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Jbooma, Kiper says Deeny Green best available...


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ND, the only thing that worries me about hiring a coordinator who hasn't been a head coach is the possibility that he becomes overwhelmed much like Spurrier was. I would be much more comfortable knowing that someone coaching our team had coached and succeeded in the NFL before.

Kilmer, that combo would work wonders for me too!

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The players wouldn't push around Green, because they know that they have a chance to win with him. They are tired of losing, and they know that they have to take control of their team and not allow guys to get out of line. The new OC and DC could probably police over the players and Denny would be the overseer.

He is a better fit than Fassel, even though I think we could win with both, Denny I think would take us further and is willing/wanting to work for Snyder/Cerrato.

Denny HC

McGinnis DC

...if kept and not demoted Hue Jackson as OC

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I really can't imagine Fassel has our head coach just because he went to the Super Bowl? I mean just look at how he lost control of his team last year! 4-12 and then move into our coaching job? That would really upset me as a fan of the Skins! I want to better the team not take a side step!

Dennis Green is my #2 choice behind Jimmy Johnson but Johnson I think is having a good time at FOX! But one never knows he might come back to get back at Jerry Jones? Imagine the rivalry of JJ vs. Tuna! That would be fun? I know likely not going to happen.

Dennis Green is a very good coach and his record speaks volumes! I wouldn't even put him in the same list as Fassel! Fassel sucks. Dennis Green would be able to get us into the playoffs I would be willing to put money on it.

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