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Rumor: T.O. upset about trade


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Ok, I really don't want to post an unconfirmed rumor but TO's site is getting hammered and at the moment is not up. Apprently he thought he was headed to the Eagles and that was where he wanted to go but the Ravens stepped up and made a better offer and made the trade with the 49er's in the end. TO 'may' try to file a grievance with the league over this trade. What does it mean, who knows, will TO hold out or is this just him throwing a fit again. Hopefully there will be more on this tomorrow.

Btw, both the Eagles and Ravens boards are talking about this non stop and here is one quote that was taking from TO's site.


straight from his website


- T.O.

Fine. We'll take our draft pick back, get a stud WR and/or get Darrell Jackson.


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What a punk. ****ed and moaned to get out of San Fran, then starts to ***** and moan before he ever gets to his new team. Way to foster a new attiude TO. Piss off your new teammates before the first mini camp.

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Originally posted by Aluadan

Ok, I really don't want to post an unconfirmed rumor but TO's site is getting hammered and at the moment is not up. Apprently he thought he was headed to the Eagles and that was where he wanted to go but the Ravens stepped up and made a better offer and made the trade with the 49er's in the end. TO 'may' try to file a grievance with the league over this trade. What does it mean, who knows, will TO hold out or is this just him throwing a fit again. Hopefully there will be more on this tomorrow.

Btw, both the Eagles and Ravens boards are talking about this non stop and here is one quote that was taking from TO's site.


straight from his website


- T.O.

Fine. We'll take our draft pick back, get a stud WR and/or get Darrell Jackson.


hmmm... and if he files a grievance, what would his argument be?

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IF this is true, it won't suprise me. He needs to shut his mouth, his agent screwed up, and he should be made at him. The 49ers had him under contract, and he certainly has not earned the right to decide where he should go. Had his agent done his job, maybe he would have had that opportunity. I am not a big fan of Billick, but I will feel sorry for him if TO backstabs him before he even gets on the field.

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Originally posted by spanishomelette

That is unmistakably him. He has a unique posting signature no doubt.

What's the problem? The Blackbirds go to the playoffs...sometimes

Hey, we missed one yr of the playoffs since our superbowl yr and that was the yr after our roster blow up going 7-9 with ray lewis hurt. he missed 12 games. i say we've done a pretty good job rebuilding after losing all those players.

btw if this is true. TO's a ***** and we'll ship his @ss off somewhere else or like someone said give us the pick back.

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Well, I was fortunate to be on TO's board. He went as far to call a member of the management in SF a "snake in the grass." He also said him and the players union are going to be fighting that the paper work was in on time (for him to be an FA), and that he can't wait to play with Kearse in green & silver next season. :rolleyes: Sorry this is my first post, but I'm not a trash-talker... This is the first time I can contribute to the board. Thanks guys.

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Originally posted by jakehunter


Well, I was fortunate to be on TO's board. He went as far to call a member of the management in SF a "snake in the grass." He also said him and the players union are going to be fighting that the paper work was in on time (for him to be an FA), and that he can't wait to play with Kearse in green & silver next season. :rolleyes: Sorry this is my first post, but I'm not a trash-talker... This is the first time I can contribute to the board. Thanks guys.

Hm. So basically the 49ers screwed him. Even tho I am Ravens fan, I would be upset too. But I mean they owned the rights. A team has a right to do that. But doesnt he have to OK the trade? Guess not. This has been one weird offseason. Can it get any weirder?

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Originally posted by DarkLadyRaven

If the trade goes through and he still does not want to be here Id send him to philly for thier Number 1 draft pick

Edit spelling - dang its late at night

I agree, screw him. Maybe we could get Reggie Williams somehow. Hm..

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That would be a smart move for your FO. If, in fact, a grievance is not filed and/or not successful you will come out on either side of this better than you were before. If I were you, I'd certainly want TO over Philly's first rounder though.

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Originally posted by redskns56

That would be a smart move for your FO. If, in fact, a grievance is not filed and/or not successful you will come out on either side of this better than you were before. If I were you, I'd certainly want TO over Philly's first rounder though.

I agree, he would be better but then again Reggie Williams (if we do infact grab him) could be like TO without the attitude problems. He's 6'3 1/2 229lbs and 21 or 22, not 30. But I mean if he's gonna be this way and not want to be with us, there's really no point in keeping him.

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Originally posted by Ghost of LeBuster Jenkins

I met Reggie in a Target. Sang the Michigan fight song "Hail to the Victors" to him and Charles Frederick. But he was real cool about it.

:laugh: thats awesome. Yeah I remember watching Michigan play Washington in his 1st game as a freshman. Didnt they beat Michigan? Thats prolly why he was cool about it.

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Originally posted by redskns56

True, his attitude can be a problem. I would still rather have a proven bonafide star rather than a prospect. Not only that, but I think that you have just the type of team leaders that would keep him in check.

Yeah, I agree, I'd rather have someone proven. There's no doubt we have the leaders to keep him check. But if he doesnt want to be there, why should we want him? We'll ship him off to Philly for a 1st and 2nd. :D

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