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Greg Jones to the Skins???

The Sir

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Someone on the nfldraftblitz.com boards was discussing this as a possibility. I think they a workhorse power back is something we will look to add or make out of one of our current backs. I expect the hole to be filled with a veteran, such as Duce Staley or Corey Dillon. But I was wondering what others thought of this possibility and thought of Greg Jones as a pro prospect.

Prior to his ACL tear, he looked like a good player and definately had/has the physical tools to be a good NFL player. But this year he had trouble breaking in tackles, ran way too straight, didn't hit the hole hard, and way too often tried to kick it outside when he should have just lowered his shoulder and played to his strength. His draft stock is likely to still be pretty high on his phyiscal ability alone, though he wasn't that impresses on the field this year. I haven't liked him that much since the injury at all and have projected him to be overrated and a potential bust. But in our new offense, I think we could make something out of him.


If we were to take him in the first, then that, in my mind, would mean that we definately traded down in the first. I say that because, I think we need 2 good Dlineman out of this draft. Not immediate starters or anything, but rotational players who eventually start. I don't think it would be very easy to get that if we stay at #5, where theres no many worth DL prospects and if we took a RB in the 2nd round.

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Someone on the nfldraftblitz.com boards was discussing this as a possibility. I think they a workhorse power back is something we will look to add or make out of one of our current backs. I expect the hole to be filled with a veteran, such as Duce Staley or Corey Dillon. But I was wondering what others thought of this possibility and thought of Greg Jones as a pro prospect.

Prior to his ACL tear, he looked like a good player and definately had/has the physical tools to be a good NFL player. But this year he had trouble breaking in tackles, ran way too straight, didn't hit the hole hard, and way too often tried to kick it outside when he should have just lowered his shoulder and played to his strength. His draft stock is likely to still be pretty high on his phyiscal ability alone, though he wasn't that impresses on the field this year. I haven't liked him that much since the injury at all and have projected him to be overrated and a potential bust. But in our new offense, I think we could make something out of him.


If we were to take him in the first, then that, in my mind, would mean that we definately traded down in the first. I say that because, I think we need 2 good Dlineman out of this draft. Not immediate starters or anything, but rotational players who eventually start. I don't think it would be very easy to get that if we stay at #5, where theres no many worth DL prospects and if we took a RB in the 2nd round.

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Greg Jones in the first would be an incredible reach. Knee injuries are usually a red flag when it comes to the draft and I wouldn't be surprised to see him slip to the third. That said, I would love for us to draft him. He may be a bit raw from missing so much time as a result of injuries but he's got pretty good instincts and is just amazing physically.

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Greg Jones in the first would be an incredible reach. Knee injuries are usually a red flag when it comes to the draft and I wouldn't be surprised to see him slip to the third. That said, I would love for us to draft him. He may be a bit raw from missing so much time as a result of injuries but he's got pretty good instincts and is just amazing physically.

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Those type of knee injuries take an additional year for a guy to have confidence and full range in it. This goes double for RBs. Know this Greg Jones has a huge upside because of his pure ability if that knee holds. He is also nasty, finishes plays, and like another big back we had not too long ago, gets better as the game goes on because of the abuse he inflicts on defenders. You can't take him in the first because he will be around in the late 2nd and beyond, plus we have to get Taylor at #5, period. And it takes a lot for a 'nole to vouche for a 'cane, not that I am biased in my love for Greg Jones or anything.......

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Those type of knee injuries take an additional year for a guy to have confidence and full range in it. This goes double for RBs. Know this Greg Jones has a huge upside because of his pure ability if that knee holds. He is also nasty, finishes plays, and like another big back we had not too long ago, gets better as the game goes on because of the abuse he inflicts on defenders. You can't take him in the first because he will be around in the late 2nd and beyond, plus we have to get Taylor at #5, period. And it takes a lot for a 'nole to vouche for a 'cane, not that I am biased in my love for Greg Jones or anything.......

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Yeah, what I love about Jones is that he's supposedly the strongest guy on the Noles roster. But hell, he's a Nole (Go Gators, with no association to Spurrier, cause I was a Skin since birth, Gator fan since about 7 years ago), strike one, and he wants to be a Cowf*ck, so strikes two three, and hell, four and five, also.

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Yeah, what I love about Jones is that he's supposedly the strongest guy on the Noles roster. But hell, he's a Nole (Go Gators, with no association to Spurrier, cause I was a Skin since birth, Gator fan since about 7 years ago), strike one, and he wants to be a Cowf*ck, so strikes two three, and hell, four and five, also.

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I would stay away from Jones, the injury scares me too much. Yeah I know Jamal Lewis had knee surgeries & is doing fine now, but I think Lewis is the exception to the rule.

A sleepr to watch, Minnesota RB/FB Thomas Tapeh. The kid is about 6'1, 230 lbs, the strongest player on the Gophers & runs tough. Could be had in the 4/5th rd.

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I would stay away from Jones, the injury scares me too much. Yeah I know Jamal Lewis had knee surgeries & is doing fine now, but I think Lewis is the exception to the rule.

A sleepr to watch, Minnesota RB/FB Thomas Tapeh. The kid is about 6'1, 230 lbs, the strongest player on the Gophers & runs tough. Could be had in the 4/5th rd.

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Late in the year, and especially in the bowl game, Jones started to show more confidence in his knee. Before the injury he made some amazing cuts for a guy of his size considering how fast he was moving. Until late this year, he didn't seem to want to make any cuts at all. So he became more of a bulldozer, instead of the pickup with the porsche engine that he was.

Jones will likely go in the 1st after the combine. Jamal Lewis was the collegiate version of Fred Taylor with ACL tears and managed to go top 5. Jones will wow people with his amazing strength, good straight ahead speed, and surprising agility. Scouts will see what he did against Miami last year and all those guys they're drafting now, and realize what a special back he is. Even this year he made Sean Taylor look like an 8th grader when he ran right over him.

If you want a power runner with some vision, Jones would be a steal at the top of the 2nd. I have a feeling he'll creep into the 15-25 range by the time the draft rolls around though.

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Late in the year, and especially in the bowl game, Jones started to show more confidence in his knee. Before the injury he made some amazing cuts for a guy of his size considering how fast he was moving. Until late this year, he didn't seem to want to make any cuts at all. So he became more of a bulldozer, instead of the pickup with the porsche engine that he was.

Jones will likely go in the 1st after the combine. Jamal Lewis was the collegiate version of Fred Taylor with ACL tears and managed to go top 5. Jones will wow people with his amazing strength, good straight ahead speed, and surprising agility. Scouts will see what he did against Miami last year and all those guys they're drafting now, and realize what a special back he is. Even this year he made Sean Taylor look like an 8th grader when he ran right over him.

If you want a power runner with some vision, Jones would be a steal at the top of the 2nd. I have a feeling he'll creep into the 15-25 range by the time the draft rolls around though.

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i'd rather have a veteran to fall back on then use my first rounder on a rookie. i'd take Duce in a heartbeat (4.8 rushing average and blocks like a beast!) or Dillion if he comes cheap. we need power running, no finese! this is goin to be a black and blue division in the blink of an eye, so we need to play smashmouth football, no pretty stuff.


0-16, 16-0, skins fan till i die!!!

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