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Packers vs Eagles - Game Thread....

Tom [Giants fan]

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BTW, the entire aftermath of the McNabb/Limbaugh thing really confirms what Limbaugh was saying. JB gives McNabby his Perserverance award and I'm sure he wouldn't have gotten it, had it not been for that entire controversy. Every talking head practically fellates McNabb, even before he really started playing well.

It's like in Remember the Titans when the white coach is coddling the black players, he did no such thing with the white guys.

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Originally posted by Ghost Who Talks


Did you see yesterday when Caliendo did a GREAT Jim Rome impression?! It was "Phenomenal!"

I caught that yesterday. It was very funny!


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Caliendo does a good job with his Madden impersonation but I was REALLY surprised by the quality of his Jim Rome.

And he does good research because he had Rush's bumper music, referred to Bo Snerdley and for the Rome segment had all of Rome's little mannerisms, catchphrases and show gimmicks down pat.

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Originally posted by TK421"JACKED"

:rotflmao: Anybody else see the skit on Fox with McNabb laying the smackdown on Rush?:rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

McNabb is not left handed... hey Howie, he ain't WHITE either :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

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Originally posted by Ghost Who Talks

I'll never forget when I lived there and some kid tried to tell me that Fred Barnett and Calvin Williams were better than the Posse.

They weren't? :D

Long time to hold a grudge, GWT...

Go Pac...oops.

Sorry, got all caught up in the moment. :D

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