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Is Joe Gibbs an unscrupulous shyster?


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It would be a slick move. Art thinks it is brilliant (according to his post on another thread). The FO is getting props from fans on the board for out maneuvering New Orleans and working a deal with the Bears to give the Skins another draft pick. But didn't the player who signed the New Orleans offer sheet call up Gibbs to see if the Redskins would match and was told by Gibbs that he wanted him back? And after the Skins did match didn't the player say how grateful and pleased he was to be back with the Redskins?

Now Gibbs, who must have known all along that he was stringing the player along, is sending him to another club for a pick, frustrating the player who chose a team he wanted to play for if he couldn't be a Redskin? Shouldn't that leave a sour taste in the mouths of all your players who may now think they can't trust Gibbs as a straight shooter? It is a slick deal, alright. But may it be costly in the long run? A Martha Stewart move?

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It seems that Gibbs was up-front about the Johnson situation not being done (w/o being specific, of course).

For all we know, Gibbs was very straight-forward with Johnson on this whole situation. Notice he didn't show up at minicamp, which I have to think he would have done if they meant to retain him?

So, nice try at stirring the pot. Funny how a fan of a team with the ultimate dissembler as the head coach would be bringing this up.

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Give me a break. The player who wasn't even drafted is going to make $2 million this year. He should buy Gibbs a gift basket. This is under the collective bargaining agreement. Gibbs thought highly enough to match. If the deal with the Bears would have fallen through he would be a Redskin. Angus...you're reaching on this storyline...Turn off your pc and get to work.

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Calling Gibbs a shyster seems more than just a bit extreme, it's ridiculous. How do we know what Gibbs said to Johnson or his agent? All we have is the scraps of information that were reported by the press, and at no point did I get the sense that Johnson was promised anything. You really should choose your words more carefully:

3 entries found for shyster.

n. Slang

An unethical, unscrupulous practitioner, especially of law.

[Probably alteration of German Scheisser, son of a *****, ****, from scheissen, to defecate, from Middle High German schzen, from Old High German skzzan. See skei- in Indo-European Roots.]

shyster·ism n.

Word History: Calling someone a shyster might be considered libellous; knowing its probable origin adds insult to injury. According to Gerald L. Cohen, a student of the word, shyster is derived from the German term scheisser, meaning literally “one who defecates,” from the verb scheissen, “to defecate,” with the English suffix -ster, “one who does,” substituted for the German suffix -er, meaning the same thing. Sheisser, which is chiefly a pejorative term, is the German equivalent of our English terms **** and son of a *****. Sheisser is generally thought to have been borrowed directly into English as the word shicer, which, among other things, is an Australian English term for an unproductive mine or claim, a sense that is also recorded for the word shyster.

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Gibbs was up front about EVERYTHING. He even said there was a process that was going on, and that his situation wasn't resolved yet. What more can you ask for? You want him to list all the possible scenarios for Johnson, list what teams are interested?

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I think what Gibbs told Johnson would come into play here. It was reported that Johnson called earlier in the week to ask about things. It was said he wasn't told anything but we really wanted to find a way to match. Obviously that was true. We did.

Given how this played out, I'm not positive Johnson would have been on the team tomorrow had we not been able to trade him. Obviously the Redskins didn't want to carry the $2.2 million hit up front, though he'd have been a DIRT cheap player the next three years.

As tricky as the Saints were trying to work a deal we couldn't match, it is nice to see we were able to get a sixth rounder for a guy we all presumed we'd lose for nothing. Hard to get overly upset about it to be sure.

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You will get outright mobbed for calling Gibbs unscrupulous and a sheister.

Fact is Gibbs didn't lie to anyone in the press on Saturday. Fact is, the Redskins made this move to match NO's offer on Friday, but the deal with New Orleans was signed on Sunday. Gibbs was telling Johnson the truth at that point in time.

I have no doubt that Gibbs would have liked to have Bryan Johnson remain with the team. But apparently the best interests of the club outweighed the interest Gibbs had in Johnson.

I think that the offer of a draft pick and salary cap relief made more sense for the club, but otherwise Gibbs would have liked to keep Johnson. So what Gibbs may have said to Johnson is true. If Gibbs was trying to lie to someone, then he would have had an akward pause or outrighted lied at the press conference on Saturday. Instead he just said that there was a process there and left it at that. The man is very honest.

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Here's the deal. The rfa rules are intended largely to benefit the players. Every one here is an adult. The Skins tried to save money hoping no one would bid for Johnson - mistake. The aints made a phoney offer that inflated the cap number so that the Skins couldn't match without a huge cap hit. The phoney offer was the incentives that couldn't be met but were included in the cap number anyway. The aints used a trick in the rules to their advantage. The Skins matched and then trade Johnson.

So did Johnson get sc*ewed? No. He got the money he wanted. If he wanted to play for the Skins he could have just signed the tender he was offered - that would have ended things. Now that would have been silly for him - because he's a businessman and he's trying to get the maximum pay. He didn't have to sign the aints contract - he did it for the money - his God given right to do so. When he was traded to the Bears - he still got the money he wanted so he's happy. The Skins aren't happy because they wanted Johnson but at least they got a pick. The aints aren't as happy because they got nothing. But they tried to be tricky with the rules and got outsmarted by the Skins. Maybe they should be smarter next time.

So everybody did things that were perfectly within the rules and ethical to do. The player got the money he wanted and he had the opportunity to guarantee a place for himself with the Skins if he had wanted to - he declined in order to get more money. Nothing wrong with that or anything Coach Gibbs did.

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Originally posted by Blazers21

Have to agree with thinker, et. al.

I'd call him (Gibbs) shrewd. I wonder what kind of poker player he is? :)


If I didn't know you to be more of a laid back rival poster, I'd flame you for this one. But, you are an Iggles fan, and I know there's some underlying fear to the potential we now have with Gibbs at the reigns. So, I"ll let this one go. :laugh:

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Asking a question like that you obviously know very little about the man. He is a devout christian who treats everyone with respect and compassion. Gibbs has written two books all you have to do is read one of them to know how and why he operates. he is a workaholic who leaves no stone unturned in order to reach his goal but it is all within the rules of the game and there is not any underhanded slimy $hit involved

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Man you know what. you still dont get it do you? at the end of the day , this is nothing but strictly business. You have to understand what line of business this is. Not just Gibbs but everybody else does it. not just in NFL but every other sport. as a player , if u can not understand that, too bad. nothing is for sure in this business. me as a fan, i could care less as long as GIbbs and the redskins bring another Super Bowl win to DC.

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An unscrupulous shyster would be a coach who was described by his GM as "the most duplicitous person I've ever known."

An unscrupulous shyster would be someone who said, "I will never coach again," and then 2 years later is back in the saddle.

An unscrupulous shyster is a coach who negotiates and signs a contract with the Bucs, then reneges, wanting to back out of the deal, only to sign a deal with the Cowboys the following year.

An unscrupulous shyster is Bill Parcells.

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