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Does this disturb eveyone as much as it does me?


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Nuke 'em.

Remember, these are the same cats streaming across our border and pelting our US team with trash and abuse IN LOS ANGELES, AMERICA!!

The whole world is rotting with hateful, propagandized morons who make Germans during Hitler look like frigging Teletubbies.

"Osama!?" Sounds like they need a good carpet bombing or two.

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Nope, doesn't bother me at all.

Enlightenment folks, means understanding that reality is but what we perceive it to be.

If this bothers you it's because you allow others to alter your reality or you perceive the crowd chanting "Osama" to have a legitimate reason for doing so. If the latter is the case, then yes, you should be disturbed.

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Except this is no different than what our boys got in their friggin homeland. Or what Pernell Whitaker faced in San Antonio Texas while fighting a non-American(Chavez)

It's fine to be for your boys in your own home. But these are the same cats doing it here, IMO.

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So from Kurp's POV then, it'd be OK if a crowd of Americans or Europeans shouted "Rwanda! Sese Seko! Biafra!" and assorted slogans at them.

Or how about an American crowd shouting "spic" or "Wetback" or "invader" at the Mexican team?

I think THEN Kurp would suddenly be galvanized into action!

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Originally posted by Ghost Who Talks

So from Kurp's POV then, it'd be OK if a crowd of Americans or Europeans shouted "Rwanda! Sese Seko! Biafra!" and assorted slogans at them.

Or how about an American crowd shouting "spic" or "Wetback" or "invader" at the Mexican team?

I think THEN Kurp would suddenly be galvanized into action!

How does Spic or wetback compare to chanting Osama?

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Don't confuse my not being disturbed by something with thinking it's okay.

First of all, free speech is protected under the First Amendment. So everyone has a right to say what they want with few exceptions, like yelling "fire" in a crowd of people.

On the other hand, how people exercise that right of free speech speaks to character. Do I think it's right for people to hurl insults with the purpose of inflicting emotional injury? No, but it can only have its intended effect if you allow it to. Otherwise you might as well be pissing in the wind.

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It scares you to see people upset about people chanting support for a known international terrorist accused of master-minding the deaths of hundreds of their fellow countrymen. An opinion contrary to their own! We're not discussing the pros and cons of voting for Bush over Kerry. And this from a country that floods ours with millions of illegal immigrants because their own country cannot solve their own economic issues.

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I used to work for a manager who was known to say, "Don't tell me the problem. Give me the solution."

So Freak and Rabblerouser, getting upset doesn't do anything to change the crowd from chanting Osama's name. Unless of course your plan is to kill all of those that do.

So tell me, what viable solution have you in store for these fans?

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As you had mentioned prior, quite simply, these attempts to instigate the american public mean nothing if they have no reaction...

The moment that they see that these statements are provocative, that is the moments that they decide to continue w/ this path, however out-of-line they may be.

The solution is simply to have an adverse reaction to what they expect; possibly some type of sympathy for these poeple that live in a country that barely functions. Upon execution of this, these individuals would cease to make attempts at offending.

Of course, that perspective is only for the enlightened, and the general american public's ignorance keeps that type of thought far from a reality.

That's what I think, and I realize that not everyone will understand that.

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ONOS!!!! The Mexicans chanted Osama at us, we must bomb them immediately!!!!!

Do you people read your posts? You sound like children. If they want to be sore losers when they get wrecked by the ol US of A let'em. Who the hell cares anyway? The US is growing in international soccer and soon will dominate that as well. We have the best teams in the world and it's funny to watch at how pissed the world gets when they see us succeed in a sport they felt we never would.

Also how is reacting to a word by demanding violence any less a moronic act then chanting osama in the first place? Hell that is what Osama would do.

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Morover, I would venture to say that the reason terorists attacked in the first place is the lack of compassion our country has had for the rest of the world as a whole.

They acted much like a neglected teenager, acting out irresponsibly to get the attention of their aloof parents.

The U.S. has a specific role in this world, and what we do sets the precendence for the rest of the world. It is up to us to bring these enlightened, compassionate perspectives to light, and to fight tooth and nail the fear and insecurities that force violent reactions.

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You know, Blue chill, that's very ironic that you mentioned this:

"it's funny to watch at how pissed the world gets when they see us succeed in a sport they felt we never would."

This is a metaphor for the U.S. global position and responsibilty...not so much w/ being specific to soccer, but just a genuine envy for the US as a whole from other, less fortunate countries.

Who says sports don't mimic life?

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Try living here in Houston, they would get away with it here. and we should not let it happen. But, we are the country that runs the color gaurd out of the supper bowl after the nat. anthem and allows kid rock to cut a hole in the flag and throw it on the ground during the 1/2 time show.:wtf:

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