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Offseason changes may, may not happen

Associated Press

ASHBURN, Va. -- Once again, Steve Spurrier revised his comments on the changes he'd like to make at the end of the season.

The Washington Redskins coach has made vague statements this week about the need to "restructure, reorganize, regroup" a team headed for a second straight losing record, and he's given his remarks a different spin each time.

On his radio show Monday, he mentioned those three Rs and wondered whether he needed to hire "fiery" assistants, prompting speculation he will make changes to his staff. On Wednesday, he swung the pendulum the other way, using the same three Rs while saying he "never mentioned anything about changing coaches."

On Thursday, he tried to steer the story back to middle ground.

"All I was trying to say is that if there are some changes, they'd have to occur after the season," Spurrier said. "I don't even really like to talk about that. When the season's over, whatever you have to do differently, that's when you do it, not during the season. That's what I was trying to say yesterday.

"And obviously everyone sees that something different has got to happen around here, so when that time occurs, we'll let all of you know."

When it was pointed out that words such as "restructure, reorganize, regroup" imply major changes, Spurrier said: "That's after the season. Let's try to finish with what we got and do the best we can."

Spurrier is 12-18 as he approaches the end of the second year of his five-year, $25 million contract. He has said he plans to return, and owner Dan Snyder said Spurrier will be back, but changes desired by either party could be a sticking point when they meet to review the season and plan for next year.

Spurrier has final say over his assistant coaches and could resist changes requested by Snyder. Conversely, Snyder has already let it be known he plans to keep the current front office structure, a pre-emptive rebuff if the coach lobbies for a change in the way players are evaluated or obtained.

The assistants most under fire are first-year defensive coordinator George Edwards and offensive line coach Kim Helton. Several other inexperienced assistants could come under scrutiny.

Asked about his assistants Thursday, Spurrier ended by poking fun at his own overanalyzed remarks.

"We'll announce that when the time comes -- if it does come," Spurrier said. "How's that for not saying anything?"

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