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Loch Ness Monster?


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The Bigfoot stories inspired me to do a little research on another such mythical creature, The Loch Ness Monster. This alleged creature has been around much longer then Bigfoot and citings started in the 1800's. There is no substantial evidence but recently underwater caverns have been found which lead much deeper then scientists ever believed the Loch went.....It is just interesting and kind of cool to think that some pre-historic creature still exists.


...Also some scientists believe ancient sea-creature from pre-historic times could still exist at the bottom of the Mariana Trench. Who knows?

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LOL... I know the LNMonster was a story that I loved, but the famous picture that was taken by a doctor was proven to be faked recently when the doctor confessed on his death bed.

That being said, the Giant Squid was just found. I'm sure that the ocean in it's vastness has some creatures to hide. The LN Monster however, may be just a legend. But I'm always open minded.

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Yep. Small ones though. Smaller than a hand. Saw it on discovery a few months ago.

I saw that special too.

The part that is even more frustarting than the fact that they have never caught/seen a full grown one alive is they can't even keep the small ones they ARE able to find alive for more than a day or so.....

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I saw this really great special on TLC or Discovery a few months ago. They did a fine sonar scan of the whole loch from shore to shore and found nothing. They took a very good scientific approach and debunked all the theories.

I am convinced, there is nothing there.

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As a Scotsman, I would say that as long as tourists keep coming then it doesn't really matter if the legend is true or not.

I would say that Loch Ness is a very spooky place, its about a mile wide and 23 miles long and you can really sense the immense depth of the water. Well worth a visit for the scenery and hospitaility, whether the beastie exists or not.

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