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JAWS isn't Biased, Gives Gibbs an A+ In Free Agency So Far

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He says these moves that have been made thus far are helping to make the Redskins resemble the championship teams coached by Gibbs in the past.

He also feels that it's no doubt that the Skins got the better of the Bailey/Portis trade.

He likes the aquisition of S. Springs, who he says is not a Champ Bailey, but a quality player all the same. He also had positive things to say about the aquisitions of Washington and Griffin.

He loves Brunell and his ability to process of information regarding coverage, and his quickness of the delivery of the ball after dropping back. He feels that Mark Brunell is the perfect Joe Gibbs QB.


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They'll start coming around when we start winning games.

We really can't be too critical of other folks being critical of us until we start winning. In retrospect, they were right about SS, when we were defending him.

Of course they are wrong about Gibbs though!

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Originally posted by Jimbo

Anybody else think Jaws would make a good coach? Especially an OC?

Yes, I think he would make a good coach. I've said so in the past, especially when the Redskins were looking.

But I do not believe that Jaws wants to coach. He has a cushy job now...

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So . . . ESPN employees Jaws and Salisbury believe the Redskins got the better of the Portis deal, but ESPN lardneck says that every personnel guy in the league thinks the Skins got fleeced. I see a problem here.

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I think Jaws and maybe even Salisbury would make good coaches, but why would they want the hours and the pressure and less money to do it. Jaw loves his iggles, but he freely admits it, so it doesn't tarnish his credibility. Just like Wilbon is always lovin' on his Chi-town teams (though he usually is bashing their management).

Frankly, if Jaws wanted Kiper's job, I think he'd do a much better job.

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