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Rumor: T.O. upset about trade


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The story goes like this (rumor/secondhand only):

The Eagles had agreed to trade a 5th rounder and James Thrash to the 49er's, who agreed to the trade. The Eagles then contact TO's agent and worked out a suitable contract acceptable to both parties. This is all by NFL rules. The Eagles were preparing a press conference to announce the deal. Baltimore called SF in the meantime and offered their 2nd round pick. SF accepted even though they already had a deal with the Eagles.


If there was a verbal agreement between the Niners and the Eagles, then there is a greivance issue and there is precedence. See Eric Lindros.

Key points if the above is true:

1. Eagles renegotiated TO's contract. Can't do that unless you've arranged a trade with the other team - see Mark Brunnell, Clinton Portis, Champ Bailey.

2. Baltimore wants to pay out his final three years. TO's not happy, obviously.

I still don't really want him as an Eagle, but if the above is true, (a huge IF) there is cause to file a grievance.

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Blazers you can agree by word however if it is not written down and someone comes along with a better deal then you are screwed.

I think the 49ers were just using the Eagles to drive up the price for the Ravens. They had no plans to trade him to Philly.

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The Eagles and Owens are filing a grievance with the league. The Niners and Eagles and Owens reportedly agreed to a deal, and Owens was set to come to Philly, but the Niners sent him to Bmore without contacting his agent out of spite. The NFL told the Niners they had to get permission from Owens and his agent before the trade went through, so this whole thing could get reversed. I'm so confused right now.

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Originally posted by jbooma

Blazers you can agree by word however if it is not written down and someone comes along with a better deal then you are screwed.

That's not true, JB. A verbal agreement is the same as one on paper. See the Eric Lindros situation back in the early 90's. An arbitrator ruled that Quebec had a verbal agreement with Philly. They then accepted a better offer from the Rangers. That deal was struck down and Lindros went to Philly.

If this is truly what happened, don't expect TO in Baltimore until the Ravens renegotiate his contract to at least what the Eagles were offering. I'll believe it when TO is standing next to Billick holding a Ravens jersey.

Still, the whole thing is typical of the Niners, and it couldn't have happened to a better player, so to speak.

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Originally posted by rdickson

This is a Redskins board. Why are there Ravens fans posting here?????

If you haven't noticed, this is a FOOTBALL board. I suggest you look around some more before sticking your foot in your mouth. :laugh:

Great first post. :rolleyes:

BTW, welcome. :)

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