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Snake Thread (formerly Cape York residents horrified and perplexed as deadly snakes make themselves at home)


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  • 1 month later...

Hiker brings snake home to show kids, ends up in the hospital


An unidentified hiker in Australia was “extremely lucky” after being bitten by what he thought was a harmless diamond python, which he had captured and took home to show his kids.


Unfortunately, it was a case of mistaken identity, as the reptile turned out to be a poisonous broad-headed snake, which looks very similar to a diamond python.




The incident occurred last Wednesday in the New South Wales Southern Highlands, as reported by Yahoo! Australia.


The man was hiking with friends when he spotted the reptile and captured it. When he was bitten, he didn’t think anything of it until returning home and becoming violently ill.


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Florida's second-heaviest Burmese python taken down in 'surreal' battle after being mistaken for alligator


How many guys does it take to wrangle Florida's second-heaviest Burmese python? Five, apparently. 


Mike Elfenbein was one of those guys who experienced a "surreal" and "lucky" take-down at Big Cypress National Preserve in South Florida over the weekend. 


"I had her by the head. Her head was the size of a football," Elfenbein told FOX 35 News. "My son grabbed her by the tail. And the other three guys all piled on in the middle. And with all five of us sitting on top of her, she was still literally able to lift her body off the ground and keep moving. 


"It was crazy, it was crazy."




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Angry cobra attacks tee box, time to take up a different sport


Stepping up to the tee box is always a tall task. There’s a lot to think about. Power, contact, whether you should hit into the slow group in front of you. But apparently now you have to worry about gigantic snakes too? This is truly the final straw.




Elitha Peachey—a self-described, golfer, spontaneous soul and animal lover—had quite the encounter recently at the Atlantic Beach Golf Club in Cape Town, South Africa. She may be an “animal lover,” but this seems like too much for anyone.


That terrifying serpent is technically a Koperkapel, otherwise known as a Cape cobra. They’re highly venomous, known for their rich yellow color and should NOT be anywhere near a golf course. It’s one of the most dangerous snakes in all of Africa, and if venom is injected, a human’s body will go into paralysis potentially leading to respiratory failure.


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  • 2 months later...

Second-most venomous snake in the world found in toddler’s underwear drawer


An Australian snake hunter discovered the second-most venomous snake in the world in a toddler’s underwear drawer.


Mark Pelley, based in Melbourne, was asked to remove a 5-foot Eastern brown snake from a 3-year-old’s bedroom.


“Mum went to get some clothes for her son and found a large five-foot brown snake instead,” Pelley wrote of the ordeal on Facebook.


“We figured out what happened. She carried in folded washing yesterday and as she was taking clothes from [the] clothes line, [the] brown snake crawled into it.”




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NY man sentenced for smuggling snakes across border in his pants


A New York man who hid snakes in his pants to smuggle them across the U.S.-Canada border was sentenced on Wednesday.


Authorities say Calvin Bautista, 38, of Richmond Hill, admitted he had three Burmese pythons in his pants when he rode a bus across the border at the Champlain Port of Entry in 2018.


Customs and Border Protection officers discovered the snakes concealed in bags attached to Bautista’s pants near his inner thigh during a search. Authorities say Bautista failed to obtain the required permits and documentation to import the snakes into the U.S. Burmese pythons are not native to North America and are considered an invasive species.


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  • 3 weeks later...

'Magnificent creatures': New photos show largest anaconda ever recorded


A giant anaconda species captured recently in the Amazon of Ecuador by a team of scientists is the largest to ever be documented, USA TODAY previously reported, and now, there are images showing just how massive the snake really is.


The group of scientists from The University of Queensland, led by professor Bryan Fry, uncovered the nearly 10 million-year-old species with help from the Indigenous Huaorani people while filming "Pole to Pole with Will Smith," a National Geographic series that will stream on Disney+.


Fry, as well as other scientists who studied the new species, shot incredible photos of the newly discovered snake in action.


Here are some images of the northern green anaconda found in the Orinoco Basin of the Amazon.






Fry mentioned that the key to understanding the discovery has to do with location. The Amazon has two separate basins. The larger basin in the south is home to the green anaconda from which the northern green anaconda comes. The smaller basin in the north is home to the newly discovered northern green anaconda.


The two species differ genetically by 5.5%, Fry shared. “It’s quite significant – to put it in perspective, humans differ from chimpanzees by only about 2%."


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  • 2 weeks later...

Venomous snake found 'trying to hide among the undies' in bedroom


A snake catcher was called out to a home in Queensland, Australia, where the second-most venomous snake in the world was found "literally trying to hide among the undies" in a resident's bedroom.


Sunshine Coast Snake Catchers 24/7 posted a video to Facebook showing snake catcher Daniel Rumsey's encounter with a juvenile eastern brown snake in a woman's bedroom.


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Hospital staff plead with bite victims to stop bringing snakes to emergency departments


Snake bite victims are endangering medical staff by bringing the reptiles with them to hospital, doctors say.


