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Redskins' Arrington Has Filed Grievance

By Nunyo Demasio

Washington Post Staff Writer

Monday, March 15, 2004; Page D03

Washington linebacker LaVar Arrington has said he filed a non-injury grievance with the NFL against the Redskins organization over a contract dispute.

At issue is a $6.5 million roster bonus for 2006 that Arrington and his agent Carl Poston contend was not included in an eight-year, $68 million extension that Arrington signed on Dec. 26 at Redskins Park. With the roster bonus, Arrington's contract would be worth $74.5 million.

Arrington -- who filed the grievance Friday -- is requesting that the NFL take his case to arbitration to have the roster bonus placed in the contract or have the deal voided.

League spokesman Greg Aiello could not be reached to comment last night.

The contract -- which included a combined signing bonus of approximately $20 million -- was signed on the final day of the NFL's deadline for extensions. The deal allowed the Redskins salary-cap flexibility for this offseason, and was intended to make Arrington, 25, a Redskin for the rest of his NFL career.

"I firmly believe and have trusted my agents, Carl and Kevin Poston," Arrington said last night. "And I believe they're the best in the business. This is a clear case of a contract negotiation done at the last minute in good faith with the team to be a life-long Redskin, and to clear cap room to make the team better.

"There was a mistake made during this time."

Arrington originally signed a seven-year contract worth roughly $50 million after being selected second overall in the 2000 NFL draft out of Penn State. Before signing the December extension, Arrington's salary-cap figure averaged an unwieldy $10 million per season.

When the extension was announced, Poston described it as an $80 million deal, indicating a substantial discrepancy. Arrington's contract issue had been an NFL rumor for several weeks. But the Pro Bowler didn't make a public comment until March 3, the start of free agency, when he made an appearance at Redskins Park and met Coach Joe Gibbs face-to-face for the first time. Arrington said at the time that he wouldn't allow the contract issue to affect his play or his relationship with the coaching staff.

Redskins Vice President Vinny Cerrato, who doesn't handle contract negotiations, referred all questions to Redskins spokesman Karl Swanson, who couldn't be reached to comment late last night. But on March 3, Swanson said: "LaVar's contract was reviewed by his agent in draft form numerous times. . . . A month later, the agent claimed that something was left out the contract. If anyone owes an explanation to LaVar, it is his agent."

Notes: New York Giants linebacker Brandon Short has not accepted the Redskins' offer, according to a source familiar with the situation. The club made a similar offer to Greg Favors, who hasn't yet replied while considering inquiries from Jacksonville and Denver. The Redskins have a visit scheduled for Chicago Bears linebacker Warrick Holdman today at Redskins Park.

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The rumors surrounding the "error" in Lavar's deal popped up as soon as league folks let out that the deal was structured in such a way as to only mildly (like $500,000) increase the money due Arrington under his old contract. People were saying it was a great move by the team to have worked that out.

Probably Lavar and his agent don't like having a great move at their expense. This is pretty much an open and shut case since Arrington and his agent signed every page of the deal. The problem that could come about is if Arrington can poison the waters by telling people he was told one thing on the side, but it wasn't delivered.

Again, this won't hold water with most, because his agent and he saw every page and knew the total amount. But it might move some players away from signing here. Given the rapid nature we have worked various contracts, it could also slow future deals as agents stick together to help Lavar's agents by giving all contracts written by the Redskins a bit of extra scrutiny, just to hold our feet to the fire.

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This thing seems to be taking on a life of it's own and a possibile solution has been nagging at me lately. It's sound crazy but with all the linbackers visiting lately and Gibbs' disdain for distractions, I'm wondering if there's a possibility that LaVar could end up on the trading block. If an amicable resolution isn't reached soon, I have a feeling this contract unpleasantness will fester and the result would be some type of holdout. That's the LAST THING Gibbs needs heading into training camp.

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When the truth comes out,(if Lavar's agent indeed overlooked that portion of the contract) I wonder if Lavar will fire his agent. Looks to me like these agents are dropping the ball all over the place, yet none of the players, whom the agents represent, are holding them accountable. They all seem to stand by their respective agents. Kind of makes you wonder.

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Art, I'm a bit surprised why the restructuring in light of Lavar Arringtons escalating base salaries was considered such a coup. It's pretty safe to argue that had Arrington refused to restructure his deal the Redskins would have had no other choice but to cut him.

Arrington wouldn't have seen a dime of the money still owed to him and in all likelyhood wouldn't have gotten close to what the Redskins ended up paying to extend his deal.

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I normally don't post here but I just wanted to know if I was the only 'skins fan who feels Lavar is the most overrated player in the league. Seriously this guy while being 'talented' hasn't dominated any games the way the hype would make you believe. We made a huge mistake in giving Lavar all that money when it should have been given to Champ. Champ never missed a game and was the real deal, he dominated his position and earned the big bucks. To be blunt I'm sure he was more than a little peeved that Lavar, the Danny's favorite pet project was given a blockbuster contract while little respect was paid to the true 'skins star.

It's real comical when people mention Lavar in the same breath as Ray Lewis who impacts the entire game while Lavar makes the highlight reel by sticking somebody for 2 plays then usually ends up hurting himself because he doesn't know how to tackle.

The best thing about him is he's the new face of the Redskins and he complains more than anyone. Anyone remember when Marvin Lewis was here and he bit$hed about playing as a down lineman the whole season? Hah! Give me a break that was far and away his best season.

