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Darrell Russell??

Thinking Skins

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I know that Vinny Cerratto spoke his peace about Russell at the end of the season, but who really cares whay Vinny thinks. Does anyone think that we're going to resign this guy? I think that if we do resign him, team him up with a powerful DE coming out of college and then use the other DT's we have we can have a pretty powerful line. I can see this turning from a glaring weakness into a nice strength without much work (Although it will probably recieve an overhaul this offseason for the sake of it).

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Funny thing is, if memory serves, Vinnie had troubles with Druss's character and practice ethic, or something along those lines. This tends to play right into the Gibbs philosophy. that said, if one choosess to believe rumors and reports coming out of the Park these days, more than DRuss are guilty of that. Right now, as one poster has stated elsewhere, all bets are off.

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pass. pass. pass.

Geez, after the past couple of years the last thing we need is to bring back trouble.

If Russell can't find his way to Redskin Park when he was renting a house less than a mile away and had been in town over 2 months, he is probably too stupid to pick up Gregg Williams' new defense :laugh:

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Originally posted by blakman211

I know that Vinny Cerratto spoke his peace about Russell at the end of the season, but who really cares whay Vinny thinks. Does anyone think that we're going to resign this guy? I think that if we do resign him, team him up with a powerful DE coming out of college and then use the other DT's we have we can have a pretty powerful line. I can see this turning from a glaring weakness into a nice strength without much work (Although it will probably recieve an overhaul this offseason for the sake of it).

I think Joe Gibb's and Greg Williams will make the right decision, whatever that may be.

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I have a feeling he might end up in Tapma Bay with the Bucs

Gruden wanted him there but then Bucs GM Rich McKay didn't want him

Now with McKay gone, look for Gruden and the Bucs to get him, especially if Warren Sapp goes elsewhere

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Originally posted by bulldog

If Russell can't find his way to Redskin Park when he was renting a house less than a mile away and had been in town over 2 months, he is probably too stupid to pick up Gregg Williams' new defense :laugh:

What could be hard about telling someone to plug up the middle? Maybe Snyder will build a condo complex next to Redskins Park so the less tenured can have a place to live. He can charge outrageous rent and recoup some of their salaries! (This is only a joke, so don't go ballistic on me).

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I think we'll get rid Russell, and we won't pick up Gardener. Maybe we'll go with a proven, low salary guy without attitude problems. That seems most likely with Gibbs. I really hope we go after Kearse so we can get preassure from the outside. That combined with a good pick at either the tackle of end positions, and we should have a pretty decent DL.

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Russell is already gone :)

And don't think those other players that were suspended for the last game are out of the woods because I am sure that the new coaches will be cognizant of guys that checked out publicly on the last coach, whatever the situation.

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I was in favor of giving Russell a second chance originally against my better judgment, but after his last escapade I am more convinced than ever that these guys with baggage are generally not worth the hassle.

Gibbs went to bat to bring in players such as Doug Williams and Eric Williams who had worn out their welcome on their previous teams, but these guys were in shape and ready to play when they hit town.

They were not guys we had to wet nurse and draw them a map on how to drive a few blocks to practice.

You have to be able to do SOME things on your own in life.

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Originally posted by BCS: BattleCatSnyder

Darryl Russel will NEVER play for a Joe Gibbs coached team. Won't happen.

You guys make it sound like this guy was a total moron for his short stay here:rolleyes: All he did was show up late, once. Maybe the guy got caught up in traffic, you know how bad DC is no matter what time of the day it is. The truth is, if Gibbs could deal with Dexter Manley, what makes you think he couldn't handle D. Russell?

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Originally posted by bulldog

I was in favor of giving Russell a second chance originally against my better judgment, but after his last escapade I am more convinced than ever that these guys with baggage are generally not worth the hassle.

Gibbs went to bat to bring in players such as Doug Williams and Eric Williams who had worn out their welcome on their previous teams, but these guys were in shape and ready to play when they hit town.

They were not guys we had to wet nurse and draw them a map on how to drive a few blocks to practice.

You have to be able to do SOME things on your own in life.

Maybe I'm out of the loop here. But could someone please tell me what D Russell did that was so bad. Maybe I missed something.

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I was really curious about the Russell incident. From his remarks in the press, he didn't seem to be too upset about being cut.

Either he didn't like it here and wants out, or he guessed that a coaching change was in the works.

Gibbs likes intelligent players. Russell seems to be fairly intelligent, though he often acts like a knucklehead. If Gibbs and Williams interview Russell and want to give him another chance, I'm all for it, as long as we can get him for a reasonable price.

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I'd say one day at a time let Gibbs look at film see what we need. A new coaching staff means a new direction. We may have the coaches that can get D Russ to perform up to his level of protential. We have to admit our last coaching staff didn't impress a lot of people. There's a good chance D Russ wasn't impress and didn't have respect. With Gibbs and Williams they will have free agents wanting to play for them and Gibbs name alone gets respect.

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it's being rumored that Sam adams is interested in reuniting with G. Williams. I am also hearing J. Kerse in interested too, but Kearse will almost certainly mena we will have to cut Trotter to make Cap room for his salary. I say bring Gardner back because we had no problems out of him here and his bad experience in Denver should make him affordable as well. Next draft the kid out of OSU at DT (no warren sapp) I like him as a player, but he'll cost too much. Make a push for adams as well as Kearse.

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I remember reading that Russell said he got lost on the way to practice and his cell phone was out of batteries. (The guy doesn't have a charger for his cigarette lighter?)

I'm generally pretty forgiving of minor transgressions, unless they're part of a pattern or resonate w/ some larger concern -- but a) this was part of a pattern, and B) this is part of a larger concern, given his enrollment in the Gary Hart school of not knowing when you need to be on extra-good behavior.

Maybe, though, the Skins' reaction was part of what seems to have been a too-late overreaction to a season's worth of minor disciplinary issues.

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Dexter Manley. George Rodgers. Gerald Riggs.

Gibbs doesn't decide not to bring in players based on off-field character issues, despite the misconception. The thing about being late to meetings is another story, but if we can get him at a cheap price, Gibbs would give it a shot, then cut him loose if it doesn't work out.

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Originally posted by KevinMac

Dexter Manley. George Rodgers. Gerald Riggs.

Gibbs doesn't decide not to bring in players based on off-field character issues, despite the misconception. The thing about being late to meetings is another story, but if we can get him at a cheap price, Gibbs would give it a shot, then cut him loose if it doesn't work out.

Right. There is a misconception that Gibbs does not choose to bring in guys with character issues. Thats not entirely true. But Gibbs has a good reputation for dealing with these guys and getting the best out of them. They become model citizens under Gibbs. This is why we shouldn't rule out certain guys coming here.

I don't think Russell will be back because Vinny has already come out and said so. Gardener might be back, although I'm not sure thats the best move.

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