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spurriers press confrence


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Let's not associate this whole walking out of the press conference thing with Spurrier giving up or wanting out. It's a classic case of a coach who is frustrated at the fact that he has failed miserably to meet the high expectations placed upon him. This guy didn't know what losing meant before he came here, and now he's getting a big taste of it. If anything, it might possibly motivate him to come back even hungrier, prepare even harder during the offseason, and do whatever it takes to prove people wrong.

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Well I hope he did walk out of the press conference, because it would show that the pressure is starting to get to him.

I'm sorry but its impossible for me to have much sympathy for someone making $10 million dollars for 2 years of part time work. No wonder inflation is creeping back into the economy. :laugh:

I can only hope that the rumors are true about him going to Miami, but I doubt that the football gods will allow that. :pope: I just consulted with the oracle at Delphi, and she says we are screwed for another year with Spurrier. :laugh:

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K I'll give you a break D Mac was wide open and our QB off the street overthrows him for a TD and we get no points because the FGA is no good

Gardner is wide open he is overthrown and he was wide open

Coaching yeah you can point at somethings but the execution is obvious.

Uh tuners teams didnt quit? put down the pipe.

We had two supposed stelllar DTs and we were getting ran on at will as well as a secondary with james washington and the sherrif?

We make it to the playoffs thanks to injuries to other teams like the jets in 99 and there were career years by westbroke and a kleptomaniac so snyder has to keep norv.

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Originally posted by NavyDave

Uh tuners teams didnt quit? put down the pipe.

Hey, 4 out of 7 years Norv had a winning team in Washington. Compared to Spurrier thats HOF stuff. :laugh:

We make it to the playoffs thanks to injuries to other teams like the jets in 99

How could that be? The Jets are in the AFC.

NavyDave has been bathing too much in salt water. :laugh:

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Everyone has answers but nobody is putting in the time and effort Spurrier is to get this right. You guys really think he part-times it? Please. How many hours do you put in your jobs per day? Are you scrutinized by the media? Do you have thousands of fans that expect greatness from you? Yeah he is making millions more than I ever will. When he took the job he admitted it was way more than needed and that alot would go to various charities and such. He is a grounded person. I hope he is back for a third year. If it doesn't get done, what did we lose? We may have gained a few better draft picks.

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Originally posted by NavyDave

K I'll give you a break D Mac was wide open and our QB off the street overthrows him for a TD and we get no points because the FGA is no good

I agree w/ what you're saying here ND, except for remember who's fault that is. It's the coaches job to make sure we have adequate backup qb's.

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Get off his Jock Strap PEOPLE..... Look back at some game film this system is working.... execution is were we fail!!! When i look at most of our game film i see players more often than not breaking open!!


Our offensive line has been playing LIGHTS OUT BETTER!!!

We have a Qb that was on the street and he looks damm good other than one game!!! But they say this system wont work!! LOL We need Ramsey to mature and lead us to the Playoffs!!

Ramsey's foot is healing and will be ready for camp!!


Spurrier is the real deal... Our Qb play will place or fait!! the rest is falling into place... IMO


Skin 4 Life

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Originally posted by Skins_KDawg

Spurrier is NOT a bad coach, people...

Snyder and Cerrato are the ones sucking the life out of this team.

Give Spurrier a GM, and as for Spurrier's part, get rid of some assistant coaches...

More and more fans are saying this about Snyder and Cerrato, but no one says how. How exactly is Snyder killing the team? What has he done other than bring in talent that SOS says he needs. Please, somebody give me one concrete example of how Snyder is currently killing the Skins.

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In some aspects, he's a great owner. Willing to spend money, decent with fans, etc...

However... The first solid example is his refusal to hire a real GM. Cerrato is his *****, and through Cerrato he gets what he wants. We want to win games? Get Wolf. Will Snyder hire Wolf? Probably not, his Napoleon complex is so large he'd rather lose games in DC than hire a proven winner.

As for Cerrato, what's he done to make me think otherwise of him? Give me solid proof... Oh, you can't? Well, that's because there is none.

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I don't care how well Spurrier's system works if he continues in failing to motivate the troops. If he continues to be a ***** to all the players, I want him and his working system out of here. You need to have the players wanting to play in order for the system to work. Spurrier's system is useless right now.