I don't think he's a bad player by any means he just doesn't deserve superstar billing like he gets. And this latest fiasco could really blow up in our face, I for one would consider the Redskins "LUCKY" if they could ever trade Lavar with the ridiculously overpriced amount of money the Danny gave him.

I wonder how much money we would have offered Lavar if Gibb's was around then? I'm sure he'd have a much more subjective view watching game film rather than listening to some bogus NFL hype show.

One more thing about this whole contract thing... Well, gee what can you say it's just one of the dumbest things I've ever heard. This makes T.O.'s agent look like Trump. Your telling me your agent doesn't even bother reading the contract? Give me a break this ain't the service agreement on a washing machine, jackass.

--skin's fan

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hmmm since when does business in the NFL differ from the "real" world?

Lets see..we have a rash of stupidity from agents and their representatives...and now they whine and cry? get real boys read the contract you sign like the rest of us.

Is it me or does Nunyo just not have "it"?

Bring back Maske to the redskins beat geez.

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Originally posted by apanizo

I normally don't post here but I just wanted to know if I was the only 'skins fan who feels Lavar is the most overrated player in the league. Seriously this guy while being 'talented' hasn't dominated any games the way the hype would make you believe. We made a huge mistake in giving Lavar all that money when it should have been given to Champ. Champ never missed a game and was the real deal, he dominated his position and earned the big bucks. To be blunt I'm sure he was more than a little peeved that Lavar, the Danny's favorite pet project was given a blockbuster contract while little respect was paid to the true 'skins star.

It's real comical when people mention Lavar in the same breath as Ray Lewis who impacts the entire game while Lavar makes the highlight reel by sticking somebody for 2 plays then usually ends up hurting himself because he doesn't know how to tackle.

The best thing about him is he's the new face of the Redskins and he complains more than anyone. Anyone remember when Marvin Lewis was here and he bit$hed about playing as a down lineman the whole season? Hah! Give me a break that was far and away his best season.

I don't think he's a bad player by any means he just doesn't deserve superstar billing like he gets. And this latest fiasco could really blow up in our face, I for one would consider the Redskins "LUCKY" if they could ever trade Lavar with the ridiculously overpriced amount of money the Danny gave him.

I wonder how much money we would have offered Lavar if Gibb's was around then? I'm sure he'd have a much more subjective view watching game film rather than listening to some bogus NFL hype show.

One more thing about this whole contract thing... Well, gee what can you say it's just one of the dumbest things I've ever heard. This makes T.O.'s agent look like Trump. Your telling me your agent doesn't even bother reading the contract? Give me a break this ain't the service agreement on a washing machine, jackass.

--skin's fan

You're not alone. Many on the board have expressed similar viewpoints, including myself. In the pro-Lavar side, we hear the good point that he turned around the season by intercepting a pass and returning it for a TD against the Panthers a couple years ago. In the anti-Lavar side, we hear things like -- well I remember it at least... seeing Duce run over him, and seeing him mistackle McNabb, seeing him over-pursuit time and time again (yes he catches up again when the RB has made a few yards, and it's a pretty nice accomplishment, but still...).

LaVar scares people though, no one wants to get hit by him. Is he overrated, in my opinion? Yes. Of course, with the amount of hype he gets... well many players would be overrated with the amount of hype he gets.

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The Condon brothers are know for being stickler's about money and hard negociators....if they did indeed initial every page of the contract before it was faxed to the league then they have zero leg to stand on.....in other news DaYYamn Laurent....that sig avi is money. :)

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Originally posted by Art

The rumors surrounding the "error" in Lavar's deal popped up as soon as league folks let out that the deal was structured in such a way as to only mildly (like $500,000) increase the money due Arrington under his old contract. People were saying it was a great move by the team to have worked that out.

Probably Lavar and his agent don't like having a great move at their expense. This is pretty much an open and shut case since Arrington and his agent signed every page of the deal. The problem that could come about is if Arrington can poison the waters by telling people he was told one thing on the side, but it wasn't delivered.

Again, this won't hold water with most, because his agent and he saw every page and knew the total amount. But it might move some players away from signing here. Given the rapid nature we have worked various contracts, it could also slow future deals as agents stick together to help Lavar's agents by giving all contracts written by the Redskins a bit of extra scrutiny, just to hold our feet to the fire.

It certainly seems that LaVar's agent screwed up. But the real issue here is how the Skins conducted themselves.

Were they trying to change the agreed upon terms at the last moment?

If not, why was there anything for the agent to have to scrutinize at that point (usually, you are only looking at the provisions that were agreed to be changed at that point for you have already reviewed the rest)?

What would be of real interest are the negotiated drafts that may have passed back & forth and was the missing $6.5 mm ever in those drafts?

I have a sinking feeling the Skins, while probably right enough to win this battle, didn't deal totally above board and may lose a very important war. If we ever get the reputation of dealing in an underhanded fashion with players during contract negotiations, were are sunk - Gibbs or no Gibbs.

I note the outrage at an agent who tried to sneak past a provision in contract with the Dolphins a week or so ago was labled "scum" and a "low-life" by many on this board. If the Skins did sneak this in, even if Poston and LaVar did have an opportunity to read and sign the final contract, the Skins front office deserves a label equally as repugnant.

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