat goes on...

It was a joke, hence the :D at the end of the sentence.

I know that Gardener has a tentative deal in place with the Bungles come June 1st.

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Originally posted by bubba9497

Exactly, so was Oakland. People thought Brunell would be cut as well. :)

ask yourself this.....if a team is in need of a starting MLB, is a 3rd or 4th rounder worth it? I mean the guy can come in and START. You can't promise that about a rookie in that spot.

Somebody before June 1st will have a need at MLB, and maybe they will be willing to part with a player in a deep spot....OR a draft pick in 2005. I'd take that.

However, a draft deal would be the way to go.

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Originally posted by bulldog

Wasn't Marvin Lewis the one that skipped town saying the Redskins defense had too many big egos and too many undisciplined players? :)

I don't think Lewis wants any part of Trotter.

Bingo. Remember when Edwards took over for Lewis? All the talk was that Trotter was going to emerge because he could play "down hill" in the new system. It seemed that Trotter was a bad fit for Lewis' system.

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Originally posted by Bufford 3.0

ask yourself this.....if a team is in need of a starting MLB, is a 3rd or 4th rounder worth it? I mean the guy can come in and START. You can't promise that about a rookie in that spot.

Somebody before June 1st will have a need at MLB, and maybe they will be willing to part with a player in a deep spot....OR a draft pick in 2005. I'd take that.

However, a draft deal would be the way to go.

I would hope Trotter would be worth a #2 ,

Does anybody know, as far as cap casuality, where we stand by trading him or cutting him after june 1 would affect us?:confused:

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id trade Trotter for a 3rd of 4th round pick, if a team will give a pick for him. Honestly, I dont see why they would though since they know we dont want him. I think we should not have been blatant about not wanting him anymore, then maybe we coulda gotten a good trade. He can still be a good player, just not worth we're paying him.

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Originally posted by Phat Hog

Trotter is far to undisciplined for a Lewis team... sorry!

Trotter wasn't Marvin's head ache, Arrington was...

before Trotter had the knee injury he was grasping Marvin's system and really showing progress.

Remember when Edwards took over for Lewis? All the talk was that Trotter was going to emerge because he could play "down hill" in the new system. It seemed that Trotter was a bad fit for Lewis' system.

Edwards ran the same system as Lewis, except he didn't use LaVar as a DE in pass situations. I don't remember anything about "Trotter running down hill", under Edwards,.... one of his problems was he was playing back to much last year under Edwards dirrection.

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It would make sense if Trotter went to Cinci. Lewis has seen him and he does have experience in the system. That would be cool with me. I have no hard feeling for Trotter. He came in and gave it a good shot. Unfortunately he had a pretty serious injury, so we really couldn't give him a fair shot at the MLB position. But I do think it's time we gave K. Mitchell a shot at the position. He's been waiting in the wings for way too long now.

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The LB's in general were playing well off the line, (roughly 5-6 yards on the avg). Add to that Edwards engouraged a certain amount of "freelancing" by his LB's. That and alot more time reading than reacting. Trotter's goof against the Panters was as much a read problem than it was freelancing. Let's keep in mind too that Trotter was picked up by the Skins not too long after Marvin Lewis signed on. Want to bet that Marvin was chief motivator behind that move? Look at what he ran in Baltimore with Ray Lewis. Lot's of stuff that made the offensive play flow towards the middle where Ray likes to hang out. Same as Trotter. If true, Marvin's more than likely a prime motivator behind getting Trotter.

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