In Queensland's Wide Bay region, doctors have come face to face with some of the world's most venomous snakes captured by patients believing it'll help with identification and treatment.


In one case earlier this month, emergency staff at Bundaberg Hospital, four hours north of Brisbane, were handed a plastic food container with a small eastern brown snake inside peering back at them.


"Any attempts to either get close to a snake to catch or to kill, or to photograph the snake, just puts people at risk."


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On 1/14/2024 at 7:47 PM, China said:

Second-most venomous snake in the world found in toddler’s underwear drawer


An Australian snake hunter discovered the second-most venomous snake in the world in a toddler’s underwear drawer.


Mark Pelley, based in Melbourne, was asked to remove a 5-foot Eastern brown snake from a 3-year-old’s bedroom.


“Mum went to get some clothes for her son and found a large five-foot brown snake instead,” Pelley wrote of the ordeal on Facebook.


“We figured out what happened. She carried in folded washing yesterday and as she was taking clothes from [the] clothes line, [the] brown snake crawled into it.”




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On 3/16/2024 at 1:19 PM, China said:

Venomous snake found 'trying to hide among the undies' in bedroom


A snake catcher was called out to a home in Queensland, Australia, where the second-most venomous snake in the world was found "literally trying to hide among the undies" in a resident's bedroom.


Sunshine Coast Snake Catchers 24/7 posted a video to Facebook showing snake catcher Daniel Rumsey's encounter with a juvenile eastern brown snake in a woman's bedroom.


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Guess folks in Australia should just stop wearing undies 🤷‍♂️

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Scary! Scottsdale man spots rattlesnake at his front door


Scary moments for a Scottsdale man and dog owner when he spotted a rattlesnake ready to attack on his doorstep.


Brandon Creager sent the video to Arizona’s Family of the frightening encounter.


The video shows his two dogs safely inside the house in the area of Shea Boulevard and 124th Street on Monday around 1 p.m. and then he pans over to the rattlesnake outside, with its rattle going in a threatened position.


Creager said his dogs kept barking and that’s when he went to the door to see why.


“Luckily it was rattling loudly so I noticed it before opening the door,” he told Arizona’s Family.


The snake looked pretty upset.


“Can you image if I had just opened the door and let the dogs out?” Creager asked in the video. “They’d be dead.”


He added a firefighter came and got it.


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Never-before-seen creature with 'blade-shaped fangs' is discovered in a Thailand cave


Two reptile hunters have discovered a new species of snake with 'blade-like' fangs in Thailand.


This slithering animal, they report, also has strongly ridged scales on its underbelly that allow it to 'climb vertical rock faces.'


'It is especially adapted to life in this harsh environment,' said one of the reptile hunters, who named their find the 'Cave Kukri Snake' or, Oligodon speleoserpens, after its unforgiving home in Thailand's limestone karst mountain caves.


Evolutionary biologists who assisted these reptile hunters in categorizing their new snake said the creature's two 'enlarged blade-shaped maxillary teeth' and its mountaineering ridges offered 'strong evidence' indicative of a brand new species.



While only three specimens of the new snake were captured for study, those samples were enough to positively ID it as a new species, thanks to its 'climbing grip' underbelly. Top right (d), the inflated 'hemipenes' or reproductive organs of the male Cave Kukri Snake specimen


Grassby-Lewis, a herpetologist and tour guide, said that the new snake preys mostly upon the eggs of two local species of gecko, Cnemaspis and Cyrtodactylus, both expert navigators of rocky terrain as well. 


The body of the cave-dwelling, cliffhanging snake is a light-medium brown, with a lighter shade towards its head and black borders around its individual scales. 


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  • 2 weeks later...

Lessons from rattlesnake class in the American Southwest


In a Phoenix-area venomous snake training course, the first thing students learn is that basically everything they thought they knew about rattlesnakes is a myth.


For starters, rattlesnakes aren't aggressive. They don't rattle to warn that they're about to strike. And they definitely don't chase people.


"They're not out to get us," Cale Morris of the Phoenix Herpetological Sanctuary told the class Tuesday.


The sanctuary holds the class for the public and businesses in the spring, as rattlesnakes wake up from their winter-long naps, known in the reptile kingdom as brumation.


The trainings run through a host of rattlesnake information before teaching people how to safely grab snakes with tongs, plop them in a bucket and remove them from their homes. The students also get hands-on experience doing it.




And that practice could prove to be quite helpful. Arizona saw a surge in rattlesnake bites in April, according to data provided to NPR on Wednesday by the Banner Poison and Drug Information Center.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Woman Hears Knock on Door—Discovers 3-Foot Cobra Snake


A woman in her sixties had the shock of her life when she answered a knock on the door and found a deadly cobra sitting on her doorstep.


The 66-year-old, who lives in a village near Hangzhou, eastern China, was expecting to find a visitor at the threshold, but not the three-foot snake.


She had been watching TV when she heard the knock. And on opening door to see who was there, the waiting serpent promptly slithered into her home.


Terrified, the woman fled the house, and called the police for help, said Chinese news media Global Times.


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