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NYT: Before Driver’s Times Square Crash, a Descent Into Paranoia and Harassment


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NYT: Before Driver’s Times Square Crash, a Descent Into Paranoia and Harassment

His mind was clouded with conspiracy theories. His dreams of opening his own clothing business had wilted. He lashed out at friends who challenged him; some thought his grasp of reality had slipped and that he needed psychiatric help.

During a string of arrests in recent years, Mr. Rojas once threatened to kill police officers, and last week he accused a notary of trying to steal his identity and grabbed his neck, the authorities said. But through it all, friends said, he never sought or received help, instead burrowing deeper into his paranoia and drinking or smoking marijuana.



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36 minutes ago, Riggo-toni said:


Just imagine if his name had been Achmed or Suleiman, how different the reaction would be to his insanity.


Still saw **** on Twitter yesterday before he was ID'd from from Trumptards about "let's predict his religion!" 


Damn went to find an example and they're still up to it even now. Go through this thread only if you want to hate people and lose faith in America



****ing people man.


Btw that tweet, the one that started the thread, was retweeted by Michael Flynn Jr. That's how I came across it. 


Edit: if that tweet embed isn't loading...



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I'm actually surprised this doesnt happen more often.  Evildoers are out here trying to come up with these elaborate plots for maximum destruction, just hop in a car and plow into a crowd of people.


Did y'all see the video though?  

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2 hours ago, Riggo-toni said:


Just imagine if his name had been Achmed or Suleiman, how different the reaction would be to his insanity.


Don't really have to imagine it, half of that comments section is convinced he is a Muslim terrorist and the media is falsely reporting he's not.



IMO, cash of severe road rage. Someone kind of cut him off before he kirked out and plowed through everyone. 

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