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Originally posted by Skinster

Get off his Jock Strap PEOPLE..... Look back at some game film this system is working.... execution is were we fail!!! When i look at most of our game film i see players more often than not breaking open!!


Our offensive line has been playing LIGHTS OUT BETTER!!!

We have a Qb that was on the street and he looks damm good other than one game!!! But they say this system wont work!! LOL We need Ramsey to mature and lead us to the Playoffs!!

Ramsey's foot is healing and will be ready for camp!!


Spurrier is the real deal... Our Qb play will place or fait!! the rest is falling into place... IMO


Skin 4 Life

You are joking, right?

The only problem with this team is that the starting QB is out?

Other than that, everything is progressing nicely under Steve?

:rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:

You're killing me, man.

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Originally posted by ljer

Have you looked at the drafts the past few years??

Look at our defense at that should answer your question.

Well the FO picked Ramsey and Dockery which both turned out to be good picks IMO. They got Coles for a first, which was also a good move. If Betts had been as durable as he was in college he would have been a good pick. Somebody did some good homework on Rock. The only real wasted pick IMO was on Jacobs, and we know who wanted him.

The only real bad move that the FO has made this season, IMO, was not handling the DT situation last offseason. My only guess is that they thought that Big Daddy was a shoe in to renegotiate when they let Gardener go. Even with that, Snyder isn't the one going 3 and out over and over, exposing our weak line, b/c he doesn't understand ball control. The defense has created many turnovers, giving the offense excellent field position in nearly every game, but Steve is never able to capitalize. How is that on the FO? Anyone else?

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Does anyone else remember Snyder/Cerrato saying that when they hired Spurrier it was part of a three year plan?

Here is what I think a bit of that plan looked like:

Year one - Get a QB and coach in place

Year two - get some offensive weapons to surround the above

Year three - plug the holes on the defense

I would say year one was achieved.

I would say we have good wr's for year two. RB is still a question mark. OL is getting better and will be all back next year.

We are about to enter year three. The defense is going to be put together this offseason. It will start with a pass rusher or two. Maybe through the draft, maybe free agent.

You can't expect a three year plan to be completed in two years.

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I agree with GSF:D

The morale of the team lies solely on the Ball Coach. Also, the signing of free agents this year and the decision that Champ makes will somewhat tell the story.

How many players staying next year will let me know if the Ball Coach has any credibilty with his players.

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Year 1 almost nothing was achieved.

The starting quarterbacks, running backs, receivers and most of the OL was gone by the following offseason.

A load of players that Spurrier brought in and thought could play were busts and few contributed anything here.

How this team won 7 games last year was a miracle.

the one cog in the wheel last year was the presence of Lewis as the DC and with his departure you can see what Spurrier has done.

The defense is now as bad as the offense.

Where is the $5 million worth of value add that Spurrier supposedly brings to the table?

I think we could have a dozen other coaches in here to win 5 or 6 games.

What is so special about that?

How is this team supposed to turn a corner in 2004 when it can't even play games in its own division, now 2-9?

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We're fooling ourselves if we think that every position group on defense, except CB, doesnt need major overhauling. That's every position group including LB.

LA is the only keeper there. Trotter is pathetic. Armstead and Trotter are great making tackles 9 yards downfield on running plays. LA has serious holes in his game.

All of the DL has to be scrapped within 2 years.

Our safeties have to be the worst pair in the league. Name another team having worse safeties (or DL).

Our personnel is much different than last year. Wynn hasnt made a tackle since Clinton was President - he's OLD - and so is Bruce, Jesse, and Jeremiah.

Compare to Charles, Dexter and Wilbur.

Don't ask the coaches to work miracles with dogs**t.

You wanna know the difference between Gibbs and Norv/OBC?

Its the talent, stupid ...

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Hey Skipper, that 3 year plan seems to be going backwards if you ask me. We can definitely plug the holes on defense next year. But may I ask you what diffrence is it gonna make when the offense keeps sputtering and can't move the ball. Better yet! why can't the offense convert turn overs into points when the defense gives it to them.

My point is, you can boost up the defense next year, but it seems the offense can't seem to get off the ground after 2 years. Better Yet! it seems to be going backwards. Steve better start early, like the day after game 16 to start working on a plan for next year. A plan to help alter the offense to be productive. If not, those DL Snyder may bring in next year won't do the offense a damn bit of good.


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