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Jbooma, Kiper says Deeny Green best available...


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I like Green but he has had some off-field issues and he wants to choose his own players, would Snyder let him do that??

If Green becomes the HC then we are going to draft Kevin Jones, Roy Williams, or Larry Fitzgerald.

If Snyder buts out it will work, if not then we are in for the same soap opera for years to come.

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I like Dennis Green, I have nothing against him and like him better than Fassel, but my concern would be that he wasn't really the type of coach that kept his players in line in Minnesota. What makes us think that he's going to do it here.

Keeping the players in line is step number 1 to this franchise being successful.

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Ya damn right Green can coach. :D

A recent Pastabelly excerpt:

Take this one to the bank: With the San Diego job not opening up, and the Raiders likely to go with another in their long line of guys with no previous head coach experience, look for Dennis Green to poke around the vacancy soon to be created in Arizona. There are some legitimate players in Arizona, lots of high-round draft choices, and the Cardinals definitely have underachieved. But bring in Green and draft, oh, Eli Manning, and this is a franchise, assuming ownership gets out of the way, that could win in a couple years. We broke out some old video this week of Green's teams in Minnesota and, make no mistake, the guy can "coach up" an offense. As for the Oakland job Green would love to get, but probably won't given Al Davis' penchant for hiring guys with lesser resumes

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I think both would be just fine here. It all depends on what Denny and Vinny do. Both of these coaches want to pick their players, it will be interesting to see if they allow that. Now Denny and Vinny have worked well together so maybe this will work. I think Fassel might have a chance to succede faster just because he knows the division and that is a big plus.

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Knowing Snyder as we do and given his recent debacle I think he goes with Fassel. A better fit for us in the NFC east, Super Bowl coach, knows the teams in the NFCE better than other canidates,has assistants that have demonstrated success with less- McNally O-line coach. Too many positives to pass up given our predictiment.

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Originally posted by Dolemite

Would our players respect Fassel??????????

I just have a hard time believing they would respect a coach that just had a worse season than we did!!!!!!!!


Well he's SB coach and if our player can't or won't respect that then I'd say we need new players. Both Green & Fassel are viable canidates I'm just predicting what Snyder will do given everything that's transpired that's all. I'm not advocating either just putting my Miss Cleo hat on.

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For the love of God, please don't let it be Denny "grimmace" Green. If you thought Spurrier lost control of the team wait until he steps up at head coach. That's what led to his demise in Minnesota, there's no way in hell he'll be able to keep our cast of characters in check. I say NAY!

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No it will be Fassell. Snyder & Co. need to show improvement fast. All is not well within Skinsworld and the fandom, winning quickly will alleviate that. Who better than to do it than Fassell. Fassell brings the best hope for that IMO. He knows the others in the East. It will be Fassell I'd bet. Maybe Fassell and Williams ex Buffalo HC as D coordinator.

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i agree with bringing Denny green here, he's the most proven avaiable coach out there and would imeddiatlly bring a winning attitude to this franchise. have that and say ray rhodes as and defensive assistant/ ass. head coach, and all these skins haters will have to kiss our as* and beg for forgiveness. i'm tired of those lousy critics, and i'm tired of losin. a denny green/ray rhodes would cure that in a heart beat. but that's just my opinion.


0-16, 16-0, skins fan till i die!!!

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I don't care who we get as long as they make the DEFENSE better!!!!

All we need to make the offense better is a solid RB< because we got all the other parts on that side of the ball.

But the defense, well, that's another story :rolleyes:

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Isn't Fassel the same as Marty... Hiring a coach just because he is a disciplinarian is stupid. This wouldn’t even be a subject matter if Spurrier had won. Give me a coach that knows how to win in the NFL, and knows how to run an organization – I don’t care how big the stick is he beats the players with.

Green please!

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This player respecting stuff is grating.

After this season and B smith and danny's interference known to the public i dont see any "stars?" trying that.

Not lavar or coles

who else do we have on the team (and i am counting champ traded) that think they have the juice to not respect the new coach?

I'd go with romeo since he has the track record for defense

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