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The Latest on Blade's Condition, He is coming home today


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Thanks for the info Mr. Leichter, I am (and sure that everybody else is to) that Eric is doing a lot better.

I'm sure that I speak for everybody here at Extremeskins, if you see him soon give him a big hug for us.

Saludos from Mexico.

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Originally posted by harryskin

He is doing much better this morning. See is his condition report on the first message of this thread.

Blade's Dad


Thank you for taking time out of your hectic schedule to keep us updated.

We know you have more important things on your mind right now; and we appreciate you keeping us posted.

We will continue to have you, your family, friends and Eric in our prayers and thoughts.

We'll just keep the Redskin mojo flowing until Blade is back home.

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Thank you Mr. Leichter, as Blade can let you know, this forum is an online family. We all will stick together as much as we can. Blade is missed and will be missed until he returns. Let him know that when he returns is when the hazing will begin.

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I had viral meningitis when I was 19 years old. For three days I begged the college infirmary to find out what was causing my headaches. I even passed out briefly just after getting out of the shower during this time.

Finally I had my roommate drive me to a hospital in Pittsburgh (I was attending Bethany College in West Virginia). Dozens of tests and a spinal tap later, they finally diagnosed VM. Spent a week in the hospital before they let me go. It took a full year before all of the symptoms disappeared (mostly brief memory lapses).

I've been there Blade and I empathize with your illness. Here's hoping that your symptoms subside quickly and the lasting effects are short.

Get well soon Eric!

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Originally posted by harryskin

PS. He is aware of all of you good wishes and really appreciates them. But is embarrased by all the fuss.

What will make him feel better, is for you to financially support Extremeskins.com

Wait till he gets back :silly:

It is great to hear he is doing well.

Hmmm we need to get all creative people together to find a way to help out.

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