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Redskins' Bailey Supports Edwards

Corner Says Change Is Not Answer on Defense

By Mark Maske

Washington Post Staff Writer

Thursday, November 27, 2003; Page D01


Cornerback Champ Bailey, above, says retaining defensive coordinator George Edwards would influence his decision to stay with the Redskins.

Cornerback Champ Bailey said yesterday that his decision about whether to sign a long-term contract extension with the Washington Redskins will depend in part upon whether the club retains George Edwards as its defensive coordinator.

Bailey was one of several Redskins defensive players to voice support for Edwards, whose future has come under scrutiny because his defense ranks 26th in the league and has failed to hold late leads in each of the team's last two games. But Bailey's support perhaps carried the most weight because he is in the final year of his contract and is eligible for unrestricted free agency following the season.

"Everything that has gone on here will affect my decision," Bailey said. "If you ask me whether what happens with George Edwards will affect my decision, I think that would have more of an effect than anything. Next year would be my sixth year here if I'm here, and that would be my sixth defensive coordinator if we have a new one."

Bailey, a three-time Pro Bowl cornerback, rejected a nine-year, $55 million contract proposal by the Redskins just before the season. The club's offer included a tiered bonus of $14.75 million. The two sides broke off talks but said they would resume negotiations late in the season, and sources said the Redskins would use their franchise-player tag to limit Bailey's mobility on the free agent market if they're unable to complete a deal with him and agent Jack Reale.

"I'm just going to wait it out,'' Bailey said. "I'm just playing football and trying not to be too concerned with how it plays out. . . . I don't know [if Edwards will be back next season]. It's just a big question mark. I don't know whether they want me here or not. I don't know anything. That's probably the most frustrating thing of all, not knowing anything."

Bailey has played with shoulder and wrist injuries for much of the season but said he thinks he has maintained his usual effectiveness. "I feel like I've played very well," he said. "Of course injuries hurt me. I'm better now. I wouldn't say I'm all the way healthy. I've battled things. I try to take pride in just doing my job and not be concerned about my surroundings, especially the things I can't control."

Bailey has seemed increasingly disenchanted lately with the disintegration of another Redskins season, but he said yesterday he hopes the organization does not perform a major offseason overhaul.

"It's very disappointing," Bailey said. "I've been in this situation before, but it always feels like the toughest when you're going through it at the moment. . . . Every year, you expect a lot and put so much into it. If it doesn't work out, you get so frustrated and paranoid and feel like changes have to be made. But sometimes you've just got to be patient. . . . It's like this every year here. I love the fact that we're trying to get there. But sometimes you just have to stay on the course you're on because sometimes it takes time."

Keeping Edwards in place for a second season as the defensive coordinator would be a significant step toward stability, Bailey said. "I think everybody on the defense deserves to be criticized," he said. "It's not all him. We need to play better for him. It's his first year. He's not going to just pick it up and run with it. . . . I think we all still believe in this coaching staff. I know I do."

Said defensive end Renaldo Wynn: "From my standpoint, George has done an amazing job. We're behind him 100 percent as players. He's here till the wee hours of the night."

Coach Steve Spurrier defended his staff this week but said he would not discuss his plans for next season until after this season. The Redskins ranked fifth in the NFL in total defense last season under former coordinator Marvin Lewis, now the head coach of the Cincinnati Bengals, and have had a top 10 defense in each of the previous three seasons.

Edwards said yesterday the criticism he has received "goes with the territory." He said he has learned "a lot" in his first season as a coordinator about "dealing with adjustments, dealing with people, trying to put people in the right positions." He said he does not second-guess the way he approached the job and is not fretting about his status for next season.

Said Edwards: "It's always easy to look back and say, 'I wish I could have done this.' . . . Right now I'm focused on trying to get us ready to play."

Offensive coordinator Hue Jackson declined to comment on his interview for the head coaching job at Duke.

"It's always a compliment to any of our assistant coaches to have an opportunity to go interview to be a head coach at a major university. I encouraged him to go," Spurrier said. "That's a compliment, not a distraction. It means somebody thinks we have good coaches up here."

It marks the second straight year a Redskins assistant coach has interviewed for a college head coaching job during the team's season. Lewis nearly took the Michigan State job last year but decided to remain with the Redskins through the end of the season.

"Any time you lose, there's going to be talk of changes," said Redskins right tackle Jon Jansen. "These are all decisions that are made by the front office and Coach Spurrier. Those questions, I'm going to leave to them. . . . Hopefully we can make changes for the better and not make wholesale changes. I think we have a good chance to be a good team."

