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The Streaker at half time


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Actually someone on the Patriots did flatten him

Elaborate security cannot stop Super Bowl streaker

( 2004-02-03 10:41) (Agencies)

A streaker delayed the start of the second half of the Super Bowl, with New England Patriots linebacker Matt Chatham giving police an assist in apprehending the naked male interloper.

With the smoke from an elaborate musical half-time show still hanging in the air at Reliant Stadium, the streaker displayed his cheekiness by stripping off a referee's uniform and running along the middle of the field.

Players from the Patriots and Carolina Panthers were preparing for the second-half kickoff to the American football championship game when the incident began.

Startled police reacted a few moments later, their elaborate security precautions humbled as more than a dozen policemen raced onto the field to try and apprehend him.

But the nude showoff strayed too near Chatham, a member of the Patriots' kickoff team, and the burly padded player slammed into the streaker, sending him to the turf, where he was quickly buried beneath a host of police.

Fifteen policemen took the streaker off the field and the second half began moments later.

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The Fearless Streaker

By Wayne Drehs



Sitting in a San Diego bar a year ago and pondering the idea of streaking Super Bowl XXXVIII in Houston, Mark Roberts' emotions drifted to a place they don't often visit.

Super Bowl security carry away Roberts after he conquered the "holy grail of streaking."


"They'll kill me down there," said Roberts, a native of Liverpool, England. "That's Texas -- they'll execute me."

Yet there was Roberts Sunday night, using a Velcro officiating outfit to sneak his way onto the field at Reliant Stadium, then stripping the clothes off and parading around in a silver G-string.

So much for hesitance.

"I got it in my head that I had to streak the Super Bowl," Roberts told ESPN.com after being released from a Houston jail on Monday. "I made it my mission."

Roberts performed an Irish Jig in front of Carolina kicker John Kasay and was trying to elude security officials when New England Patriots linebacker Matt Chatham flattened him with an elbow. Roberts was carried off the field hogtied by security.

"He took me out," Roberts said. "But I was so pumped up, me [sic] didn't feel a thing. Today I feel great."

Roberts faces charges of criminal trespassing and public intoxication. Though it's possible he could spend the next two years in jail, in a foreign country no less, Roberts couldn't hide his excitement Monday.

CBS didn't air Roberts' antics on its worldwide television broadcast, instead focusing its cameras elsewhere. But the man who considers himself to be the world's most prolific streaker -- he's bared himself to crowds at championship soccer matches to morning talk shows -- considers Sunday's feat his greatest. By his account, he had streaked 285 events since 1993.

"The holy grail of streaking," he said. "It doesn't get any bigger than this."

Roberts said he spent much of his night in jail telling stories and signing autographs.

"I signed for every cop in the station," Roberts said. "Those guys were great. I didn't have one bad policeman in there."

Roberts said he had planned his Super Bowl streak for weeks. He purchased an authentic game official's outfit, complete with hat, socks, shoes, whistle and penalty flags, on the Internet. He then cut the uniform in pieces and had a seamstress put it back together with Velcro.

He purchased a front-row ticket to Sunday's game and hid his Velcro referee's outfit under his regular clothes.

"I was a little bit worried the authorities would be looking for me," Roberts said. "When I was getting frisked and patted down, the guy saw my clothes underneath and asked about a piece of Velcro hanging out. I told him it was me warm underclothes and he let me go."

Just before the second half was about to begin, when security looked away, Roberts ripped off his street clothes, scaled a wall and headed to the field.

"I was down there for like five minutes, walking around, saying hello to people," he said. "They didn't know who I was."

He said he casually walked to midfield, greeted a few players with a hello and then ripped off his suit, revealing nothing more than a tiny G-string. Painted on his back, he said, were the words "Super Bowel."

Roberts performed an Irish jig, then danced a moonwalk before security officials came after him from every corner of the stadium.

"The goal was to take the football and score a touchdown," Roberts said. "But when I got out there, I realized there was no way I was going to get past those football players."

