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spurriers press confrence


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any coach that has taken his team to 9 losses in 11 games has to expect the same dumb questions from reporters, namely 'are you going to be back' and 'when is the team finally going to play well enough for 60 minutes', etc....... :)

Spurrier is for the first time in his career in a situation where he is not the master of his circumstances, and he is struggling to try and get his edge back.

The early swagger about winning the East because there are only 3 teams in the division, etc.......from 2002 has clearly given way to pessimism on his part.

And deservedly so.

Last year his offense stunk. The defense under Lewis was fairly good.

Now with Lewis gone, the defense and offense stink.

What has Spurrier touched that has turned to gold here?


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Spurrier needs to realize he brought all of this on himself...with his ****y attitude when he took this job...Snyder hasn't helped matters, but Spurrier is now everybody else's Vanderbilt...and we are supposed to have sympathy for the 5 million dollar man that cannot even get through a press conference.

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Brought what upon himself?

A Team that doesnt execute on both sides of the ball?

We ned fewer all pros and more hungry mid tier players that cant afford to quit

What is the point of asking every friggin day is he taking this job or that job??

He is going to come out with a game remaining and say yeah I'm gonna take the dolphins job and give up the remaining 15 million?

Me I'd say yeah five mins after I get off your momma

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Originally posted by ljer

This team didn't quit (ala Norv Turner teams).

This team isn't any good.

I'm not so sure Norv's teams ever actually quit. I remember the defense collapsing down the stretch on several occasions. But after all -- as bad as Norv was -- Norv did have 4 out of 7 winning seasons as our coach. Isn't that remarkable when you give it some thought? :laugh:

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A Team that doesnt execute on both sides of the ball?

And I suppose that the coaching has nothing to do with that? Give me a break. We have players that are considered talented on a league wide basis. Yet they play terribly. They are totally undisciplined. I would expect our coaches to force them to playe otherwise or at least sit them until they adjust their play accordingly.

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this team is dead in the water.

there is no energy, no momentum and little immediate hope.

most of the players would rather be elsewhere and Spurrier has the charisma value of Drew Carey.

those deep South 'aw shucks' comments from Spurrier look as out of place in DC as did that image of him dressed up like a penguin in NY a couple of weeks ago with layers upon layers of clothing on despite it being near 40 degrees.

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