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Favorite Book?


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Go for the classsics.

My favorite of all time is To Kill a Mockingbird.

If you like Biographies, John Adams is a great read. So is Ben Franklin.

I reread Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand over the Xmas holidays. Great book. Kind of eerie how the predictions of the future are coming true.

Modern day stuff tends to bore me, though I did like Davinci alot.

Clancy is always a good bet. And Grissom is an easy short read.

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This is not the same kind of book as the Davinci code, but I loved this book. It is called Into the Wild and it is about a kid from Annandale. This is a true story about how he grew up in a well to do family, and ended up giving away all of his possesions. He traveled the country and ended up going up to the Alaskan wilderness to survive off the land. He did not agree with the way society is, so he tried to escape it. It is a really cool book that i just finished. Check it out if you have a chance. I thought it was especially good because of the fact that the guy grew up outside of DC. If you did as well, it is easier to relate to it. (that was the worst English I have ever used) lol

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Any of Ambrose's WWII narratives (D-Day, Citizen Soldiers, Band of Brothers.) Just finished "Pegasus Bridge." Reads like a suspense novel.

Most anything by Michael Crichton.

Enjoyed the DaVinci Code as well and will have to read some of Dan Brown's other books.

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Speaking of books, a while ago we got on the subject of history books. If I remember correctly, someone suggested a book that essentially detailed world history from an unbiased position. Kind of went through events in a matter of fact way? Anyone know what book that is? I want to say OM suggested it.... or maybe Buddha... anybody.....anybody...... ?

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Impossible to pick just one. In fact, I'm having to grit my teeth just limiting it to four, but I have to go home since I work for Uncle Sam and we had snow last night. :)

The Demon Haunted World; Carl Sagan. If you're just going to read one non-fiction book in your life ... I recommend this be it.

In Incomplete Education; Judy Jones & William Wilson. Don't know if this is the one CSkin is referring to or not ... but for my money, this is a must have volume for anyone who takes even a passing interest in the human condition; who we are now, and how we got here. Beautifully crafted.

The Source; James Michener. Remarkable, sweeping historical account of the cradle of civilization in novel form.

Pillars of the Earth; Ken Follett. You won't be disappointed.

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Originally posted by Bufford T Justice

Omerta by Puzo. Its $$$ until the last chapter. Skip that one all together. Godfather style, just a different family.

That is a good book! Been over a year since I read it.

Anyone read Angels and Demon by Dan Brown? Thoughts?

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it's a psychological thriller set in early-1900's new york city. very good read. my favorite book by carr is "the devil soldier".

my favorite book is: The Fountainhead, by Ayn Rand (got a first printing)

also a big fan of Johnathan Livingston Seagull, by Richard Bach

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my two top favorites are:

1) Atlas Shrugged

2) Ishmael by Daniel Quinn

two very opposite books in terms of philosophy, but both are almost life changing books in how you view the world.

davinci code is an awesome book. angles and demons is good; it's very similar to davinci, but much less believable. deception point is dramatically different than DC or A&D- it's basically a spy book ala ludlum or clancy or vince flynn. still a good book though. i'm currently reading brown's digital fortress. good so far...

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Originally posted by codeorama

Aj got it right... just to add, a group of people are hunting a brutal serial killer before modern forensic science etc...

Last night the wife and I hit Barnes and Nobles and I picked up The Alienist. Its sounds great!

Thanks for the input!

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