An online gambling Web site sponsored the streak. For past pranks, the company has helped to pay Roberts' fines, though a company official would not confirm that it would pay any fines in Houston.

As for what sort of marketing boost the Web site would get from the stunt, the official wasn't sure.

"We would have gotten a bigger bang for our buck if Janet Jackson wouldn't have pushed out her [breasts]," the company official said. "She stole the friggin' show."

Roberts had planned to streak during last year's Super Bowl in San Diego, but after flying from England he said his chances of obtaining game tickets fell through.

Released on a $500 bond, Roberts is scheduled to appear Feb. 9 in a Houston court, where he faces a charge of trespassing of property without forcible entry. He faces up to a year in jail and a $4,000 fine.

But in Roberts' eyes, it was worth it.

"When I ran out there, the noise was deafening," Roberts said. "I blew the roof off that stadium -- it's not retractable anymore."

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'Right Breast Stole My Thunder' Says Super Bowl Streaker


By Mark Sage, PA News, in New York

Serial streaker Mark Roberts said today that Janet Jackson’s controversial moment of right breast nudity “stole my thunder” at the Super Bowl.

Roberts, 39, from Liverpool, streaked on to the pitch just before the second half of play on Sunday night.

He managed to do an Irish jig and the Moonwalk before being clobbered by a player and carried off the field by police.

Roberts said he ran on the pitch in Houston, Texas, dressed as an American Football referee, moments before the second-half kick off.

He tugged away his “uniform”, which was held together with velcro, leaving just a strategically-placed plastic American football and a baseball cap.

“The guy was lining up to take the kick. He just looked totally confused,” Roberts said from his hotel room in Houston.

“I was there, naked, apart from a plastic American football over my nether regions held on with Sellotape, doing a Riverdance in the middle of the Super Bowl, and nobody was coming after me.

“The two teams were looking at each other, trying to work out what was going on, so I started to Moonwalk.

“Then I started doing crazy body poses – and that’s when the whole of the Houston police department came chasing on the field.

“I took off on the chase. One player tried to tackle me and I dodged him and a second ran into me and gave me a shoulder charge. He was huge. I spun like a top.”

Roberts was carried off the field by several police officers and later charged with trespassing. He will have to appear in court in Houston on Monday.

He said police officers were more amused than angry at his stunt during the game in which the New England Patriots narrowly beat the Carolina Panthers.

Officers even asked him to sign copies of his rap sheet, which showed his mugshot and fingerprints.

It was the first time Roberts has streaked in the United States.

So far, he has worn his birthday suit at the Wimbledon Men’s tennis final in 2002, the Grand National in 1996 and on ITV’s This Morning in 1995, when he ran on to the giant weather map on the Thames.

The former church handyman, from the Kensington area of Liverpool, has had other conquests in Hong Kong and Thailand. In all he has streaked 300 times.

He calls himself a “professional streaker” and says he has advertising deals in Europe.

But his exploit at the Super Bowl was the highlight of 11 years of going naked.

“It’s huge. I don’t think I’ll ever do anything else like this. What can you do to better the Super Bowl?” he said.

“I love the adrenaline rush. It’s unbelievable. I plan a stunt weeks, maybe months in advance and get everything together.”

Roberts said he had not had time to speak to his family since the Super Bowl.

“I think my mum is secretly proud, although she doesn’t say it to my face,” he said.

He had received scores of interview requests and Playboy magazine has asked him for an interview. His moment of glory was also shown on late night US talk shows.

Roberts’s only regret about the Super Bowl streak was that it was overshadowed by Janet Jackson’s own moment of exposure.

Her half-time performance, which ended with Justin Timberlake tearing her top to reveal her right breast, has caused uproar in America.

Broadcasting regulators have ordered an inquiry and called the display during the family event “crass”.

“She took my thunder. If she hadn’t done that I would have been front page material,” Roberts said.

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