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Congrats to EL and Blazers


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Originally posted by Park City Skins

What? Just going with the theme here. :D

Well, PCS, this is a Redskins MB ;) I expect the Eagles to get exactly zero credit for anything around here, considering our friendly little rivalry (after all it is only a game). :)

If McNabb ended with a perfect passer rating, 1000 yards rushing 30 TD passes, 5 rushing TD on the season some people around here would still say he sucks. Fine.

If the Eagles went 15-1 (right!) some people here would concentrate on the one loss, pointing out how weak they were in that one game. Fine.

Then again, you can always bash the fans. Admittedly, that's too easy of a target. :laugh:

It expected. Once the passion dies down, maybe some common sense will return.

BTW, Eagles suck. I hate them. :)

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Originally posted by Park City Skins

There ya go. Now you're catching on. Wasn't so hard now was it? ;)


They will drive me to an early grave. Or to drink. :cheers: Probably both.

Anyway, don't tell anyone: the Eagles have a secret weapon. I dressed my 2 year-old daughter up in a toddler-sized McNabb jersey for the first time. Put your money on the Birds! :D All that snot and drool makes her look like she just got off the field. :D

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Just be careful. With a couple more comments like that, they'll start on turning you into a Redskin fan. I know from experience. :doh:

And I would congratulate you but being a Giants fan, I just can't. Hey, the Redskins have their Cowboys. Giant fans have the Eagles. So, no go on the congrats. I'm sure you understand.

How about I just say con.....

That's as much as I can get out. :D

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Originally posted by Tom [Giants fan]

I'm sure you understand.

Yes, Tom, completely understood. I'd want it no other way.

No, they won't try to convert me - the Eagles are hated almost as much as the Cowboys around here. The Giants, not so much.

PCS: are you sure that was warm beer? Smelled kind of funny. You didn't spike it with something did you? ;)

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Originally posted by Bufford Redux

I don't know HOW it happened, but it did. Favre's fate must of been in the crapper when he was in OT.

Feel fortunate


bufford, my friend, I logged on tonight with the intention of starting a thread with exactly that title. While I can't stomach the Iggles, and panted like a rabid dog when it looked like the Pack was Back, I can at least find some cheer in congratulating EL and Blazers. Even tho I'll root with every fiber of my being for Stephen Davis and the Cats, here's to you fellas: :cheers:

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Originally posted by JimboDaMan

bufford, my friend, I logged on tonight with the intention of starting a thread with exactly that title. While I can't stomach the Iggles, and panted like a rabid dog when it looked like the Pack was Back, I can at least find some cheer in congratulating EL and Blazers. Even tho I'll root with every fiber of my being for Stephen Davis and the Cats, here's to you fellas: :cheers:

Thanks! It was the most emotional game I've ever been to. I was praying on my seat before Akers two FGs. I'm still drained and I won't have a voice tommorrow. Next weekend should be a great game. Stephen Davis not playing could really help the Eagles, though I'd want to face Carolina at 100%.

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Originally posted by NavyDave

I'll give congrats when the kittie kats do what the packs should ve done

Thanks, ND. Always appreciated. Bad day yesterday?

But what if the kittie cats get all tied up in their ball of yarn and the Eagles move the ball on them at will, like they did in the first game? If that's the case, there's one last chance on Feb. 1. ;)

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