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"If you ask me whether what happens with George Edwards will affect my decision, I think that would have more of an effect than anything. Next year would be my sixth year here if I'm here, and that would be my sixth defensive coordinator if we have a new one." - CHAMP BAILEY

My question: is he trying to threaten the organization of his possible departure by saying this? Cuz if he is, I hope that the FO ain't starting to panic. Champ proved over the last two weeks with his poor play in "clutch" situations that he ain't near worth the amount of money he's commanding. Good corner? Yes. Best in the League? No. Disappointed if he leaves and we get a 1st round draft pick for him? Hell no.

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Actually, I'd say for once I liked what I heard from Bailey regarding Edwards, Sanz the "if he goes, I go" part. Bailey is right that, Snyder needs to realize that a new coordinator/coach is not the answer on a YEARLY BASIS. Bringing in a new D-coordinator, when it already looks like we will have new coaches in other spots, could be a disaster. The Coaching STAFF as well as the head coach himself, need stability and need time to work their "magic" into the team. They said Marvin Lewis's D took 3 years to learn in Baltimore, well considering Edwards is an extension of Marvin Lewis somewhat, why not wait till after that 3rd year.

Oh and about Champ, it's called FRANCHISE TAG, buddy.

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So, what's Champ really saying? He'll stay if Edwards stays? For continuity's sake?? I mean come on Champ. Think it out. If Edwards goes then you'll have another DC to play for. If you leave, then you'll STILL have another DC to play for. You get no continuity unless you BOTH stay. So, I guess it all comes down to which do you want more? Continuity or the all mighty dollar?

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George Edwards was retained for a couple of reasons as I recall:

1) The players asked for him and

2) Continuity would not be seriously endangered because Edwards would basically run Lewis's defense with some slight adjustments to "free up" certain players.

Dropping from 5th to 26th and seeing the "results" of those minor adjustments is enough for me to say that Edwards should go in favor of an experienced NFL defensive coordinator. If Champ bases his decision to leave on a coaching change, he's a bonehead. Frankly, one of Snyder's biggest problems has been listening to players and/or inexperienced advisors instead of solid football men.

The case for keeping the staff in place would make more sense if we saw some progression or advancement or even if the staff had proven, experienced NFL resumes. We aren't seeing any improvement and much of our coaching staff are rookies or near rookies.

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I think I agree with Champ ....I seriously don't think to many D-Cords would be able to do much better with the personell we have at this current moment .....

Give the guy a couple more D-linemen , and i think the Skins might have us a winner ....One more year intact for the coaching staff , and then we'll see where we are at ....IMO


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Originally posted by baralufficus

I think I agree with Champ ....I seriously don't think to many D-Cords would be able to do much better with the personell we have at this current moment .....

Give the guy a couple more D-linemen , and i think the Skins might have us a winner ....One more year intact for the coaching staff , and then we'll see where we are at ....IMO


Where have you been this year? I haven't seen you at McGees.

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Originally posted by jbooma

I don't think just Champ will leave, watch Lavar and some others leave as well. Every year they have had a new DC and they are sick of it.

And they should be. It must be extremely frustrating not being able to build on what you learned last season and your assignments, or how to play with your teammates better. When every season you have to learn a whole new defensive philosophy and have new teammates to get used to. Just like learning a playbook, learning to play around your teammates is just as time consuming. Players need to learn each other's tendencies, subtle things like this take more than one season to develop.

This is why I hope Snyder doesn't overhaul the coaching staff, offense and defense. All we need is a new OL coach, starting TE, possibly a RB, another DT or DE and leave everything else alone. We haven't seen consistent good play in other positions, yet we've seen those players play alot better in those positions as well. So much of this game is mental, I'm thinking their bad play has more to do with frustration than anything.

Champ has every right to feel the way he does, losing Edwards would mean starting all over again. Think about it, every year he's spent in this league he's had to deal with a new DC. He has every right to be fed up with the instability in this organization.

Furthermore, Edwards is in his first season ever being a defensive coordinator. Marvin Lewis bombed in his first season too, was he not capable of getting job done because of that? Some patience needs to be enforced around here. Give Edwards two more seasons.

Also, someone said Champ would have to deal with a new coordinator anyway if he left for another team. Well, this is true. Yet he'll also have a whole unit full of teammates who already know the system and will help him along. Instead of a whole unit of players who are in the same boat he's in, just trying to figure it out.

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